Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Husband Li Jun and Wife Du Xiuyun Are Illegally Sentenced to Prison
2003-08-22In May 2002, Du Xiuyun went to her hometown to distribute Dafa materials. On May 16, Du went back to Dalian and found Li missing. The police from the Wanjia Police Station were waiting at their house and arrested her. The police also illegally confiscated their property including the copier, a printer, a computer, a cell phone, and a back certificate. At the beginning of 2003, Li and Du were illegally sentenced to nine and eight year prison terms in Liaoning Province. The police deny them their legal visitation rights.
Cruelty and Brainwashing at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun
2003-08-21Hou Zhihong was the most notorious prison guard in Section Six of Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun city. After he was transferred to Section Seven, he has become the head of the team for direct persecuting Falun Gong practitioners . He is known for using torture and deception to coerce practitioners to write the so-called "Disassociation Statement" [A statement to declare a dissociation with Falun Gong and promise not go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong].
Officials In Henan Oil Field Force Dafa Practitioners into Brainwashing Classes
2003-08-21The party general secretary, Wang Lingkui, and the "610 Office" head, Qi Gang, tried to force her, but failed. When it was near 11 am, they called to report to the oil field public security bureau, which sent some policemen from the Security Team to Wang Wanrong's house. Wang Wanrong was forcibly dragged to a car by four people and sent to a brainwashing class held by the Nanyang City Cadre School of Politics and Law.
Stories of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Yali Before Being Tortured and Killed in a Strait Jacket
2003-08-21Because she insisted on practising Falun Dafa, the police department of the Oil Extraction Plant sentenced her to forced labour. In the Zhengzhou City's Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp she was tragically killed while being subjected to the strait jacket torture. She is one of three Dafa practitioners to have been killed in this way on June 4, 2003 at the Zhengzhou Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp.
Cruel Tactics Used to Torture Dafa Practitioners in Moganshan Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-21Camp policeman Chen Yunli frequently threatened Dafa practitioners in meetings, "Nobody will walk out of the labour camp if not transformed!" He also ordered the prisoners to monitor Dafa practitioners. He coerced the prisoners with promises of freely moving around and a reduction in their terms, trying to make the prisoners collabourate with them to persecute practitioners. Some prisoners who did not know the truth became accomplices of the camp police in order to seek rewards.
Hebei Province's Evil "610 Office" Tortures Younger Sister to Paralysis, Older Sister to Disability
2003-08-20The "610 Oficee" sent people to threaten Huiqi's husband, numerous times, even though he does not practise Falun Gong. In the end, the family was forced to separate. Huiqi's medical expenses and care primarily come from her eldest sister, Li Huimin, who is already experiencing financial hardship. Moreover, on many occasions the "610 Office" attempted to illegally shut down the family's small shop, which is their only source of income for the entire family.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Uses Cruel Means in Attempt to Brainwash Over 1300 Imprisoned Dafa Practitioners
2003-08-20In the 2nd Female Brigade of Masanjia Labour Camp, more than 1300 Dafa practitioners are illegally detained. Instigated by the directors of the camp, Su Jing and Wang Naimin, the prison guards are committing criminal offences in persecuting Dafa practitioners. The methods they use are extremely cruel.
Gross Contraventions of Human Rights Against Falun Dafa Practitioners in Baimalong Labour Camp
2003-08-20Each practitioner was force-fed by 7 or 8 drug addicts. They brutally forced soup and concentrated salt water down the throats of the practitioner once every half hour by violently forcing spoons into their mouths. Some practitioners who endured this torture received blisters in their mouths or developed coughs that remain to this day.
SinoSat Is Tapped; "Jiang Zemin Facing Lawsuit" Program Shown in China
2003-08-20According to a report by Xinhua Net in Beijing on August 15th, a journalist learned from the Ministry of Information Industry Radio Monitoring Centre, that at 9:05 p.m. on August 12th and at 8:23 p.m. on August 13th, Falun Gong-related programs appeared successively on China Education TV, CCTV and ten provincial TV stations. This was confirmed by the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Radio Film and Television.
News.Com.au: China quake topples 2,700 homes
2003-08-20AN earthquake hit China's northern region of Inner Mongolia toppling more than 2,700 homes and killing two people, officials said today. The quake, measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale, hit at 6.58pm (2058 AEST) yesterday near the towns of Bairin Zuoqi and Ar Horqin Qi in eastern Inner Mongolia and could be felt as far away as the capital Beijing, about 500 km south.At least 43 people were injured.
Lifting the Veil on The Brutal Torture in the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia (Part 1 of 2)
2003-08-19Practitioner Wang Zhichen, pointing to practitioner Wang Xiaodong who had been beaten up, asked the prison guard why he beat Mr. Wang. Wang Liwei replied, "Does this count as beating people?" As he was saying this, he was pushing and beating Wang Zhichen. Later, Wang Xiaodong was confined to a small cell. Wang Zhichen was brought to the office by guard Zhi Wenqi. There, Zhi Wenqi forcefully grabbed Mr. Wang's throat and shouted, "I am the devil!" He choked Wang Zhichen so hard that Wang could not breathe.
Female Practitioner From Chenzhou City Missing for Over Two Years After Her Arrest
2003-08-19While she was detained in Beijing, the Beijing police transported practitioners who peacefully appealed to remote mountains and valleys late at night. Some of them were beaten until they were bleeding all over or near death. The police then dug a pit to bury them alive (the purpose was to force them to tell their address). The mud already went up to her neck. The police abandoned those who still refused to tell their address. There are many people who were abandoned in remote mountains like that.
Police in Unmarked Car Arrive at a Village and Attempt to Arrest Dafa Practitioner without Any Legal Procedure
2003-08-19Why did the township head and policemen take an unmarked car and try to arrest the practitioner without being noticed? They knew what they did couldn't withstand public scrutiny, but they still did it against their conscience in order to reach a targeted quota and achieve personal gain.
Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Dies from Force-Feeding and Torture
2003-08-18Outrageously, the doctor and guards there force-fed him with boiling water. Following these agonising force-feedings, he had blood in his stool for several days. In early August 2003, Zhang Xuewen was transferred to the Hulan Prison in Harbin City. Mr. Zhang died in this prison on the morning of August 8, 2003.
Details About Dafa Practitioner Wang Xin's Death in a Labour Camp in Nanchang City
2003-08-18Yuan, the head of section one, heartlessly said when someone reported that practitioner Wang Xin was about to die, "More than ten days of hunger strike should not be a problem. Wait a few more days and see what happens." I believe that those people must be held accountable for the death of Wang Xin.