Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Chai Yuehua from Huairen County, Shanxi Province, Sentenced
2008-11-25In August 2000, police arrested me for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour in Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp. I suffered from brutal tortures, including beatings, verbal abuse, and being hung by my handcuffs. Once I nearly died from a brutal beating. I went on a hunger strike for 56 days to protest the persecution but was force-fed. I was pressured to write a "Repentance Statement". I also became mentally disordered due to the abuse. In February 2008, while handing out CDs exposing the persecution, I was arrested again. I was taken to Yuci Forced Labour Camp for a 3-year sentence and brutally mistreated.
Facts of the Persecution of Mr. Liu Pinhong and His Wife, Ms. Wang Lingyun, in Hubei Province
2008-11-25Mr. Liu Pinhong, age 35, and his wife, Ms. Wang Lingyun, age 29, live in Suizhou City, Hubei Province. They were both arrested in 2006 by the 610 Office and Domestic Security officers Li Jinbo, Zhang Yong, and Liu Guoqing. Mr. Liu Pinhong was sentenced to 21 months of forced labour, and his wife was sentenced to 15 months of forced labour. They were both released in 2008, but they are both still very swollen and very weak.
The Tortures I Was Subjected to in a Lanzhou Brainwashing Centre
2008-11-24At the end of 2004, I returned to work after I was released from three years in a forced labour camp. From 2005 to 2006, my workplace kept asking me to write a so-called Guarantee Statement to declare that I wouldn't practise Falun Gong any more. I refused. On January 9th, 2007, Public Security Bureau police dragged me out bed and took me to Lanzhou City Brainwashing Centre. They tried force-feeding me. They pulled me up by my hair and made me face up, then they tried to push a plastic feeding tube through my nose. They tried numerous times without success. I almost suffocated to death, and I struggled due to the agony. They stepped on my legs so I could not move. The handcuffs rubbed the flesh off my left wrist. Later they forced drugs into me. The drug was bitter, numbing, and caused nausea. I was tortured on and on.
Ms. Pan Jing Has Been Cruelly and Repeatedly Persecuted by the Communist Regime
2008-11-24Since July 1999, Ms. Pan Jing has been persecuted by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel many times because she will not give up her practice of Falun Gong. She has been arrested, incarcerated, and sentenced to imprisonment. When she was imprisoned, she refused to be "transformed" and was consequently subjected to force-feeding. Her oesophagus was injured and she bled profusely during the force- feeding. The prison personnel kept her in handcuffs and shackles and repeatedly shocked her with electric batons. They also hung her from the ceiling. As a result of being subjected to these tortures, her legs swelled and she could no longer even take care of her own daily needs.
Ms. Shen Honglei Put on Trial Five Times in Shanghai
2008-11-24Ms. Shen Honglei has been arrested and detained for one year by the police and Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) agents of the 610 Office in Shanghai. During this period, she has been put on trial five times, and still has not been sentenced. However, the personnel of the 610 Office sent her to a forced labour camp for three years. The date on the notification letter sent to her family members was later than the expiration date by which they were allowed to appeal the case to an upper-lever court. As a result, they didn't have any way to appeal for her.
Older Practitioner Mr. Ou Jiafa from Chenxi, Hunan Province Arrested and Persecuted Again
2008-11-24On September 18th, 2008, when the police took 60-year-old Mr. Ou Jiafa away again, he had not yet recovered from injuries incurred as a result of being tortured in the Hunan Huaihua Brainwashing Centre. Currently Mr. Ou is being held in a detention centre. In September 2007, police arrested Mr. Ou and took him the Huaihua Brainwashing Centre. Later on, a doctor examined Mr. Ou and declared that he was ill. Those in charge forced Mr. Ou to take drugs that destroyed his central nervous system, which caused him to drool, walk slowly, and speak unintelligibly.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liao Yongyi Dies Due to Years of Persecution in Sichuan Province
2008-11-23On July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began slandering Falun Gong. Ms. Liao Yongyi, 66, went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in November 1999, but was arrested, and detained for fifteen days in the Jiurucun Detention Centre in Chengdu City. The cell was wet, dirty, crowded and without sunlight. Ms. Liao was beaten, cursed, hungry and cold, and she was forced to stand outside overnight in the freezing cold. Later she was arrested again. Ms. Liao almost lost her eyesight, and developed a bad case of rash due to mistreatment during her thirty days of detention. Beginning in 2008, the Neighbourhood Administration placed guards by her apartment door. They pounded on her door 3-6 times per day, loudly questioning her as to what was she doing, and threatened her. She died in September 2008.
The Crimes of Sun Juan and Other Officers at Jinan City's No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-11-23There was practitioner named Li who was in her thirties. She was often beaten by the guards and locked up in a small cell. In October 2007, when she was working in the workshop, guard Zhang Hongfen dragged her to the warehouse at the back of the workshop and beat her. Commander Sun Juan also beat her. Two hours later, Practitioner Li was dragged out. She lay there and could not move for a very long time. Later she was locked up in a small cell. She died this March due to the abuse she suffered.
Anqiu City Court in Shandong Province Sentences Several Falun Gong Practitioners to Heavy Prison Terms
2008-11-23Falun Gong practitioners in Anqiu City including Ms. Wang Haiqing, Ms. Li Mingxia and Ms. Lin Shuzhen were sentenced by Anqiu City Court to heavy prison terms on October 8th, 2008. Ms. Wang Haiqing was sentenced to 12 years, Ms. Li Mingxia 11 years and Ms. Lin Shuzhen 10 years. The severe torture that she was subjected to caused Ms. Wang Haiqing to completely lose feeling in her legs. She can no longer stand or sit and has to lay down all the time. Due to being paralysed from the lower back down, she can no longer control her bladder, yet she continued her hunger strike to protest the persecution. On September 23rd, the city court held a hearing, Ms. Wang Haiqing was carried to the court.
Shijiazhuang Senior Engineer Mr. Song Aichang Appeals His Unjust Sentence
2008-11-23Mr. Song Aichang, 48, is a senior engineer with the Thirteenth Institute of the China Electronic Technology Group in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. At noon on June 22nd, 2007, he was arrested near his home. He has so far been detained for one year and four months, which exceeds the maximum time he can legally be held by 10.5 months. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities in Shijiazhuang have tried him for a third time. Because the evidence against him was seriously inadequate, he was supposed to have been released. However, the court sentenced him to three years' imprisonment. Mr. Song has appealed.
The Persecution of Ms. Yu Liqiu and Her Husband, Mr. Dong Yufeng from Jilin Province
2008-11-22On September 12th, 2008, Ms. Yu Liqiu and Mr. Dong Yufeng went to Xiaosiping Township to distribute Falun Gong materials. They were arrested and incarcerated in the Dongfeng County Detention Centre. On September 19th, Liaoyuan City 610 Office personnel went to Mr. Dong and Ms. Yu's residence and confiscated their child's computer. After their arrest on September 12th, the two practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guards physically assaulted them and threatened to force-feed them with hot pepper juice and salt liquid. The guards still do not allow any family visits. Their current situations are unknown. Their family received a notice saying that their cases have been transferred to the courts.
Recent Updates on Practitioners Detained in the Shenzhen City Detention Centre
2008-11-22At about 6 a.m. on January 21st, 2008, Ms. Qian Huarui, 65, was arrested while doing the Falun Gong exercises at home. She has been held in the detention centre ever since and is now in poor health. She has high blood pressure, and her hair has turned grey. Mr. Xiao Feng, Ms. Qian Huarui's husband, is about 70 years old. He is a senior engineer. He has been detained at the detention centre and his current situation is unknown. Yantian Police Station is directly involved in persecuting him.
The Persecution in Shouguang City, Shandong Province
2008-11-22Prior to the Olympics, police in Shouguang City arrested, detained, fined, tortured, and sent over twenty practitioners to forced labour camps. During this action, they even detained and fined someone who had already given up Falun Gong practice under persecution. The wife of Liu Hongjun, Fu Shuyuan, and their 22 year old daughter, Li, were sent to a labour camp. Police beat Ms. Li and abused her with vile language. After Sang Peirao, 52 years old, just finished two years of forced labour in the Wangcun Labour Camp, he was again taken away by police and sent to the Weifang Brainwashing Centre, where he was persecuted for 50 days. Later he was detained at the Shouguang Target Practice Field for one month. Finally, he was locked in an iron cage in the Gucheng Police Station for three days.
Third Arrest for Mr. Zhai Wenbin--Sentenced to Forced Labour in Handan City
2008-11-22In 2008, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced that it would beef up security during the Olympic Games. Actually, increasing security was simply an excuse for intensifying the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Zhai Wenbin, a practitioner, was arrested for the third time and is being tortured in Handan Forced Labour Camp. His family didn't receive any information about him for over two months, and they are not allowed to visit him.
Ms. Yang Wenling Tortured to the Point of Mental Breakdown at Tianjin Forced Labour Camp
2008-11-21Police forcibly arrested Ms. Yang Wenling, a Falun Gong practitioner, in 2006. Ms. Yang was sentenced to one year in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin. She refused to give up Falun Gong, so Chinese Communist Party personnel forced her thumb print on a document that they wrote. The guards also incited criminals to beat her mercilessly and force-fed her with unknown drugs, causing her to become mentally unstable. Ms. Yang was forced to do physical work well over normal hours making paper cartons, which resulted in both of her thumbs being injured. The persecution caused Ms. Yang to suffer a mental breakdown, and sometimes when she goes out she cannot find her way home. At present she cannot lead a normal life.