Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
An Account of Some of the Inhuman Tortures That Occur in Hulu Island "Re-education" Centre
2002-01-26Practitioner Li Guanghai was shocked by seven or eight electric batons for over half an hour. His face was seriously deformed, and he could not be recognized after he came back. He could not eat solid food, and could only consume liquids through a straw. He was not able to stand but had to lie on a bed for over 20 days, and was not able to defecate for 18 days.
The Consequences of Lying
2002-01-26During recent years, the Jiang regime has spent a huge amount of money to develop special computer software to block the exchange of information over the Internet. All these methods have fundamentally deprived the Chinese people of one of their basic human rights.
Practitioner Tortured to Death by Police
2002-01-25 -
Methods Used by Hewan Forced Labour Camp to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-01-25 -
Brutal Torture of Practitioners in Huanxiling Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-25On the afternoon of September 25, right after Chen Yutao arrived in the labour camp and was assigned to Team No. 2 of Brigade No. 2, he was shocked with electric batons, beaten and kicked for 3 hours by a group of policemen...
Police Beat, Torture and Rob Everything from Falun Dafa Practitioner.
2002-01-25[Officials] removed every single thing from Liu Shengzhi's home on January 6. Liu's two pigs were sold to villagers for only 240 Yuan RMB (the market price for two pigs was about 800 Yuan RMB). All of his crops including wheat, corn and peanuts were snatched up. His cooking wares, working tools and even his door were taken away...
Photo Report: Female Dafa Practitioner Chi Chunxia’s Critical Condition
2002-01-24 -
Torture and Brainwashing at Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp, Qiqihar
2002-01-24Female Dafa practitioner Cui Xuemin is a very determined and faithful practitioner, therefore, they cuffed her for 21 days, but even all kinds of torture failed to move her determination to practice. The evil propaganda was unable to deceive her. Finally, she was able to win over the philosophy professor whom the detention centre had invited to brainwash her. After many rounds of brainwashing and attempted thought control, the professor said, "I cannot turn her mind around, if I continue to try to turn her mind around, my mind will be turned around by her!"
Who is Really Responsible for Wang Guoxin's Death?
2002-01-24 -
An Evil Place - The Second Detention Centre of Qiqihar
2002-01-24In a cell with an area less than 30 square metres [approx. 300 sq.ft.] 48 people are imprisoned. In the summer, it is common to suffer from heatstroke and it is very difficult to breathe. In order to cope with such a torturous environment, people have to take turns sleeping in three shifts. Because it is so crowded, they have to crouch up in tight sitting positions and sleep sitting up, being forced to sit everywhere, the floor, the latrine, etc.
My Brother Chen Aili Brutally Abused and Force-fed with an Unknown Drug
2002-01-24My brother was brought out. I noticed he looked like a dementia case, his face looked dark and his eyes had no expression. He simply nodded to me. I sat next to him, we did not talk for about 10 minutes.
Young Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Beaten to Death by Beijing Police
2002-01-23 -
Falun Dafa Practitioner Chai Yong Tortured to Death
2002-01-23 -
Practitioners Treated Worse than Animals in Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-23There were many solitary confinement cells in the labour camp. Falun Dafa practitioners were taken there if they practiced the Falun Gong exercises or broke one of the inhumane rules the labour camp made up. Before being thrown into these cells, practitioners were stripped almost completely naked. The cells were very dark and small. A person couldn't even stand straight in there. There were many insects in the cell, and the practitioners were badly bitten. Every day, the guards would throw a few chunks of rice on the ground, and the practitioners had to eat with their hands.
Practitioner Jiang Wei Requests a Fair Hearing after Two Years of Torture
2002-01-22In order to prevent Jiang Wei from being murdered after the letter was smuggled out or to prevent the evil police from creating an impostor "Jiang Wei," we are attaching the following material evidence