Death Cases

  • Senior Engineer Mr. Liu Guangdi Persecuted to Death

    Mr. Liu Guangdi, in his sixties, from Sichuan Province, was arrested in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after someone reported him to the authorities while he was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. He was later sentenced to one year of forced labour where he suffered unspeakable torture, including being force-fed several unknown drugs. As a result, he passed away on September 25th, 2010.
  • Ms. Lin Jianhua Dies after Being Repeatedly Harassed

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lin Jianhua had been repeatedly harassed for her belief by the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and was held twice at the Hewan Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Lin was tortured in the camp. Guards forced her to stand seven days without moving. Blood dripped down her legs to the ground. They did not allow her to wash. Her feet swelled. The guards ordered unknown drugs put into her drinking water. Her tongue felt numb after drinking. She died at the age of 46 on May 23rd, 2010.
  • Details of 72-Year-Old Ms. Cheng Ke's Death Due to Persecution

    Ms. Cheng Ke died after being force-fed in the Hexi District Public Security Bureau Detention Centre in 2004. A witness recounts: "Guards force-fed Ms. Cheng and brought her to our cell. She asked many times, in a weak voice, 'I am thirsty, I need water.' Nobody dared to give her water, fearing retaliation from the guards. At around noon, we were told that Ms. Cheng had died. The next day, guard Zhang called together the inmates and warned them, 'You will say that she died of a heart attack; not one of you will say what happened. If you do, you can forget about going home.'"
  • Retired Teacher from Jimo City Persecuted to Death

    Mr. Shao Lirong, 69, a retired teacher, died at age 69 on September 19th, 2010 due to the long-term persecution of Falun Gong conducted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On September 13th, 2006, Mr. Shao was arrested and taken to the Chaohai Police Station in Jimo while he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Officers bound his feet and hands and beat him so violently that he lost consciousness. Upon waking up, he vomited blood and was forced to drink washing water. He was sentenced to three years in prison and held in Jinan Prison, Shandong Province. Upon his return, repeatedly harassed him and forced him to write a guarantee statement to give up the Falun Gong exercises.
  • Details of the Persecution Ms. Zhang Guiqin from Qiqihar City Was Subjected to Before Her Death

    As a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal persecution of practitioners, Ms. Zhang Guiqin was subjected to numerous detentions, abuse, and torture. She died as a result of persecution on December 4th, 2006. Previously in detention, police tortured Ms. Zhang by pouring soapy water into her eyes. Two of them used extreme force to bend her backwards over a bench. They finally handcuffed her behind her back and hung her up. Another time Ms. Zhang was made to sit on a metal chair with her hands cuffed and feet shackled for seven days.
  • More Information About the Deaths of Mr. Zhou Zuofu and His Son

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Zuofu was arrested eight times by police. He was detained, subjected to brainwashing, and sentenced to forced labour. He was severely tortured at Majialong Forced Labour Camp. They eventually mixed drugs into his food that led to his mental collapse. His weight dropped from about 150 pounds to 90 pounds. He passed away on March 6th, 2007. Mr. Zhou Zuofu's son, Mr. Zhou Zhibin, was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour for practising Falun Gong. He was tortured and mistreated for a long period of time, which severely damaged his health. He fell ill and died on May 14th, 2005. He was only 31 years old.
  • Mr. Zhang Qingjun, 61, Tortured to Death at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Qingjun was subjected to one year of forced labour at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp on October 22nd. Eight days later, Mr. Zhang's family received a phone call from the labour camp informing them that Mr. Zhang had died from a heart attack. Previously, on September 10th Mr. Zhang and his wife were arrested and taken to a brainwashing facility. Dozens of agents from Tumen City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) unsuccessfully attempted to force Mr. Zhang to give up his belief. Ten days later they took Mr. Zhang to the Anshan Detention Centre. Then later transferred him to Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp.
  • Senior Engineer Dies After Nine Years of Persecution

    On January 13th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Li Jiagong died after nine years of continuous harassment and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2001, Li Jiagong was arrested for mailing information about Falun Gong. He was taken to a police station, handcuffed to a chair and deprived of sleep for over a week. He developed a serious cough and a hernia. In 2003, his son was given an 11-year prison term for practising Falun Gong. Li Jiagong suffered a lot as he missed his son and worried about his physical well-being. Police often harassed Li at home. Li struggled under this oppressive atmosphere until he eventually became very sick and died on January 13th, 2009.
  • Ms. Hu Yunhuai of Xichang, Sichuan Province Dies in Tuohuang Prison

    Practitioner Ms. Hu Yunhuai, 54, was in good health when she was arrested on May 7th, 2010. The officers seized the computer and printer she used for her tailoring business, saying that they found the words "" (Chinese version of the Falun Gong website on her computer. Her health declined as a result of persecution and she was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Five months later on October 23rd, 2010, she died in the Tuohuang Prison in Xichang, Sichuan Province.
  • Ms. Qiao Shuqin from Jilin City, Jilin Province Died as a Result of Long-Term Persecution

    Ms. Qiao Shuqin, 60, died on May 16th, 2010, after suffering 11 years of intense persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for her belief in Falun Gong. Prior to her death, Ms. Qiao had been subjected to harassment, and multiple arrests and detentions. She was also forced to leave her home and go into hiding. Ms. Qiao's two daughters have also suffered persecution at the hands of the CCP. Her oldest daughter was detained in a forced labour camp for three years for practising Falun Gong, and her youngest daughter was sentenced to five years in prison for practising Falun Gong and is currently incarcerated in Jilin Women's Prison.
  • Mr. Zhu Wenhua Beaten to Death During Detention in Gangbei Prison in Tianjin City

    At midnight on July 21st, 2010, the family of Mr. Zhu Wenhua received a call from Gangbei Prison of Tianjin City, Hebei Province saying that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu had died from a heart attack during his detention in the prison. However, he died after he was brutally beaten by prison guards and inmates. The perpetrators kept torturing Mr. Zhu for more than 6 hours from the afternoon till night. He died from the brutal beating, with his eyes wide open. The prison guards and inmates on the spot were frightened. They covered his body with a bed sheet and sent him to a hospital in haste.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Liu Shuling Shocked to Death with Electric Batons in the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre

    On July 3rd Ms. Liu Shuling was tortured to death in the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. According to informed sources, a dozen or so practitioners were tortured by being hung up, then forced to sit in an iron chair, in an attempt to coerce them to write the so-called "five papers" (conversion paper, separation paper, repentance paper, exposing paper, and pledging paper) to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Liu remained steadfast in her belief and refused to write anything. The police tied her to a chair and shocked her with electric batons until she died.
  • Husband Sent to Forced Labour Camp Three Times--Wife Repeatedly Tortured

    Ms. Guo Yujun and her husband Mr. Liu Changping both practise Falun Gong and no longer have illnesses. They lived a happy life. However, during the past ten years of persecution, Mr. Liu Changping was sentenced to forced labour three times and was brutally tortured. Ms. Guo Yujun has been detained in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp twice. During her detention in the police stations, detention centres, and labour camps, she was shocked with electric batons and brutally forced-fed. She was at times on the verge of death.
  • Mr. Gao Youhai and Wife from Shouguang, Shandong Province Die as a Result of Prolonged Persecution

    Mr. Gao Youhai and his wife, Ms. Sun Lianzhen, both practised Falun Gong. Communist party officials sentenced Mr. Gao to three years of forced labour for persisiting in the practice in 2001. At the Cangle Men's Forced Labour Camp, guards ordered criminal inmates, to take turns brutally beating Mr. Gao. He became mentally disoriented due to the torture. After Mr. Gao returned home, police went to Mr. Gao's home every few days to continually threaten him. The continuous harassment and financial strain resulting from the persecution completely wore out Mr. Gao's wife. She passed away on March 26th, 2008. On May 18th of the same year, Mr. Gao Youhai, 50, also passed away.
  • Another Falun Gong Practitioner Cited in Gao Zhisheng Letter is Tortured to Death

    Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 53, died on October 10th, 2010. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Sun had been arrested, detained, sentenced to forced labour, and tortured multiple times. She recounts her experience in detention: "One officer slapped me and asked which fellow practitioners I knew. I said I did not know any. He then used an electric baton to shock me deep in between my lower ribs. Seeing that I still did not give out information about my fellow practitioners, the officers targeted my eyes with the electric baton. I felt as if my eyes were about to fall out." Ms. Sun was cited as a torture victim by prominent attorney Gao Zhisheng in an open letter to top Chinese officials Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on December 12th, 2005.