Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
A Practitioner from Hubei Province Recounts the Persecution She Suffered
2006-07-02My name is Rao Mianhua. I'm 41 years old now. In October, police dragged me to their police car and again took me to Shizishan Forced Labour Drug Addicts Rehab Camp in Wuhan City. The leaders in that camp got a 10,000-yuan bonus if they "reformed" a Falun Gong practitioner. Hence, they treated practitioners very cruelly. Practitioners were forced to take cold water showers in all seasons, summer or winter. On one occasion, the section head locked up all of the practitioners together. Our hands were all cuffed together behind our backs. After that, one by one, we were taken to the guard chamber to be shocked with electric batons. I felt numb after being shocked.
Mr. Lu Yongchang Dies as a Result of Torture, His Family All Detained
2006-07-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Yongchang, in his 70’s, lived in Jilin Province. He developed liver disease from being tortured in a detention centre and was thereby released because of his condition. He died between August and September 2005. Mr. Lu Yongchang's wife, Song Shuqin, and daughter, Lu Guixia, were both sentenced to four years in prison, and are now detained in the Changchun City Women’s Prison.
Practitioner Mr. Deng Weinan from Heilongjiang Province Was Persecuted to Death in 2001
2006-07-02In August 2001, practitioner Mr. Deng Weinan was persecuted to death at the Harbin City Public Security Bureau. On July 31st, 2001, a gang of policemen arrested Mr. Deng in his apartment. He was brought to the Falun Gong special task team on the twelfth floor of the Daoli Division of the Public Security Bureau to be persecuted. On the morning of August 1st, Mr. Deng was persecuted to death. The police announced to the public that he had committed suicide by jumping out of a window and incinerated his corpse hurriedly. Mr. Deng was only 26 years old.
Practitioner Liu Xiaoming in Changsha City on Hunger Strike for Many Days, Rescue Effort Is Urgently Needed
2006-07-01In May, Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Xiaoming, who was a carer for eighty-year-old teacher Tang Xi, was looking after Mr. Tang while he was hooked up to an IV at a treatment centre. Ms. Liu took out a Falun Dafa book to read . A staff member saw her and reported her to the authorities. Liu Xiaoming was arrested by the police. Ms. Liu has since gone on a hunger strike to protest against the detention and persecution. Rescue efforts are urgently needed.
The Persecution Facts at the Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2006-07-01On March 10th, 2004, practitioners were handcuffed behind their backs and hung on the railing of their bunk beds. Among them, six practitioners were hung up until they lost consciousness. Prisoners put fast-acting heart rescue drugs into the mouths of practitioners and then hung them back up. Ms. Xu Jingfeng was subjected to this torture for longer than any other practitioner. The handcuffs cut deep into her flesh and she was unable to remove them. Several practitioners were hung with their hands behind their backs in a manner that did not permit laying down to sleep.
Eyewitness Account of the Brutal Torture in Hulan Prison
2006-07-01On September 20th, 2004, seven fellow practitioners and I were transferred from Heilongjiang Province Xingjian Prison to Hulan Prison. Guards tried to force us write the "Four Statements" to renounce Falun Dafa. Guard Xu Wenlong incited prisoners to cruelly beat practitioner Mr. Liu Zhigui and I. They forced us to lie on the floor with our faces touching the ground and put blankets over our heads. Two prisoners held our legs, one prisoner sat on our backs, one prisoner stood in front holding down our heads, and then our arms were pulled backward, causing our arms to be damaged so badly that we couldn't use them for over a month.
Abuse at the Weifang Detention Centre Leaves Practitioner Ms. Zhuang Aiping Mentally Traumatised and Suffering from Heart Problems
2006-07-01Ms. Zhuang Aiping is a Falun Dafa practitioner who was unlawfully incarcerated for four months at the Weifang Detention Centre. Her family members went to see her for the first time on June 12th, 2006. According to her family member, she suffered from torture-induced mental trauma and was very weak. When her family members visited her, she had some medicine in her hand. Her family asked her, "Are you taking some medicine?" Ms. Zhuang replied, "The policemen gave me the medicine." Her family then asked her, "Have they beat you?" She kept silent and said only, "They sent me to the Jinan Prison. I was checked out to have heart problems, so the prison refused to accept me. I then was sent back here."
Officials at Division 1 in the Changchun Police Department Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners Who Broadcast Falun Gong Videos Part 2 (Re-enactment Photos)
2006-07-01The police shocked Lei Ming's neck, mouth, chest, genitals, rectum and thighs with electric batons. Another two officers arrived and wrapped Lei Ming's head in a plastic bag. They tightened it so that Lei Ming could not breathe. He almost suffocated. The officers then loosened the bag. Lei Ming took a few breaths before they quickly tightened the bag again. They repeated it until the batteries in the electric batons were recharged. Then the first two officers took over. The officers thought their tortures weren't brutal enough, so they put a flattop screwdriver on the electric stove. Then they put the red-hot screwdriver on Lei Ming's neck, which caused pieces of flesh and skin to detach.
Twenty-six Additional Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Under Persecution in China were Confirmed in May 2006 (Photos)
2006-06-30Twenty-six additional persecution-caused deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China were confirmed in May 2006. Fourteen of those were female practitioners. Thirteen of the 26 practitioners were over 55 years old. Nine of the 26 deaths occurred between January 2006 and May 2006. Two deaths occurred in May 2006. Minghui/Clearwisdom website statistics have confirmed at least 62 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China between January 2006 and May 2006. Since Jiang Zemin's group and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, civil channels have verified the deaths of 2,904 Falun Gong practitioners.
A Shanxi Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at the Dongcheng Detention Centre in Beijing in 2001
2006-06-30A Falun Dafa practitioner from Shanxi Province, in his 50s, and a woman practitioner went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in early March 2001. They were arrested. The male practitioner was detained and later tortured to death in Dongcheng Detention Centre in Beijing. The guards claimed the practitioner hung himself from a shower head. Detention centre officials watch practitioners' every move. Surveillance monitors are installed inside the practitioners' rooms. The practitioners are also followed when they use the toilet or take a shower. Practitioners are completely deprived of personal freedom. Besides, how can a shower head withstand the weight of a grown man of more than 120 pounds?
Additional Information on Ms. Liu Gai's Death
2006-06-3054-year-old Ms. Liu Gai, a Falun Gong practitioner was arrested on September 26th, 2002, and persecuted to death in the next day. In the crematorium, a family member found that her naked body was placed in a black bag. Her two wrists were cut open with gaps a dozen centimetres in length (4.7 in.) and four centimetres (2 in.) wide. It seemed that a piece of flesh had been sliced off both her hands. When her sons and daughters-in-law saw the body, they could not keep from screaming out, and shouted, "My mum was murdered!"
My Husband Li Junqing Died of Injustice
2006-06-30Since the persecution started in 1999, the authorities imprisoned me in a forced labour camp for one and a half years because I upheld my practice of Falun Gong. During that time, my lonely husband, Li Junqing, travelled around Jilin Province. Because he carried some leaflets exposing the persecution, the local police arrested him and imprisoned him in Yinmahe forced labour camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province. After a few months of imprisonment, he died in police custody.
Practitioners Mr. Qiao Jianhui and Mr. Hu Jiancai Unlawfully Sentenced to 4.5 Years by the Yinchuan District Court
2006-06-30The Xingqing District Court sentenced Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Hu Jiancai and Mr. Qiao Jianhui to four and a half years in prison. Both of them have filed appeals. The Yinchuan City Medium Court was scheduled to listen to the case on June 19th, 2006. On June 9th, 2005, Mr. Cai Guojun was tortured until he was paralysed. The police of the Shizuishan State Security Department tortured and battered Mr. Qiao Jianhui and Mr. Hu Jiancai for information that would assist the persecution of Falun Gong
66-Year-Old Ms. Gao Yuqin Dies as a Result of Persecution in Jilin City
2006-06-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Yuqin was 66 years old. She went to Beijing to make an appeal on behalf of Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square and was arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labour at the beginning of November 2000. Her family spent more than 10,000 yuan and did everything they could to bail her out on medical parole at the end of December 2000, after she served four and a half months. Due to living in such a severe environment for a long period of time, her mental and physical health was severely damaged. She died on March 19th, 2006.
Mother in Labour Camp, Father Persecuted to Death
2006-06-29The Public Security Bureau in Shenyang City detained practitioner Mrs. Zu Liming on May 23rd, 2006. The authorities sentenced her to two years of forced labour and sent her to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Her young son Miao Yumeng is now at home, all alone. His father Miao Qisheng was persecuted to death in May 2002. What Miao Yumeng has experienced in the last seven years is beyond imagining for a child his age. The emotional trauma has been terrible. From being homeless to having a broken family, there were only few days he spent with both of his parents, and the happy times they spent together are only a memory.