Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Liang Zhiqin Devastated by Toxic Injections and Electric Baton Shocks

    Ms. Liang Zhiqin, 58 years old, was taken to the Tangshan City Ankang Hospital because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong in 2000. She was tied to the "Death Bed" and injected with toxic drugs. , Ms. Liang Zhiqini suffered the most severe injuries from the torture. She was twice injected with the toxin. The first injection immediately knocked Ms. Liang unconscious. The drug gave her acute cardiac problems, and intense chest pain woke her up in the middle of the night. Ms. Liang recalled, "I was woken up at midnight by a sharp pain in my heart. I was disturbed by my own groans from the pain." Ms. Liang was also severely shocked with electric batons.
  • Ms. Liu Zhi, a Housewife in Heping District, Shenyang City, Arrested

    Ms. Liu Zhi is a practitioner, who has practised Falun Gong for 13 years. She is 49 years old, healthy and full of energy. On the afternoon of October 22nd, 2009, officers from the Xinxing Police Station in the arrested Ms. Liu. The police searched Ms. Liu's home and confiscated electronic items and valuables. They took her to Shenyang City Zaohua Detention Centre. Her family has been denied their right to visit her, and they have not heard anything from her.
  • Two Cousins Detained and Tortured, Family Not Allowed To Visit

    Ms. Chuai Cuijun and Ms. Chai Junxia are cousins. They have both benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Gong. Since March 2004, their home has been ransacked five times. Five members of the family have been detained six times because they refuse to denounce Falun Gong. Both women are detained in the Hebei Women's Prison. In January 2009, Ms. Chai was brutally tortured by the guards and suffered beatings, electric shock, being locked in a small cell, and being forbidden to sleep for an extended period of time. As a result, she developed chronic eye and stomach pain, for which no medical treatment has been provided. Ms. Chuai was also brutally beaten and verbally abused in the prison.
  • The Persecution of Ms. Zhang Liping

    Ms. Zhang Liping, a Falun Gong practitioner from Benxi City, Liaoning Province, was arrested in September 2004 and inhumanly persecuted at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Because of her refusal to wear the prison uniform, Ms. Zhang was not provided meals, use of the toilet and personal grooming for two and a half days. The guards took the practitioners' clothes and food, and forced them to work. They kicked and punched the practitioners and hit their heads against the wall if the practitioners refused to comply with the guards' orders. To protest the persecution, the practitioners went on a hunger strike. Zhang Liping was accused of being a leader and was hung up for two days. In 2005, Ms. Zhang was arrested again and taken to a forced labour camp. She was only released from the camp in 2007.
  • Ms. Zhao Lianhua Dies as Result of the Persecution

    In 2000, Ms. Zhao Lianhua went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and she was arrested and detained in the Yanji City Detention Centre. She was released after 18 days, for she was very ill due to brutal mistreatment. After she returned home, the police constantly harassed Ms. Zhao. They tried to force her write statements to renounce Falun Gong, but Ms. Zhao resolutely refused. Ms. Zhao had to leave home to avoid being arrested. Later police detained her in the Heizuizi Labour Camp. Her life was in danger after only a few days of being in the Camp. Ms. Zhao never recovered from her mental and physical injuries and died on October 30th, 2009.
  • Mr. Wang Shenlun From Yingkou City, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Shenlun from Yingkou City, Liaoning Province was arrested and Falun Gong materials were confiscated by police. He was then held in police custody for more than five months. Bayuquan District Court officials covertly sentenced him to five years in prison on November 18th, 2009. None of Wang Shenlun's family knew about the sentence. They had to inquire of a guard at the detention centre who told them Wang Shenlun was preparing to appeal the sentence.
  • Mr. Li Zhigang Tried in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province

    The Nangang District Court in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province held a trial of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Zhigang on October 30th, 2009. In February 2009, Mr. Li was arrested at home by police. On March 8th, Mr. Li was taken to a secret location for three days of interrogation under brutal torture and was near death. His family hired an attorney to defend him. However, that attorney experienced obstruction from the court, including being ordered not to defend Mr. Li Zhigang.
  • What On Earth Is My Mother's Crime?!

    My mother Yang Taizhen, 53, went to Beijing three time to appeal for the rights of Falun Gong, and was intercepted by the authorities. She was detained twice and sentenced to forced labour once. In the forced labour camp, the authorities beat her on a regular basis, dragged her by the hair, forced her to stand facing the wall for long periods of time, and forced her to sit on a chair for extended periods. When my mother refused to wear the prisoner uniform and the number tag, the guards took away all her clothes except for a very thin piece, even during the cold winter.
  • Mr. Huang Lizhong Dies in Detention after Years of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Lizhong died as a result of persecution on October 25th, 2009, in Panjin Prison. Mr. Huang had been arrested in February 2008 and his home ransacked. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. When his family went to visit him on October 20th, two criminal inmates held him up by his arms in the meeting room. He was extremely emaciated, his teeth were crooked, he had difficulty speaking, and he trembled.
  • Ms. Cao Shuanmei, 52, Beaten to Death in Shanxi Province Women's Prison - Additional Information

    I was very sad to read of Ms. Cao Shuangmei's death. Ms. Cao entered Shanxi Province Women's Prison in May 2008. Lei Runxiang, the warden, observed that Ms. Cao was not accepting the brainwashing so she ordered prisoners to beat Ms. Cao, and one night they beat her the whole night. Ever since she ordered the beating the prisoners were able do whatever they wanted to torture her. Ms. Cao became as thin as a skeleton, but she still refused to accept the brainwashing. The brutal mistreatment escalated. Ms. Cao had been 5'6" tall, but she now appeared very short, and could not stand still or walk steadily, as she was emaciated.
  • Retired Teacher from Zhongqing City Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    On November 11th, 2009, the Shapingba District Court in Chongqing City put on trial Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lei Zhengxia, a 65-year-old retired teacher. The judge sentenced Mr. Lei to three years imprisonment for talking about Falun Gong to students in his small restaurant and for having Falun Gong materials in his home. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Lei has been arrested and detained on numerous occasions. In 2008 police arrest Mr. Lei for the sixth time. A police officer brutally beat Mr. Lei at his home. Mr. Lei's internal organs were injured and he couldn't move. Police then sent him to hospital as they were afraid Mr. Lei would die.
  • Criminals in Shayang Forced Labour Camp Ordered to Beat Falun Gong Practitioners

    On September 27th, 2009, four practitioners from Xiangfan, Hubei Province, were arrested by police in the Domestic Security Division. They were taken to the Shayang Forced Labour Camp. Officials there put them in solitary confinement, torturing them every day. Several of Mr. Kong's teeth were knocked out. Mr. Cheng's leg was beaten so badly that he developed a limp, and Mr. Zhang's back was injured.
  • A Mother Writes to Her Son from Prison

    My son, how are you doing? Time flies. It's been seven years since I was taken away from you. You were a boy back then. Now you are a bright and sophisticated college student. I'm so glad! The electric net and the high wall separate me from you. I can only walk towards you in my dream, bringing you my firm belief in truth. One night when you were fifteen years old, we were suddenly awoken from our sleep. Policemen broke into our apartment and searched our home and took me away. Since then, I haven't been back home. I was worried then about the hundreds of Falun Gong books in our home. You were so clever that you took a few with you every day on your way to school and passed the precious materials on to fellow practitioners.
  • Officials from the Laishui Police Station Steal a Family's Life Savings and Then Abduct and Beat their Victims

    On October 7th, 2009, officials in Laishui County, Hebei Province, broke into Mr. Li Dezhi's home and took his bank deposit certificates worth seventy thousand yuan as well as cash. When Mr. Li's wife tried to stop them, she was badly beaten. They detained Ms. Liu with the practitioners arrested from other villages that evening. The woman official watched them, didn't let them use the toilet, and gave them a wooden pail to urinate in. She kept on cursing Falun Gong and didn't give them anything to eat.
  • Torture Methods Used in Jilin Prison: Knockout Drugs and Rape

    Guards at Jilin Prison ordered inmates to dope Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Wenfeng with knockout drugs and rape him. This practice has continued for more than a year. The inmates claim, "These are all prison management's ideas." Previously, in September 2008, Zhang Wenfeng had a headache and felt weak after he awoke, and found that there was a needle hole on the right side of his lower back. Mr. Zhang suspected that he had been injected by other inmates while sleeping, and reported the incident to the guard right away. He requested a physical exam at the prison hospital. The doctor just looked at him and said, "It's not a needle hole." Mr. Zhang requested a physical exam but was refused.