Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Police Officers from Changchun City, Jilin Province are Responsible for Ms. Luo Shuchun's Death

    On December 13th, 2006, officers from Qinghe Street Police Station, Chaoyang Branch of the Changchun City Public Security Bureau broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Shuchun. Immediately after, Ms. Luo's body flew out of the building and she died. The police are directly responsible for Ms. Luo's death. Yet, after Ms. Luo died, the police claimed that she had committed suicide and completely denied any responsibility. Meanwhile, they ransacked her home and took photographs.
  • Dafa Practitioner Liu Yongwang’s Life is in Imminent Danger Due to Inhuman Abuse at Jidong Prison in Tangshan, Hebei Province

    Beijing Dafa practitioner Liu Yongwang's life is in imminent danger at Tangshan City's Jidong Prison. Mr. Liu Yongwang has been on a hunger strike since May 24th, 2006, to protest the persecution. He’s endured daily forced feedings. Recently, he has suffered shock several times due to injuries he sustained while being force-fed. Liu Yongwang vomited after being force-fed, losing most of the contents of his stomach. He is getting thinner every day and appears to be extremely weak. His legs are numb due to torture he suffered previously, and he can’t walk or stand. He might become totally paralysed, lose consciousness, or suffer fatal shock at any time.
  • After Five Years of Torture in Prison, Ms. Shi Dengling from Guizhou Province Has Been Arrested Again by Chinese Communist Party Authorities

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shi Dengling has for the past five years while imprisoned in Duyun Jail, been brutally tortured for refusing to renounce her beliefs. She was recently released in September 2006. However, on December 25th, 2006, she was arrested again by the officials from the 610 Office, the local community committee and the police station. She was taken to the Lannigou Brainwashing Centre for further persecution. Ms. Shi's young daughter and mother, who is still recovering from a serious illness, are grieving for her suffering again.
  • Experiencing First Hand the Selfless Realm of Persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners

    In 2003, the forced labour camp tried to force us to give up Falun Dafa cultivation and ordered us to write the so-called three statements. Many practitioners refused to renounce Falun Dafa. The guards ganged up with the criminal inmates and pushed the practitioners to the concrete floor. They immobilised them using a metal bed as a torture device, handcuffed their hands behind their backs with one arm pulled over the shoulder (a torture called "carrying a sword on the back"). The handcuffs cut into the practitioners' wrists and their hands became bloody. Many practitioners almost became disabled from being handcuffed this way. To this day, some practitioners still have scars left on their wrists, evidence of the crimes committed against practitioners by the guards in the forced labour camp.
  • Exposing Abuses at Changjiu Street Police Station in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    Ms. Zang's family, with a certificate issued by the Administration of Justice stating that Ms. Zang was schizophrenic, went to the Changjiu Street Police Station and asked for her release. The case officers refused to let her go. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour on January 5th, 2007. Ms. Zang has been imprisoned in a forced labour camp three different times, and since her disease was the result of mistreatment during her imprisonment, the camp refused to accept her, which resulted in serious disagreements between the police and the labour camp.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Hu Zhenru Arrested in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province - Her Daughter from Hong Kong Asks for Help in Rescuing Her Mother

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Hu Zhenru, 59, began practising Falun Dafa in 1999. She was arrested on January 14th, 2007 and taken to Nanjing City Detention Centre. As she was being arrested, her home was ransacked by seven or eight police officers. Her husband and younger daughter resisted the ransacking of their home, and condemned the police for violating the law. The police injured her husband with brutal force.
  • Middle School Teacher Seriously Injured from Beating at Deyang Prison in Sichuan Province

    On July 12th, 2006, Mr. Wu Shihai, a middle school teacher and Falun Dafa practitioner from Liangshan, who had already become mentally disoriented due to long-term persecution at a detention centre and at Deyang Prison, was beaten again. A death row criminal violently smashed Mr. Wu's head with a wooden chair. Consequently, Mr. Wu lost two teeth. Many areas of his face, including his jaw, were fractured. The hospital had to take 20 stitches and classified his wounds as serious.
  • Recent Developments in the Persecution of Ms. Wang Bo's Family in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

    On November 10th, 2006, the Court of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hebei Province tried the family of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Wang Bo. According to Chinese Communist Party law, from the date the court accepts a case, it takes one month to six weeks at most for the verdict to be given. It has been two months since the court opened the case. Relatives of the family have taken turns enquiring at the court in the Changan District. The CCP never abides by even its own laws when they deal with Falun Dafa practitioners.
  • The Crimes of the Police Officers at Beijing Women's Prison

    Xi Xuehui, in her twenties, was previously the deputy head of Division 3. She brutally tortured several practitioners. She supervised the abuse of Ms. Zhao Zhisheng and said to her, "Don't you dare tell anyone about this incident [of abuse], ever." She led five inmates to drag Ms. Dong Cuifang to a warehouse and beat her while she waited outside. Ms. Dong died from torture several hours later. Xi Xuehui is personally responsible for Ms. Dong Cuifang's death. She was transferred soon afterwards and is now working in the correctional field in the community. She has not been prosecuted for her crimes.
  • Details of Five Missing Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hunan and Hebei Provinces

    Practitioner Mr. Gao Haiku from Gaoying Village, Wanzhuang Town, Langfang City, Hebei Province, was taken to a brainwashing centre twice because he went to Beijing to appeal. In 2001, because he was speaking out for justice and explained the facts about Falun Dafa to people, he was subjected to eighteen months of forced labour at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. After one year in the forced labour camp, Mr. Gao showed nephritis symptoms and was therefore sent home to receive medical attention. After he was released, the township government and township police station repeatedly went to his home to harass him. Later he was forced to leave home. He has since been missing.
  • Mr. Zhao Jiyuan from Liaoning Province Persecuted at Shenyang Second Prison for Nearly Six Years

    Mr Zhao Jiyuan was arrested on February 27th, 2001 because of his persistent practice of Falun Gong. Later, he was sentenced to seven years in prison by the local court and sent to the Shenyang Second Prison. At the prison, Zhao Jiyuan has suffered beatings, been forced to wear torture instruments, locked in a small cell, and has been shocked with electric batons. Mr. Zhao has been continuously imprisoned and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for nearly six years.
  • Ms. Jiang Xiuxiang from Shandong Province Suffered Torture and Psychiatric Abuse Before Her Disappearance

    After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Jiang Xiuxiang went to Beijing to speak out for justice and was arrested. Police hung Ms. Jiang from the ceiling beam by her wrists for over 10 hours at a time. Moreover, they shocked Ms. Jiang with an electric stun baton on her neck, breasts, and vprivate parts, causing a horrid smell of burning flesh. Police later put her into a mental hospital where she was subjected to psychiatric abuses, such as being injected and force-fed with unknown, mood-altering drugs. In 2002, Ms. Jiang decided that she had no other choice but to flee her home to avoid further persecution.
  • Persecution of Practitioners in Shiling Prison, Siping City, Jilin Province - (Part 4)

    On February 3rd, 2006, the Chaoyang District Court held a 30-minute trial and sentenced Mr. Zhang Guibiao to nine years in prison for appealing for Falun Dafa. They transferred him to Shiling Prison. Mr. Zhang used to be very healthy and strong, but by the time he entered Shiling Prison, he had been tortured severely and looked like an old man in his 60s. Finally, Mr. Zhang came home, but he was only skin and bones. He was bedridden and could not sleep, eat or drink normally. He could not take care of himself and suffered excruciating pain constantly. He passed away on September 12th, 2006.
  • Ph.D Student Wang Weiyu Severely Tortured at Qianjin Prison in Beijing

    On August 12th, 2002, Mr Wang Weiyu was arrested by the National Security Team. In 2004, the Chaoyang District Court in Beijing gave him a severe sentence of eight years. When he appealed to the court did not open a session, but directly gave a written statement to affirm the original decision. In October 2006, Wang Weiyu was hurt in the tendon of his right leg. It is said that a criminal kicked him and injured his right leg in a compulsory "recreational activity" in the prison. After the injury, Wang Weiyu's right leg immediately became swollen and congested, which persisted for a long time. However, the prison did not inform his relatives and also did not arrange any checkup or treatments until his family went to visit him.
  • Female Practitioner Shackled and Handcuffed to a Large Sack in Handan City Second Detention Centre

    A female Falun Dafa practitioner was shackled and handcuffed to a large sack for the entire night in Handan City Second Detention Centre, Henan Province because she didn't give up practising Falun Gong. This is but one of the torture methods used in Handan City Second Detention Centre.