Death Cases

  • Ms. Li Dongqing Tortured to Death after Many Years of Incarceration for Practising Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Dongqing died aged 49 in early 2011. Ms. Li had just finished eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong when her family succumbed to police threats and helped send her to Shenyang City Psychiatric Hospital. During 30 days of incarceration in the hospital, Ms. Li was injected with unknown drugs which caused her body to turn dark and the veins in her legs to bulge and turn dark. It took a severe toll on her physical and mental health and she collapsed mentally.
  • Inquiry into Those Responsible for 55-Year-Old Ms. Wang Chunxiang's Death

    Fifty-five-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Chunxiang from Dandong City, Liaoning Province, was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment in 2006. She was detained in the No. 9 Ward of Liaoning Province Prison and died as a result of torture in custody on September 25th, 2011. From arrest, detention, and sentencing to forced labour, Ms. Wang was persecuted every step of the way. Everyone who took part in persecuting her contributed to her death, and is a culprit who should bear responsibility.
  • Forced Labour and Violent Abuse in the No. 9 Ward of Liaoning Province Women's Prison

    Sixty-year-old Ms. Ding Zhenfang was imprisoned in the No. 9 Ward of Liaoning Province Women's Prison for the second time in 2008. On August 1st, Ms. Ding was tortured to death for refusing to do hard labour and to be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. Guards instigated criminal inmates to beat and torture her. According to the people who knew the situation, she was tortured to death when she was on a hunger strike.
  • Wife Died as a Result of Persecution; Husband and His Daughter Arrested Again

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Qingsheng was arrested with his daughter, Zhang Hui, on October 18th. We have learned that Mr. Zhang is currently being held in the Harbin City Police Department's Division No.7; his daughter's whereabouts are unknown. Mr. Zhang's wife, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Yuhua, died as a result of being persecuted by the Hulan County police in 2004.
  • The Persecution of Qu Lianxi and His Family Over the Past Twelve Years

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qu Lianxi was imprisoned and brutally persecuted for 10 years, after being arrested on August 29th, 2001. He was released on August 28th, 2011, but his previously happy family had already been torn apart due to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. During Qu Lianxi’s imprisonment, his wife Shi Guifen was arrested and detained five times, and also sent to a forced labour camp. His second oldest sister Qu Ping was arrested and detained six times, and sadly, in 2008, Qu Ping died due to the long term persecution.
  • Mr. Tong Dingqing from Loudi in Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Tong Dingqing was a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official until he was dismissed from his job for practising Falun Gong. In June 2005, police broke into his home and ransacked it. He was then taken to Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Changsha to serve a ten-month term, where he was tortured and injected with unknown drugs. The repeated arrests and harassment from authorities took a severe toll on Mr. Tong and family. He became completely paralysed in 2009, and his wife Wan Dong'e died of bone marrow cancer in September 2010. Mr Tong remained bedridden until he passed away in September 2011, when he was in his fifties.
  • Qingdao City Retired Physician Was Chased, Fell from the Top Floor and Died

    On October 7th, Ms. Zhang Jinghua, a retired physician, was intimidated and chased by two people for speaking with people about Falun Gong. Ms. Zhang ran to the fourth floor of a building. It was alleged that Ms. Zhang fell from the top floor while trying to avoid being seized. Ms. Zhang's family received a phone call from the hospital. When they got to the hospital, she was at death's door. At a little past 9:00 p.m. that night, she passed away. Her family couldn't believe this sudden and horrible turn of events.
  • Mr. Sun Changjun, Imprisoned Nine Years for Intercepting Cable TV Broadcasts, In Need of Immediate Aid (Part 2)

    Mr. Sun Changjun has endured many types of torture, including the Tiger Bench, electric shocks, fractured ribs and more. The long periods of torture have taken a severe toll on his health. He suffers from tuberculosis, pleural cavities as a result of his late-term tuberculosis, tuberculous peritonitis, pleural effusion and ascites (accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling). Authorities have refused to allow his release on bail for medical attention even though he is in immediate need of medical help. We implore the people of the world to speak up and be heard so that Mr. Sun Changjun can be immediately released from prison.
  • From Human Rights in China Biweekly: The Protracted and Terrifying Persecution -- On Brainwashing Centres for Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners

    On August 2nd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yuan Pingjun was arrested by police and taken to a brainwashing session. On August 11th, Ms. Yuan's husband, Zhang Yundong, was notified that Ms. Yuan had died in the session that day. Mr. Zhang went to the detention centre. He saw his wife on the ground, dead, with an egg-sized hole in the back of her head that was still bleeding. First, the brainwashing session people told Mr. Zhang that Ms. Yuan fell from the fifth floor. Then they revised their statement and said that Ms. Yuan committed suicide. How did Ms. Yuan really die? The government is purposely blocking the truth.
  • Summary of Abuses in Recent Years at the Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labour Camp

    Since the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, numerous practitioners have been tortured, disabled, and lost their lives in Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labour Camp. In particular, after preparations for the Beijing Olympics began in 2008, more than 100 practitioners were sent to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp. From 2000 to 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Baohua was imprisoned four times, totalling more than seven years. Ms. Zheng was released from the Tangshan Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in November 2009, because she had late-stage tuberculosis. She died on April 18th, 2011, at the age of 32.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yu Zhenjie, 54, from Inner Mongolia Died as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Zhenjie was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) numerous times. As a result, she died on September 7th. Ms. Yu refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong. She was arrested and sentenced twice and spent a total of seven years in the Zhalantun Detention Centre and Hohhot Woman's Prison. In prison she was brutally tortured until she was in critical condition and diagnosed with cervical cancer and Hepatitis C. In order to free themselves from responsibility, the prison authorities released her to seek medical care. After she was released, the police from National Security Team from Zhalantun still harassed her at home, and her condition worsened. She passed away in great mental and physical agony.
  • Brutal Persecution Suffered by Female Falun Gong Practitioners in China – Part 1

    During eight years of the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Wang Yuhuan was arrested and detained more than ten times. On one occasion, she endured the torture method of tiger bench for three days and two nights until the bones in her ankles were exposed from the constant grinding of the shackles, and the tendons in her arms were torn from the repeated beatings by the guards. Ms. Wang's face was charred from the constant shocking of electric batons. Her eyeballs were burnt with cigarettes, and her eardrums were punctured with bamboo toothpicks. Her body was completely covered with bloody lacerations. She was stripped naked and tied down on wooden boards with her limbs spread out for 26 days, suffering insult and humiliation by guards, prison doctors, and male inmates. Ms. Wang passed away on September 24th, 2007 as a result of torture.
  • Ms. Wang Chunxiang, 55, Tortured to Death in Liaoning Province Women's Prison

    Dandong City practitioner Ms. Wang Chunxiang was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2006, and incarcerated in Liaoning Province Women's Prison. She died in prison on September 25th. A division head, Wu, called Ms. Wang's family on September 25th, saying, “Wang Chunxiang is having a heart attack. She is getting emergency treatment now.” Half an hour later, Wu called again, “The effort to revive Wang Chunxiang was futile. She died.” In the winter of 2007, a prison guard ordered inmates to whack Ms. Wang on the head with the soles of their boots and kick her in the genitals because she wouldn't give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was also locked in an icy warehouse where she was further tortured. Her illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure recurred and she never recovered after that.
  • Store Owner Arrested, Wife Died of Torture

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qin Laosi was arrested at home on September 15th. The police sent him to the Xingtai Brainwashing Centre. His three children were left attended. Their mother died last year as a result of torture in a brainwashing centre. Police went to Mr. Qin’s home on July 12th, attempting to arrest him. After he escaped, Wang took Mr. Qin's teenage son as a hostage. His family was forced to pay 2,000 yuan to get the son back.
  • Former Head Nurse Ms. Wang Mingrong Dies in Less Than Ten Days at the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre in Chengdu, Sichuan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Mingrong was arrested and taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre around September 7th. (To disguise its true function to the outside world, the brainwashing centre is officially called the “Chengdu City Law Education Centre.”) Ms. Wang died of severe physical abuse and mistreatment around September 17th, less than ten days after being incarcerated. According to a witness, she was subjected to beatings and her body was covered in bruises. A funeral was held on September 22nd, and her remains were cremated on September 23rd.