Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Xie Chaoyan Arrested for Doing Good – Friends and Families Petition for His Release
2011-11-12Mr. Xie Chaoyan and his wife, Ms. Yan Congxi, are well known in the village as honest, hardworking, and good. In their free time from farming, they drive customers around on a motorcycle, and polishing shoes. Because of Mr. Xie's warmhearted demeanour and honest and hardworking attitude, many people are happy to ride with him. But his popularity caused jealousy among his competitors, who reported him to the Wanyu police. They complained that he practised Falun Gong and was encouraging his riders to withdraw from the Party. On September 21st, Mr. Xie was arrested by police. Fellow villagers had great sympathy for Mr. Xie misfortune as they knew the couple to be good people. Ms. Yan has recently collected many villager's signatures to petition for her husband's release. Some villagers even wrote below their signatures, “Mr. Xie is a very good person.”
Mr. Lv Songming from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province Tortured in Prison for Almost Ten Years
2011-11-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lv Songming from Xiangtan is still being tortured at Jinshi Prison in Changde. He is being subjected to brutal beatings and force-feeding of faeces. He was sentenced twice to prison terms totalling ten years. In March 2001, Mr. Lv was detained for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and later sentenced to five years in prison. He was brutally tortured at Chishan Prison; Jinshi Prison; and Wuling Prison. When he was released in 2006, his son didn't recognise him, and his wife divorced him. In 2007, Mr. Lv was arrested while telling people about Falun Gong. Without any reason or evidence, Mr. Lv was sentenced to a five-year prison term, and incarcerated at Jinshi Prison.
72-year-old Woman Becomes Healthy after Practising Falun Gong But Is Still Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2011-11-12Seventy-two-year-old Ms. Zhang Cunmei started practising Falun Gong in 1996 and all her illnesses soon disappeared. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, she has been subjected to detention and extortion. Two of her teeth were knocked out from beatings by local police. In 2005, Ms. Zhang was arrested as she distributed information about Falun Gong, but she was released that same day. In 2011, police harassed her twice in the middle of the night and took away her Falun Gong books.
Ms. Liu Xiaohua Accuses Police of Torture During Court Testimony in Tumen City, Jilin Province
2011-11-11The court hearing of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaohua began on August 30th, in Tumen City. Ms. Liu had been detained at the Tumen Municipal Detention Centre for more than six months. When her family saw her in court, they could hardly recognise her because she was so emaciated. At 5 feet 6 inches, she weighed less than 110 pounds, which was about 45 pounds less than she weighed before. Ms. Liu said that since her arrest in March by police she was severely tortured. The police interrogated her, not allowing her to sleep for four days and four nights. They poked at her eyes, used water bottles to hit her head, and a lighter and cigarettes to burn her hands. However, the judge ignored her testimony with the excuse that there were no eyewitnesses.
Chongqing Police Secretly Arrest Practitioner Wan Xinlin
2011-11-11In September, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wan Xinlin without a proper warrant or any evidence. They took him to the Wanzhou District Brainwashing Centre, where he went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. It has been more than 20 days since his hunger strike began, and his health is now extremely poor. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong, he has been regularly targeted for persecution. In 2008, he was sentenced to 15 months of forced labour. In August 2010, he was taken to a brainwashing centre by police.
Numerous Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Tianshui, Gansu Province
2011-11-11Recently many Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, harassed, and extorted by officers and personnel from the Domestic Security Division, of the Gangu County Police Department of Tianshui, Gansu Province. On September 29th, Falun Gong practitioner Pan Huwa was preparing for the marriage of his eldest daughter. At around 8:00 p.m., five policemen broke into Mr. Pan's home. A computer was confiscated, along with a printer, Falun Gong books and brochures, nine CDs of Falun Gong materials, and several mp3 players. They also kicked Pan's mother, who is about 80, to the ground. Mr. Pan was arrested and is now being detained in the Gangu County Detention Centre.
Guangzhou Resident Ms. Luo Liping Detained at Forced Labour Camp for Over a Year After Purchasing Hong Kong Shen Yun Show Ticket
2011-11-11Guangzhou Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Liping was arrested by police and the street administration office in January 2010. She was sentenced to eighteen months of forced labour. When her term was up, she was persecuted for an additional 45 days. She recounts: "When I phoned to order tickets to the Shen Yun show (a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show) in Hong Kong in January 2010, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutors were monitoring my phone. Later, when I went to apply for the visa to Hong Kong, regime agents confiscated my identification card. Several days later, police officers pushed their way in and ransacked my home. They took my personal belongings, including Falun Gong books, materials, cash, and a computer. They arrested me. I was sent to Chatou Women's Forced Labour Camp. I was forced to do heavy labour."
Public Servant Ms. Xiao Yingxue Transferred Secretly after Enduring 15 Months in a Forced Labour Camp
2011-11-10After being persecuted at the Wuhan Women’s Forced Labour Camp for 15 months, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xiao Yingxue was secretly taken away by officials on October 6th. Presumably, Ms. Xiao Yingxue was transferred to a brainwashing centre for further abuse. Her loved ones are very worried about her condition. Since the communist regime began the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, she has been arrested eight times by police and sent to the brainwashing centre six times. She was once brutally beaten to critical condition and sent to hospital. She was sent to a forced labour camp twice. Her employee dismissed her and didn’t give her any compensation. Her husband had to divorce her because of the unbearable pressure from the authorities.
Mr. Xie Hanzhu Placed Under Strict Control Again in Meizhou Prison
2011-11-10Falun Gong practitioner Xie Hanzhu has been sentenced in the Guangdong Province Third Prison (Meizhou Prison). Xia was put under strict control in mid-October of this year. His 81-year-old father and 76-year-old mother have not been allowed to see him. Because he practised Falun Gong and did the exercises in public, he was sentenced to two years in prison in 1999 and detained at the Sanshui Labour Camp. On February 3rd, 2005, Meizhou area 610 Office officials arrested Mr. Xie again. After interrogation and physical torture, he was sentenced to twelve years in prison. He was transferred to the Meizhou prison, where he is now.
Ms. Bian Chunyan from Fuxin City, Liaoning Province Sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-11-10Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bian Chunyan was arrested on August 31st by officials from the Domestic Security Division of Taiping Police Department, the Jianshe Police Station, and the Xitie Police Station. She was transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on September 28th with sentence of 21 months of forced labour. Her family is anxious about her situation and has suffered grief and difficulty without her.
Ms. Zhang Guanghua from Yongjing County, Gansu Province, Arrested
2011-11-10Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guanghua was arrested by police on July 7th, 2011. A witness said that a plainclothes police officer went into Ms. Zhang's convenience store asking for a DVD about Falun Gong and the persecution. After she gave him one, the man called for fellow officers to arrest her, charging her with distributing Falun Gong DVDs. Sources have said that Ms. Zhang has been severely beaten, restrained on a tiger bench, and hung by her handcuffs.
Former Deputy Head of County Appeals Bureau Injected with Unknown Drugs in Brainwashing Centre
2011-11-09Because Ms. Liu Jinying practises Falun Gong, she was sentenced to five years in prison by Laishui County Court. During her imprisonment, she was subjected to various tortures and forcibly injected with unknown drugs. On October 7th, Ms. Liu was arrested again and taken to the Laishui Party School Brainwashing Centre. She was beaten unconscious and injected with unknown drugs.
Luotaishan Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2011-11-09On August 1st, practitioners Shan Changying and Wu Fuzhen were arrested by domestic security police for telling people the truth about Falun Gong at Yumin Mall. They were detained in Luotaishan Brainwashing Centre. The brainwashing centre is in existence specifically to try to force practitioners to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Practitioners are threatened and brutally tortured, which often causes them injury, disability, and even death. Some of the practitioners were transferred to the Fifth Hospital (a mental hospital) in Fushun City to be persecuted.
Engineer Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison--His Wife Recently Arrested, Leaving a Young Daughter Alone at Home
2011-11-09Mr. Liu Yongwang is about 40 years old, and a Falun Gong practitioner. Mr. Liu was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2006, and is currently detained in Jidong Prison in Tangshan City. Guard Zheng Yajun locked him in an empty room for eight consecutive months and ordered 14 inmates to torture him. On October 7th, Ms. Qi Shuying, Mr. Liu's wife, was at home with her daughter when the electricity suddenly went out. When they opened the door to check the electric meter, more than half a dozen police officers were waiting, and forced their way in. Ms. Qi was taken away by the police, leaving her young daughter alone at home, without anyone to care for her. Ms. Qi was taken to a brainwashing centre.
After Having Been Imprisoned for Five and a Half Years, Mr. Min Changchun, Wuhan University Graduate, Detained Again
2011-11-09After having been subjected to four years of prison and one and a half years of forced labour, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Min Changchun was arrested again on September 27th, in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. He is currently detained at the Wuhan City No. 2 Detention Centre. Previously in 2005, while imprisoned, guard Zheng Mao instigated criminal inmates to beat Mr. Min several times, seriously injuring him. As a result of the beatings, he was near death and had to undergo emergency surgery in the Hubei Province Prison General Hospital. He was unconscious for several days afterwards.