Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Yue Chunhua Tortured at Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-11Ms. Yue Chunhua was detained at the Chongqing Shabao Women's Forced Labour Camp from April to May 2009. Her left hand has become handicapped due to long-term torture by guards at the Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Guards then took her to hospital where she was forcibly given injections and infusions. Finally, after Ms. Yue insisted that she would not cooperate, they had to send her back to the forced labour camp. For the entire summer of 2009, Ms. Yue spent her time under the open sky forced to do military style training such as keeping a squatting position, or other military positions. She was sunburned and her complexion became very dark.
Mr. Zeng Huaguo from Hunan Province Beaten to Death in Custody
2010-09-10Mr. Zeng Huaguo was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong on June 21st, 2010, when he asked a man to please not believe the slanderous propaganda spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and not to commit crimes against Falun Gong. That man was a plainclothes officer, and he arrested Mr. Zeng and took him to a detention centre. Mr. Zeng's son-in-law signed statements to renounce practising Falun Gong on Mr. Zeng's behalf, and he was released ten days later. On August 19th, Mr. Zeng went to the police station to request his Falun Gong books. Officers arrested him and, within six days, had cruelly beat him to death. On his back was a cut 13 stitches long.
Older Practitioner Ms. Ding Zhenfang Detained in Prison in Liaoning Province, Reduced to a Skeletal State
2010-09-10Ms. Ding Zhenfang, a Falun Gong practitioner in her 60s from Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was carried out of her prison cell on a stretcher on August 2nd, 2010, when her family members went to see her for the second time. She had lost a tremendous amount of weight as a result of cruel torture in prison. She is now skeleton-like, speaks haltingly, and is very feeble. Ms. Ding was sentenced to eight years in prison in July 2008 and has been incarcerated in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Trying to force her to give up her faith, the prison authorities have used all kinds of ruthless methods to torture her. She is at death's door.
Ms. Bao Siqin-Gaowa Disabled Due to Torture in Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-10University student Ms. Bao Siqin-Gaowa, 34, went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 and was expelled from university. Since then the police have never stopped monitoring and harassing her. During a ten-year period, she was sent to forced labour camps twice and a brainwashing centre and was detained. The torture that Ms. Bao was subjected to during her detention in Tumuji Forced Labour Camp from 2007 to 2010 resulted in her becoming paralysed. She still cannot walk as of this writing.
Ms. Gao Shuhua from Boli County, Heilongjiang Province, Arrested Again
2010-09-10Ms. Gao Shuhua, 47 years old, was arrested by the Boli County Domestic Security Division again on July 21st. She is now in Qitaihe City Detention Centre. Previously, she was held in Boli County Detention Centre and she was denied visitation rights. On August 10th, police told Ms. Gao Shuhua's husband to sign the documents sentencing his wife to forced labour.
A Family of Six Persecuted, Two Have Died
2010-09-09Mr. Cao was sentenced four years in prison in June 2002. The guards tortured him in all kinds of ways. In the hot summer, they ordered him to stand under the hot sun with his hands up. He was not allowed to move his hands or legs. Under these conditions he often fainted and collapsed to the ground. Criminal inmates brutally beat Mr. Cao. As a result Cao Ping became unconscious and was in a critical condition. On June 28th, 2003, Deyang Prison sent him home. About 20 days later he died at the age of 39.
Parents Arrested, Three-Year-Old Son Left Behind Unattended
2010-09-09Ms. Lin Xiumei and Mr. Pan Shunyu were arrested on August 3rd, 2010, by police, who broke into their home. The couple's three-year-old son was left behind unattended. Officers ransacked the family's home at the time of arrest, confiscating personal belongings worth over 60,000 yuan and the house keys. The authorities have refused to return the confiscated keys. Ms. Lin and Mr. Pan are currently detained at the Suihua City Detention Centre.
Ms. Yu Suzhi Recounts Her Experience of Repeated Persecution Over the Years and the Recent Arrest and Mistreatment of Her Husband
2010-09-09because I practised Falun Gong I was placed in detention on three occasions. In February 2001, four police officers pulled me into a vehicle. I didn't even have time to put on my shoes. They handcuffed me to the heater for eight days. On June 20th, 2010, my husband was arrested on his way home as soon as he got off work. On June 28th, my husband's older brother went to pick him up at the Hetan Civil Administration Office. My husband had totally changed. He had a dazed look in his eyes; his face had darkened, and he had lost a lot of weight. He could not remember anything when asked questions, and he could not even remember that he worked in Changyi City. My husband remembered one thing, saying, "The police covered my eyes and injected me with something."
Brutality in the Brainwashing Centre in Huangpu District, Guangzhou City
2010-09-09When practitioners are arrested and taken to the Huangpu Brainwashing Centre, they are first isolated in a room adjacent to a practitioner who has been there awhile. This is done so the new arrival can hear the practitioner's screams when they are tortured. If the new arrival refuses to give up his or her belief in Falun Gong, the guard's then force the practitioner to watch another practitioner being tortured. If they still remain steadfast in their belief, they will then be tortured themselves.
Practitioner Almost Dies after Beating by Security Guards in Puning, Guangdong Province
2010-09-08On August 11th, 2010, a male Falun Gong practitioner, about 40 years old, was distributing flyers about Falun Gong in Wushi Village, Guangdong Province. When security guards in the village found out what he was doing, they picked him up and took him to the village police station. Inside the police station, the practitioner tried to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the guards, telling them, "We practitioners believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and we are good people." They didn't listen, and five or six of them punched and kicked him, and hit him with a steel pipe. They appeared to have lost their senses and were focused on beating him to death. Whenever the practitioner lost consciousness, they used fire to burn his legs and a hot wire to burn his ears to see whether he was dead or not.
Falun Gong Practitioner Imprisoned and Killed Just After Visiting a Friend
2010-09-08On July 15th, 2010, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xia Junying. Practitioner Ms. Bai Caiping had just stopped by, and she was arrested before she entered the door. Ms. Bai was sentenced to 21 months of forced labour. After Ms. Xia Junying was arrested, Ms. Yan Pingjun, a friend of Ms. Xia's, came to visit her family on August 1st. The police followed her home and ransacked it. They confiscated Falun Gong books, a computer and money. Yan Pingjun was sent to a brainwashing centre. Her family was notified around August 11th, that she had died. Those responsible for her death lied, saying that Ms. Yan had jumped from the third floor and died. At the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brainwashing centre, everyone was monitored around the clock, so there was no opportunity for anyone to commit suicide.
The Persecution of Practitioner Han Xiaorui in Jiyuan City, Henan Province
2010-09-08Sixty two year old practitioner Han Xiaorui was detained and beaten by personnel from Jiyuan City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Ms. Han wanted to tell more people suffering from diseases about this miraculous practice, from which she has gained great benefits. However, her compassionate act was labelled as "reactionary" by the Jiyuan City 610 Office and Domestic Security Division. They detained and persecuted her many times. Over the course of one year, Ms. Han was held in a detention centre four times, and was deprived of food and sleep for several days every time she was detained.
Shanghai Police, Procuratorate, and Judicial Branch Collude to Persecute Professor Guo Xiaojun
2010-09-08Mr. Guo Xiaojun, a former professor from Shanghai Jiaotong University, was sentenced to four years in prison by the Shanghai Baoshan Court on July 6th. Mr. Guo was arrested on January 7th, by domestic security agents from the Baoshan Public Security Bureau. During his detention, he was interrogated under torture and threatened with violence. During the trial, public prosecutor Chen Weidong and Judge Xu Minfang ignored Mr. Guo's repeated statement that the "evidence" was obtained under duress. Mr. Guo was sentenced to four years in prison.
Lengthy Litany of Mistreatment, Torture, and Brainwashing Offences at Shaanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-07In the forced labour camp, the officials persecute Falun Gong practitioners for only one purpose, that is, to "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] them. Because Ms. Li Cuifang practised the Falun Gong exercises she was repeatedly tortured, such as being beaten, hung up in the air, and handcuffed and hung up on the upper level of the shelf. She fainted and collapsed after such torture. When she was hung up the handcuffs bit into her flesh and she bled profusely. Meanwhile, a policewoman beat her violently with electric shock batons. Her hips were beaten black and blue, which caused her to walk with great difficulty. They also used force-feeding as a means to torture her. They handcuffed Ms. Li behind her back and tied her to a steel shelf, then they used a tool to pry open her mouth.
Elderly Ms. Li Huilan Dies As a Result of Persecution
2010-09-07Ms. Li Huilan, 69, was arrested at home by more than 20 police on September 28th, 2009. Police stormed into Ms. Li's home. They confiscated all Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and arrested Ms. Li. They took her to the Yangdong County Detention Centre. After Ms. Li was released, police closely monitored her 24 hours a day, following her everywhere. They intentionally drove a motorcycle without a silencer around her home building, set off the theft prevention alarm on their vehicle after midnight to harass her, and threatened her. Under this intense pressure, Ms. Li died on January 18th, 2010. Her family is still under surveillance.