Death Cases
Rushed to the Hospital from a Detention Centre, Ms. Yu Changli Died and Ms. Yang Shumei Was in a Coma
2011-05-19On May 2nd, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Yu Changli and Ms. Yang Shumei, both detained in the Nongan County Detention Centre, were rushed to hospital. Ms. Yu Changli passed away that same day. She was only 44 years old. Ms. Yang Shumei was in a coma and was closely watched by several policemen. When Ms. Yang's family went to see her on April 11th she looked frail. Her hands were purple and her feet were chained with ten kilos of iron shackles. She hardly had strength to talk. They tied her to a bed and injected her with drugs six times a day.
Additional Information on the Persecution of Mr. Zhao Xudong and His Family
2011-05-19Mr. Zhao Xudong's entire family has been persecuted over the past 12 years by police for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Zhao died during a brutal forced-feeding session on February 5th, 2004 at the Lanzhou City Detention Centre. He was 36. His wife, Li Hongping, was arrested when handing out Falun Gong materials in 2000. In detention the division head slapped her face and put her in a pair of 15 kg shackles and bound her hands with two metal rings. During forced-feeding the guards could not get the plastic tube into her nose, so they shoved it into her mouth and purposely stirred it around in her throat and stomach, causing her to scream and writhe in agony.
As Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yuan Shumei Lay Dying, Prison Guards Tried to Force Her to Sign a Guarantee Statement to Give up Her Belief
2011-05-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yuan Shumei was incarcerated in Inner Mongolia No.1 Women's Prison in Hohhot in October 2001. Ms. Yuan was the first practitioner to be taken to Inner Mongolia No.1 Women's Prison. At that time the guards were very upset and everyone, from the head guard to the lowest ranking guards, monitored her. They ordered all the criminal inmates, including the head inmates and those eager to earn credit rewards, to monitor and persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Due to long-term mental persecution and high intensity work, Ms. Yuan developed stroke symptoms. The guards attempted to force her to sign a guarantee statement not to practise Falun Gong. She was tortured to death in early February 2003.
The Suffering of Mr. Qin Yueming and Others in Yichun City
2011-05-19Mr. Qin Yueming was tortured to death in the Jiamusi City Prison on February 26th, 2011. On October 18th, 1999, Mr. Qin Yueming and other practitioners went to the district government to speak up for Falun Gong and were arrested by police and sentenced to forced labour. The torture methods used by the Yichun Forced Labour Camp staff included forcing practitioners to stand up for extended periods of time, beatings, repeated suffocating with a plastic bag over the head, and hanging practitioners up by their handcuffs. Mr. Qin was often beaten and was tortured with “tying the ropes” 12 times. Mr. Qin was later sentenced to 10 years in Jiamusi City Prison.
Ms. Li Songfang Passes Away After Release from Prison in Critical Condition
2011-05-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Songfang was subjected to abuse at the Conghua Prison for Women in Guangdong until she was dying from late stage uterine cancer, renal failure, and gastrorrhagia (haemorrhage from the stomach). The prison notified Ms. Li's family to come and take her home on March 18th, 2011. She passed away on May 3rd. Shortly after the Chinese New Year in February, 2008, Ms. Li Songfang was arrested by the local police and her home was ransacked. The police confiscated some Falun Gong informational materials and over 200 yuan in cash. After three years of abuse and forced brainwashing at the prison, Ms. Li was dying.
Ms. Li Fengxia Dies in Custody After Hiring a Lawyer for Her Brother, Tried for Practising Falun Gong
2011-05-15On April 28th, 2011, police went to see the school principal of Middle School No. 6 at Jiagedaqi City, Heilongjiang Province. They announced the school's teacher, Ms. Li Fengxia, had died from a “stroke” at noon on that day. Ms. Li Fengxia's brother, Mr. Li Fengfei, was arrested and brutally tortured in March 2010 yet the police found no evidence of criminal activity or of Mr. Li's involvement in Falun Gong. Ms. Li hired a lawyer from Beijing to defend her brother and she was arrested in August 2010 and held until her death in custody.
Mr. Xie Wutang Dies after Ten Years of Persecution
2011-05-13Mr. Xie Wutang, 71, was a Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Changsha City, Hunan Province. He was detained and tortured in Wuling Prison. During this time Mr. Xie was unable to practise the Falun Gong exercises, and his health deteriorated considerably. Despite this, prison officials did not release Mr. Xie until he was in critical condition. Once he was released in March 2010, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The cancer spread throughout his body. The doctors said it was too late for surgery. He died on April 12th, 2011.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials Cover Up the Truth about Mr. Hou Yanshuang's Death
2011-05-12Since Mr. Hou Yanshuang's death was reported outside of China, Shenyang First Prison officials have been afraid their outrageous actions would be exposed. Higher levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also panicked. They did not check who was in charge of the case, whether the prison broke the law, or whether Mr. Hou's family was given an explanation. Their only concern was how the news of Mr. Hou's death got out of China. Mr. Hou Yanshuang was detained and persecuted in the Shenyang First Prison. As a result of persecution, he suffered many severe illnesses and passed away on April 3rd, 2011.
Family from Yichun, Heilongjiang Province Suffers Brutal Persecution
2011-05-10After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, officials targeted Qin Yueming's family. First, Mr. Qin was given a three-year forced labour camp sentence. Not long after his release, he was sentenced to an additional ten years. On February 26th, 2011, he was persecuted to death in Jiamusi Prison. His wife, Wang Xiuqing, was detained five times; three of which resulted in forced labour camp sentences, and one of which led to being taken to a brainwashing centre.
Over 40 Falun Gong Practitioners Still Detained at Hohhot City Women's Prison
2011-05-09Ms. Yuan Shumei was the first Falun Gong practitioner to be detained and persecuted in the Hohhot City Women's Prison in Inner Mongolia back in 2001. Since then, Chinese Communist Party officials have continued to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in the prison. Ms. Yuan Shumei was subjected to physical abuse and mistreatment from prison officials and criminal detainees. She died as a result of the persecution in prison.
Ms. Zhao Lianmin Brutally Beaten to Point of Mental Disorder Before Her Death
2011-05-08Ms. Zhao Lianmin died as a result of being persecuted for her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Zhao is the fourth Falun Gong practitioner to be persecuted to death in Laishui Township, Hebei Province. In 2003, Ms. Zhao was held in the Laishui County Detention Centre, where she was violently tortured. The guards took her to the courtyard and severely beat her, and her constant screams could be heard from inside the walls. Ms. Zhao developed a mental disorder from the abuse. When she was taken home, her eyes were dull and her body was deformed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened her family and ordered them not to help her to do the exercises or study Falun Gong teachings.
Imprisoned for More than Seven of the Last Ten Years, Ms. Zheng Baohua Dies at Age 32
2011-05-07Ms. Zheng Baohua was a Falun Gong practitioner from Renqiu City, Hebei Province. From 2000 to 2009, she was imprisoned four times and the length of her imprisonment totalled more than seven years. In 2008 Ms. Zheng was arrested for telling others about Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in the Tangshan Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp, where she was abused. The guards beat her, poured cold water over her, shocked her using electric batons, deprived her of sleep and toilet use, and subjected her to brutal forced-feeding when she went on hunger strike to protest the torture Ms. Zheng was released in November 2009, because she had late-stage tuberculosis. She died on April 18th, at the age of 32.
Ms. Bi's Family Torn Apart by Persecution
2011-05-05When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Bi was arrested in June 2002 while she was on the way to her mother's home. She was sent to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City two months later. Her husband Mr. Zheng, also a practitioner, then had to take care of his 80-year-old mother and 12-year-old daughter by himself. When Ms. Bi was sentenced, Mr. Zheng's health started to deteriorate and he felt a tremendous pressure in his head. He couldn't see properly to read and had trouble using his limbs. He passed away in April 2004.
Persecution Suffered by Physicians Who Believe in Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance
2011-05-03Dr. Shen Yueping was a physician at Yuxi Women and Children's Hospital. In October of 2000, Dr. Shen went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She was sentenced to three years at a forced labour camp. She was later sentenced to five years in prison, and spent three years of the term in a small cell in Yunnan Women's Second Prison. During that time, she was not allowed to shower or change her clothes. She had no freedom and was told when to stand, sit, or think. She could be beaten and stabbed with needles at any time. Sometimes even her food was mixed with drugs that could damage her nervous system. In May 2009, Dr. Shen's family received a “release for medical treatment” notice. By that time, her lungs were already severely perforated and she was dying. Dr. Shen passed away on July 16th, 2009. She was only forty-nine years old.
Cases of Sleep Deprivation Being Used as a Means of Persecuting Falun Gong (Part 2)
2011-05-03Ms. Liu Deqing, in her 60s, a doctor at the Hailun Health Hospital, Heilongjiang, was persecuted in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison. She recalled, “The guards did not let me sleep for more than ten days. If I tried to sleep, they would use a toothpick and stab me, or beat me with a stick or brush, and they grabbed my hair and smash me up against a wall. I was also kicked and refused use the toilet. If I urinated on the floor, I had to use a cloth to wipe it up.”