Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Laizhou City, Shandong Province, 610 Office Agents Stage a Mock Court Trial as a Trap, Arrest 23 Practitioners

    One male and two female plainclothes police officers reported Qi Haijun, a disabled practitioner on January 23rd, 2007. He was then sent to Laizhou City Detention Centre although they found nothing on him to use as evidence against him. About 2:00 p.m. on January 27th, Mr. Qi suddenly felt dizzy, had a rapid heart beat and lost consciousness. He then went into convulsions and fell into a coma. When his family members learned of his condition, they petitioned the detention centre to allow them to bring him home. They did bring him home after paying 4,000 yuan in cash as a "warrant of probation."
  • Elderly Mr. Wang Guolin from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Died after Being Persecuted

    79-year-old Mr. Wang Guolin, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiamusi City. He started practising Falun Gong in 1997. He benefited greatly, both in his physical health and his moral standard. Because of his practice of Falun Gong, Mr. Wang was harassed, arrested, and subject to extortion by the Jiamusi City 610 Office and the Public Security Bureau. He passed away on November 25th, 2006.
  • Facts about the Persecutors at Information Industry Department's No. 5 Research Institute in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

    When the persecution of Falun Gong began, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime forced the supervisors of the No. 5 Research Institute to put pressure on their management staff to execute the CCP's draconian policy. The management staff unwillingly carried out the cruel persecution towards the Falun Gong practitioners. Some practitioners went to Beijing to appeal to the government. If they were still employed at the Research Institute, they were threatened to be dismissed from their posts. If they were retired, then their pensions were reduced. For the first three months, they were given no income, and during the following six months, they were only given a total of 200 to 380 yuan, which is much lower than the basic amount needed to cover the average living costs for Guangzhou citizens.
  • First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 5)

    When you, as a practitioner, are tortured to force you give up your belief, this is a test: Will you have anger inside your heart when you see that other detainees are showing off and dumping their leftover food into the rubbish bins on purpose or depriving you of your meals in front of your eyes while you don't have enough food to eat? Will you still be indifferent and care little about your physiological desires when you see in front of your eyes that other detainees are chewing and enjoying the charcoaled chicken and sausages on purpose brought from the shop inside the labour camp while you're not allowed to buy anything from there? Will your heart still be peaceful when you are forced to stay up all night long under the surveillance of the collaborators and the guards while others are sleeping soundly?
  • Torture Committed against Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Changshou Detention Centre, Chongqing City

    A 69-year-old steadfast practitioner refused to cooperate with the persecution, so the guards held him in the cell with death row prisoners, where he was brutally beaten and tortured. Practitioners are not allowed to take showers or wash their clothes. They may not go to the toilet outside their cell. When released, many practitioners have boils all over their bodies, which are itchy and fester, and other related illnesses. Many can't walk when they are finally released.
  • Practitioner Ms. Bai Yuzhi Severely Injured as a Result of Persecution at Hebei Province Women's Prison

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Bai Yuzhi was sentenced to four years at the Hebei Province Women's Prison, for her belief in Falun Dafa and for exposing the truth of the persecution and telling people the facts of Falun Dafa. She was released on December 19th, 2006. The persecution left her in very poor condition. Ms. Bai is physically weak and has blurred vision and can barely stand up. Neurological problems seem to be the cause of her hand tremors. She suffers constant pain throughout her body. Looking at such a formerly beautiful, kind, and energetic woman who underwent relentless abuse in a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sanctioned prison, Ms. Bai's family fought back their tears.
  • Practitioner Ms. Jiang Jie in Fushun, Liaoning Province Tortured to Mental Collapse

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Jie began to practise Falun Gong in 1996. On September 8th, 2006, less than one month after Ms. Jiang's husband's death, police took Ms. Jiang to the Brainwashing Class in Fushun City. Without any of her family members at home or a search warrant, Ms. Jiang's computer, speakers, a printer, and Dafa books were taken from her house; the value was around 4,000 yuan in total. Ms. Jiang was on the hunger strike for five days. The vicious guards used steel pincers to force open her mouth, and then they pinched her nose with their hands. After that, they force-fed food into her mouth. Due to the torture at the camp, Ms. Jiang suffered a mental collapse and has not yet recovered.
  • First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 4)

    After the persecution started, I went to appeal on July 21st, 1999. My employer, the Foreign Trade Ministry of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), tried to force me to give up cultivating Falun Dafa, so that I could be "on the same page" as the CCP. My family also tried to convince me. My oldest brother was the most active of my three older brothers. My father, a history teacher, cooperated with him. Once, they suddenly locked me up in a room and tried many ways to force me to give in. My father used many historical stories about how people had been wrong. My oldest brother is a provincial civil minister. He is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in that province. He knows clearly the CCP's plan to eradicate Falun Gong. They thought they could save me from disaster and stop me from ruining my reputation and losing profit or ruining my family.
  • Huili City Police in Sichuan Province Lure Children with Money to Be "Undercover Agents"

    On the morning of November 10th, 2006, the daughter of Mr. Liu, a neighbour of practitioner Li Zefen, together with several students from the village Xinhua Elementary School went to Li Zefen's home saying, "We like the Falun Dafa bookmarks, and we want several more." They also asked Ms. Li if she still had Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, as they also wanted to read them. Ms. Li kindly received the children. She brought out stools and let them sit in her yard. Before long, two police vehicles arrived. Several police officers ransacked Ms. Li's home and took her away. One of the Falun Gong practitioners in Huili has been tortured to death and twenty have been sentenced to forced labour, with ten still being detained in other regions.
  • Mr. Gong Chengge and Other Practitioners in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province Still Being Detained

    During the new wave of persecution led by Zhao Jincheng, director of the Mudanjiang Police Department, in Helongjiang Province on December 12th, 2006, many Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. Although most of them were released after large amounts of money were extorted from them, Mr. Gong Chengge, Mr. Zhu Xiucheng, and Ms. Hao Rong are still being detained. After money was extorted from Mr. Gong Chengge's family, his family went to the police department to ask for his release, but got no response.
  • Regimental Officer Mr. Xu Yongpei Becomes Healthy Through Cultivation But Is Arrested Three Times For Persisting in Cultivation

    On January 6th, 2007, 61-year-old Mr. Xu Yongpei and his wife were walking the noisy streets of Yangjiaping in the Jiulongpo District. A group of people led by state security agent Ou Lichang from the Shapingba District Police Department arrested Mr. Xu Yongpei, right in front of his wife and everyone else. They took him to the city's notorious brainwashing centre. This is the third time he has been arrested by Chinese Communist Party officials and imprisoned at a brainwashing centre.
  • Mr. Cao Dong Given Five Year Prison Sentence for Talking to European Parliament Vice President

    On February 8th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong was sentenced to five years in prison by the Gansu Provincial Court. His so-called "crimes" were "illegally connecting with a foreign anti-China force," and "illegally accepting interviews." Mr. Cao Dong is appealing these false charges. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) confessed, "According to a CCP Central 610 Office statement, 'It [the persecution] could be easily exposed on the media if we sentenced Mr. Cao Dong in Beijing,' and 'it is better to transfer Cao Dong to Gansu Province (where his hometown is located) and have the State Safety Bureau sentence him,' ...If we allowed Cao Dong to be released, it will be a threat to the Capital City's social stability..."
  • Mr. Duan Yuanle from Sichuan Province Dies as a Result of Torture by Chongqing Police

    Mr. Duan Yuanle, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested by Chongqing Hechuan police officers because he produced leaflets exposing the persecution at home. The police beat and tortured Mr. Duan Yuanle, and then took him to Hechun Detention Centre and subjected him to four more months of torture, until he was paralysed and comatose. Mr. Duan died as a result of the torture on October 7th, 2006.
  • Ms. Liu Yuli from Changchun City, Jilin Province Died in July 2006 as a Result of Torture and Long-Term Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yuli went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and was arrested and detained. She suffered from bladder and bowel incontinence due to being tortured with electric batons in the Heizuizi Labour Camp. There were huge blisters on her thighs as result of the torture. The guards would shock her as soon as she spoke her mind. Ms. Liu had bloody blisters all over her body for a long time. Ms. Liu died in July 2006 as a result of long-term persecution, at age 67.
  • Atrocities at the First Shandong Provincial Jail

    For a long time, the "jail orientation team" at Division 11 was especially used for persecuting practitioners. The guards used criminals to carry out the forceful "transformation" of practitioners. If they did not give up their belief, they were beaten or abused and subjected to all kinds of physical punishment. They were not allowed to sleep for 24 hours or go to the toilet. Practitioner Mr. Zhuang Shijun always rejected the "transformation," so they tortured him physically for a long time. They forced him to sit on a hard wooden stool with ridges and to squat on his heels for a long time. They did not allow him to sleep or even yawn. If he did, they beat him.