Death Cases

  • Mr. Chen Xiangrui's Organs Suspected to be Stolen after Being Beaten to Death

    On March 11th , 2003, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Xiangrui's home and took him to Hengyang Police Department Domestic Security Division. The police interrogated and brutally tortured him over the night. Mr. Chen died from torture the next day. The police decided to do an autopsy to indicate that the police were not responsible for his death. Autopsies are usually performed by two or three coroners. However on the evening of March 12th , the police asked nine coroners to conduct Mr. Chen's autopsy and examination. Even though there weren't any mortal wounds on the body, the coroners claimed that not a single organ was good after the autopsy. Were they all damaged from the torture? Or were they stolen?
  • Ms. Guo Feng Persecuted in Dabei Women’s Prison; Father Dies of Grief

    Ms. Guo Feng, 30, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. Between February and March 2009, she was tracked by the communist regime's Internet police and subsequently arrested. The authorities held a secret trial and gave her three years of imprisonment without following any legal procedures. In late September 2009, Ms. Guo was sent to the Dabei Women’s Prison in Shenyang City. After Ms. Guo's arrest, her parents both became very ill from the stress of the persecution. Soon after Ms. Guo was sent to the prison, her grieving father passed away.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Du Juan Dies after Being Persecuted in Beijing Women's Prison; Officials Refused to Release Her for Medical Treatment

    Mr. Du Juan developed cancer while being persecuted at the Beijing Women's Prison. It quickly advanced into late-stage cancer and she was in critical condition. Her family requested she be released on medical parole many times. Prison authorities refused to release her using various excuses. Ms. Du died in a hospital near the prison on the afternoon of June 14th. She has left behind her mentally retarded son and her nearly 90-year-old father.
  • Three Years after Mr. Li Zhiqing's Death, Those Responsible Remain Unpunished

    Those who knew Li Zhiqing say that he had a very kind heart, always volunteered to help others, and never asked for anything in return. Yet he was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police, and by the next morning, he had been tortured to death. To this day, those responsible have not been held accountable. During the past three years, Mr. Li's family made several inquiries about this. The police department not only refused to compensate them for his death, but even threatened that they would arrest the whole family if they continued to report this to the upper levels of government.
  • Mr. Liu Yiming Dies as a Result of the Persecution in Sichuan Province

    Before he started to practise Falun Gong, Mr. Liu Yiming used to have all sorts of diseases. After practising for one year, his mental and physical health improved greatly and all of his illnesses disappeared. On March 20th, 2005, Mr. Liu rode his bike to the countryside of Pengzhou City to pass out flyers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. However, he was reported to the police and subsequently arrested. Mr. Liu was detained in the Chengdu City Detention Centre. After he was released four months later, people could hardly recognise him. He used to be so energetic, but now he walked like an old man. Fellow practitioners asked him what kinds of torture methods were used on him, but he did not answer. On February 21st, 2011, Mr. Liu died.
  • Older Practitioner Mr. Sun Xianming from Jilin Province Died As a Result of Physical Abuse and Torture During Two Forced Labour Terms

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Xianming, 59, from Tonghua City, Jilin Province, was subjected to two forced labour terms. He was bedridden, and his weight dropped to merely 30 kg as a result of severe physical abuse and torture while he was incarcerated in the labour camp. After he was last released, he had lived away from home to avoid being harassed by local 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and died in another city on April 30th, 2011.
  • Chen Xiangrui Beaten to Death by Police, Organ Theft Suspected

    On March 11th, 2003, police broke down the door and swarmed into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Xiangrui's home. They punched and kicked Mr. Chen,dragged him outside and threatened to beat him to death. Then they forced him into their van, shoving him face down under the seat with one officer stepping on his body. Dozens of people witnessed this incident, as the policemen were very loud and caused a big disturbance. Police hung Mr. Chen up and assaulted him with electric batons, a hammer, and a rubber club. The officers interrogated and brutally tortured him all through the night. As his condition was critical, the police sent him to the hospital. Mr. Chen died on March 12th.
  • Older Practitioner Mr. Guan Zhenyuan Dies as a Result of Torture in Gansu Province Prison

    Mr. Guan Zhenyuan was arrested multiple times, his home was ransacked, and he was detained and extorted of money after the persecution of Falun Gong began, all because he upheld his belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. He was sent to one year of forced labour in 2001 and had to leave home in 2002 to avoid being arrested again after distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Police arrested him again in 2003 in Jinchang City, Gansu Province, and sentenced him to eight years in prison. Mr. Guan's health was severely damaged to the extent that he could not take care of himself. Prison authorities released him but he could not eat. He always vomited after a meal, and was as thin as a skeleton. He died on June 2nd.
  • Older Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Yuqin Died in 2003 as a Result of Persecution in Inner Mongolia Eight Years Ago

    Practitioner Ms. Wu Yuqin died as a result of persecution by the State Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Xilinhaote City. Because of Ms. Wu Yuqin's faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was secretly arrested and held at the Xilinhot City Public Security Bureau building on December 23rd, 2003. On December 24th, Ms. Wu Yuqin's corpse was thrown from the Xilinhot City Public Security Bureau building and left there. There is an ongoing investigation on how and what kinds of torture Ms. Wu Yuqin endured before her death.
  • High School Teacher Ms. Yu Changli, from Nongan County, Jilin Province, Persecuted to Death

    Practitioner Ms. Yu Changli was a maths teacher at the Fourth High School in Nongan County, Jilin Province. On May 2nd, Ms. Yu Changli and Ms. Yang Shumei, both detained in the Nongan County Detention Centre, were rushed to the emergency department at the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun City. Ms. Yu Changli passed away that same day. She was only 44 years old. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Yu went to the National Appeals Office in Beijing in February 2000, but was arrested. Over the years Ms. Yu was arrested, detained in detention centres and tortured for continuing to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in her life.
  • Li Zhiqin from Xingtai City, Hebei Province Beaten to Death Three Years Ago; Family Has Nowhere to Go to Appeal for Justice

    My husband Li Zhiqin practised Falun Gong and was brutally beaten by police. He died outside of our hometown three years ago. My family's financial situation has suffered as a result, and we can't even pay the 3,000 yuan temporary attorney fee. We appealed to the upper levels, but they all conspire with each other, and I have nowhere to go.
  • Ms. Wang Keju Passed Away in 2010 While Two of Her Daughters in Prison Are Not Informed

    Ms. Wang Keju went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in 2000. Since then, Ms. Wang was continually harassed by the authorities. One night in 2001, the village party secretary and others climbed over her garden wall, broke into her home and ransacked it. In 2005, she was taken to the Linyi Brainwashing Centre and detained for two weeks. Two of Ms. Wang's daughters were sentenced to eight years' imprisonment in 2004. Due to the constant harassment and physical abuse Ms. Wang had endured over the past decade, she passed away on February 19th, 2010. Her daughters still have not been informed of their mother's death.
  • Mr. Chen Yuemin Passes Away After Being Persecuted for Many Years

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Yuemin was arrested, detained, and tortured for over ten years for believing in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In 2001, he was sentenced to five years in prison to be served at the Xinmi Prison in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. When he was on the verge of death, he was released. After his release, he was constantly harassed and unable to recover his health. He passed away on April 26th, at the age of 48.
  • Older Sister Persecuted to Death, Younger Sister Ms. Gui Jihong Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    Ms. Gu Jianmin was arrested on March 1st, 2008, when she was 53 years old. Twelve days later, she was dead. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) authorities then arrested her younger sister, Ms. Gu Jihong, without cause and sentenced her to three years in prison because they were afraid that she would seek redress for the death of her older sister. Ms. Gu Jihong has now been deprived of her freedom for a total of seven years.
  • Accounts of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Education System of Hongan County, Hubei Province

    Mr. Yang Caiyin taught physics at Hongan Second High School and was well respected by his students. However, Mr. Yang was persecuted to death because he practised Falun Gong. Before his death, he was arrested many times and detained in a forced labour camp for three years. He was fired from his job. Once while in a detention centre, he was beaten by a guard because he tried to stop the guard from beating other Falun Gong practitioners; as a result of the beating, he lost a front tooth.