Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Mr. Chen Xun From Sichuan Province Taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Class Right After His Release from Prison
2006-06-22On April 27th, 2001 police arrested Mr. Chen Xun at home and took him to the Qingbaijiang Detention Centre. He was later sentenced to five years in prison and sent to the Chengdu City Detention Centre Transit Station. He developed symptoms of severe liver and abdominal flukes. Chen Xun was later sent to the Sichuan Yaan Prison where he was brutally tortured. Chen Xun's five-year sentence expired in May 2006, but he was not released. Instead, the 610 Office agents took Chen Xun to the Xinjin Brainwashing Class.
Lawless Officials Hide Gao Rongrong's Body; Her Parents Cannot Commemorate their Daughter at First Anniversary of Her Murder
2006-06-21Following the murder of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong from Shenyang City, her family appealed to various government agencies. Her murderers have not yet been brought to justice. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials hid Gao Rongrong's body and said that officials from the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau must be present when her parents view the body. In the end, her elderly parents did not get to see the body and could not commemorate their beloved daughter on the one-year anniversary of her death.
Mr. Liu Yongwang in Critical Condition After More Than 15 Days on Hunger Strike to Protest Unjust Prison Sentence
2006-06-21"On October 13th, 2002, police carried me into a room where they used to torture determined Dafa practitioners. They shocked me with electric batons and hit me with rubber clubs and coerced me to attack Dafa and "reform" [renounce Dafa]. I told them, "It's against the law to beat people." They hog-tied me and then whipped my face with rubber clubs and leather belts and they knocked out one of my front teeth. They shocked the top of my head, the inside of my thighs and other sensitive body parts with electric batons until the smell of charred flesh permeated the room. They tortured me for three days. I went on hunger strike on the first day of the three-day torture. After the three-day torture, they tied me spread-eagle in a metal bed 24 hours a day for 21 days."
Mr. Zhou Jiangang's Spine Broken by Brutal Prison Beating
2006-06-21On March 10th, 2006, during a meeting in Qinduankou Prison in which Falun Gong was being criticised, detained Falun Dafa practitioners, Mr. Feng Zhen and Mr. Zhou Jiangang shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" in an attempt to stop the persecution. Guard Qin directed other prisoners to brutally beat Mr. Feng Zhen and Mr. Zhou Jiangang, and afterwards locked them in solitary confinement. Mr. Zhou Jiangang was tortured to the brink of death. He was sent to hospital and diagnosed with a broken spine. Mr. Zhou Jiangang can only talk now after more than a month of treatment.
Chongqing City Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Quanliang Framed by Police During Torture Session
2006-06-21Chongqing City Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Quanliang was abducted by police in December 2005. He was hung up and beaten for six days and nights and was detained in Li Ziba Detention Centre, Chongqing City. Police used mind-altering drugs to make Mr. Zhang talk about his work to expose the persecution. Then police used this as evidence to sue him for further persecution. The police submitted a legal document against Mr. Zhang to Yuzhong District Court, trying to put him in jail.
Details Surrounding the Persecution Death of Tan Pingyun from Weifang City
2006-06-20On November 8th, 2005, more than twenty personnel from the "610 Office" barged into the residence of Tan Pingyun. They ransacked her house and confiscated her belongings. She was taken to the brainwashing centre and later to a forced labour camp. In the afternoon on May 18th, 2006, her family members received a phone call from Wangcun Labour Camp, informing them that Tan Pingyun was in critical condition. The vicious police told her family members, "Tan Pingyun drank detergent when she was cleaning the toilet earlier that morning. At 7 p.m. that night, her heart stopped beating. The family members did not agree and suspected foul play with regard to the cause of death.
The Persecution I Suffered at Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-06-20On the evening of September 30th, 2003, I was sitting in meditation. Suddenly a group of policemen rushed in from downstairs and frantically knocked on the door. My husband asked, "Why are you making an arrest?" The police simply did not pay attention to him. They arrested me and another fellow practitioner and took us away in a police car. On the third morning of my detainment, the police opened the cell door. They brutally handcuffed us and pushed us on a tour bus. After getting off, a nurse gave us injections. We asked, "What’s this?" "Vaccine," was her reply. (Actually it was a drug that impairs the nervous system). Two practitioners lost consciousness right away. I was transferred to hospital for force-feeding. I almost suffocated to death.
Hebei Province Prison Has Confined Mr. Wang Shengbiao in the "Strict Discipline Team" for 19 Months
2006-06-20Mr. Wang Shengbiao was sentenced to 11 and a half years in jail. Because he refuses to give up his belief in Falun Gong, and be "reformed," from October 2004 to the present time, he has been confined by the "strict discipline team" in the 4th Prison in Hebei (also called Shijiazhuang's Beijiao Prison). Currently his physical condition is poor. He has high blood pressure, his vision has weakened, and his legs are numb.
Three Wicked Officials Employed at the Women's Prison of Hunan Province
2006-06-20Zhao Lan, former deputy director of the Women's Prison of Hunan Province, has eagerly imposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) genocidal policy from the inception of her employment in that capacity in 2001. Under her command, the Women’s Prison of Hunan Province has become a concentration camp full of CCP lies concocted to "transform" practitioners' strongly held belief in the universal characteristic of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.
Practitioner Ms. Li Shuyuan Was Murdered and Her Organs Removed; Three Years Later the Family Still Denied Autopsy Report
2006-06-19On the afternoon of July 6th, 2002, Ms. Li Shuyuan went with fellow practitioners to Jinlizi Village to hand out leaflets exposing the persecution. At about 10:30 p.m., she went missing. The next day, police officers from Taijitun Township notified her family to go to the riverside to claim her body. Ms. Li Shuyuan was murdered. The next day, police officers and a doctor dissected her body. They removed her brain marrow and internal organs (heart, lung, liver, intestines, and stomach). More than three years have since passed, yet the officials still refuse to give Ms. Li Shuyan's family the report of the autopsy.
Additional Facts Surrounding the Murder of Wu Baowang, a Dafa Practitioner from Heilongjiang Province
2006-06-19On April 19th, 2002, a Falun Dafa book was found at Wu Baowang’s home and he was sent to the No. 2 Detention Centre in Shuangcheng City. Wu Baowang began a hunger strike to appeal against the unjust persecution. the police used four criminals with no medical knowledge to force feed Wu Baowang. The criminals dragged him out of the cell, pressed him against a bed and used all of their strength to push a tube down Wu Baowang’s nose. Then they poured high density salt water through the tube. While they force fed him, they beat him up. After Wu Baowang was carried back to the cell, he began to vomit blood and he passed away soon after. The authorities forced the criminals to say Wu Baowang had died due to a heart attack.
Exposing Crimes Committed By Staff at the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2006-06-19The "instructors" take food to practitioners' bedrooms. Practitioners are not allowed to get their own food. The purpose of this rule is so they can drug the food. The different kinds of drugs come either in liquid or powder form. They use different kinds of drugs for different practitioners. Generally they put drugs in water and regular meals, but sometimes they inject brainwashing drugs into particular foods or even fruits. The drugs will take effect in about half an hour. The main symptoms are headaches, dizziness, protruding eyes, sleepiness (some practitioners feel sleepy after over 10 hours of sleep per day and are still lethargic) shortness of breath, chest pain and irritability.
Jiangsu Province Practitioner Suffers Broken Rib from Police Brutality
2006-06-19Mr. He Guoping was detained in different units, a police substation, a detention centre, and a forced labour camp, and was also laid off. While in the detention centre, he suffered a broken rib from police brutality and endured various other tortures. After his rib was broken, the broken bone made a noise for two weeks. For six months after that, Mr. He suffered excruciating back pain and recovered only after he returned home on December 13th, 2004.
Persecution in Prisons and Labour Camps in Hebei Province
2006-06-18In October 2000, a group of Falun Dafa practitioners from all parts of Hebei Province were sent to the Kaiping Labour Camp. There was a shortage of cells, so bungalows with brick beds [a heatable brick bed used in northern China] were built in the men’s division, located behind the women's division. A dozen practitioners slept on one large brick bed. We could only sleep on our sides. Dafa practitioners are often hung from the trees. When government officials come for an inspection, the labour camp authorities hide all steadfast practitioners.
Ms. Zhou Yongping Tortured by the First Division of Changchun Public Security Bureau
2006-06-18I was arrested and taken to Changchun Public Security Bureau. A policeman holding an object I couldn’t identify came up behing me. He used that object to punch the point between the thumb and the index finger of my left hand. A purple swelling the size of a ping pong ball appeared on the back of my left hand. Then they handcuffed me behind my back, lifted my hands (while handcuffed) over my head to the front, pressed my upper body toward my legs, and cruelly pressed my head until my face touched my thighs. Two policemen fiercely struck my back with their fists, while my chest and abdomen were pressed against the iron rod. All this caused me excruciating pain. Every second I felt out of breath.