Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Kang Yuncheng, 56, from Mudanjiang City Dies After Years of Torture and Abuse
2010-12-19Since 1999, Mr. Kang Yuncheng had been repeatedly arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. In 2003, Mr. Kang was arrested and sentenced to prison because he had appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong. Guards tried to force him to renounce his faith in Falun Gong and was subjected to extremely inhumane treatment. Punching and beating Falun Gong practitioners was accepted as normal behaviour by other inmates. Mr. Kang also had to do long hours of forced labour making chopsticks and toothpicks. In 2007, he was released from Mudanjiang Prison on medical parole due to poor health. On November 16th, he died at the age of 56.
Ms. Du Mingliang's Personal Account of Persecution in a Psychiatric Hospital
2010-12-19The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999. I went to Beijing to appeal on December 25th, 1999, and have since been subjected to the persecution. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Huaian City repeatedly arrested me and ransacked my home. They detained me five times, sentencing me to two years and nine months of forced labour, and later sentenced me to four years and six months of imprisonment. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials also tortured me in a psychiatric hospital, force-feeding me harmful drugs. They even alienated me from my family, trying to force me to give up my belief.
Cao Xuewen from Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province Describes His Persecution Experiences
2010-12-19Mr. Cao Xuewen was arrested by the police three times and persecuted in a brainwashing centre two times. He was also forced to become homeless once. He explains, "brainwashing attempts to "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] practitioners who follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance into people who smoke, fight, and cast blame on others. A practitioner was only considered "transformed" when he had signed a guarantee statement to renounce practising Falun Gong. Those in charge extorted a large amount of money from the "transformed" practitioners and also demanded that the practitioners thank them for their so-called "transformation.""
Elderly Woman from Jincheng City Detained
2010-12-19On October 10th, Ms. Yang Yufeng, 71, was abducted by police while she was distributing flyers and informational materials about Falun Gong and the persecution. At the police station, this elderly lady was interrogated about where she got the Falun Gong materials throughout the night until noon the next day. She was so tired that she almost passed out. According to the law, a seventy-one-year-old lady cannot be detained in a detention centre. However, officials from the Domestic Security Division arbitrarily changed her age to sixty nine in order to detain her. Ms. Yang was released on October 21st, after she was maltreated over ten days. Currently, officials from the Domestic Security Division are pressuring her daughter, who is also a Falun Gong practitioner.
Engineer Ms. Huang Jiazhen Suffers Endless Abuse in the Persecution
2010-12-18Since July 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Huang Jiazhen has been persecuted many times for not wanting to abandon her beliefs. She was arrested and suffered brutal torture at the end of 2001. She then escaped. Her husband divorced her. She had been sent to forced labour camps twice in 2004 and 2009, and suffered enormous torture and abuse. Huang Jiazhen was sent to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp for one year. She suffered electric shocks to the head and neck from electric batons, was forced to stand still for a long time, was overloaded with industrial labour, force fed, bound to a death bed for seven days, and suffered other inhuman tortures.
Mr. Liu Tong, a Teacher from Mei County, Guangdong Province, Arrested by More Than Ten Police Officers
2010-12-18Liu Tong, a physics teacher at Dongshan Middle School in Mei County, Guangdong Province, received a phone call on November 25th, from a fellow Falun Gong practitioner requesting Falun Gong materials. Mr. Liu went to deliver the materials to Mei County High School. He was later arrested by police waiting for him. He was detained at the Detention Centre. A dozen policemen took him to his home and ransacked it. The police took pictures, confiscated his computer and other personal belongings.
Beloved Village Chief Twice Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2010-12-18Mr. Yin Xuhua was elected chief of his village in 1984 because he was honest and capable, and loved to help others. Mr. Yin started practising Falun Gong in 1998. However, since the persecution began in 1999, this kindhearted village chief has twice been imprisoned in a forced labour camp, both times for three-year terms. He was also brutally beaten while imprisoned in the Fe County Detention Centre. A handful of guards jumped on Mr. Yin. They pushed him to the floor. Mr. Yin was held face down with his arms and legs stretched out. Guard Wang stood on Mr. Yin, cursing, hitting, and slapping his face, ears, nose, and mouth non-stop like a madman. Nonetheless the guards were still not satisfied. They picked up rubber clubs and continued hitting Mr. Yin all over his body.
Wang Guohua and Her Family in Yushu City, Jilin Province Subjected to Repeated Persecution
2010-12-18Ever since July 1999, under the direction of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), the public security, procuratorial and judicial branches in Yushu City have been persecuting those who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. A variety of persecution methods are used against the Falun Gong practitioners, including arrests, confiscating personal property, fines, extracting confessions by torture, detention, forced labour camp terms, imprisonment, brainwashing, and house imprisonment. Falun Gong practitioner Wang Guohua and her family have been repeatedly persecuted.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Ma Cuihong Dies as a Result of Persecution
2010-12-17After suffering from numerous tortures by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Ms. Ma Cuihong became seriously ill. She endured brutal forced feeding by her torturers, who inserted a plastic feeding tube through her nostril into the stomach. Due to the repeated insertion of the feeding tube, her trachea and lung suffered fatal damage. Four years prior to her death, she coughed incessantly, vomited blood, and had severe pain around the chest. She had difficulty sleeping at night. As soon as she lay down, she'd have violent coughing and difficulty breathing. She died in September 2010, as a result of persecution. She was only 47 years old.
Wang Cuixiang Persecuted to Death After Being Arrested Before the Beijing Olympics
2010-12-17Wang Cuixiang, 48, was persecuted before the Beijing Olympics. She was tortured in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp until her health severely deteriorated, she collapsed and could no longer take care of herself. The camp took her to the hospital, but her condition did not improve. They allowed Ms. Wang's family to take her home around November 2009, and extorted 3,000 yuan from her family for medical care. She never recovered and died in November 2010.
Persecution of Ms. Tan Jinhui in Guanghan, Sichuan Province
2010-12-17Tan Jinhui, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been detained and sent to forced labour camps and brainwashing facilities many times in the past ten years. In January 2010, after being persecuted continuously, she felt ill and too weak to even spit water out of her mouth, possibly due to poisoning. Previously in 2000, Ms. Tan went to distribute materials about Falun Gong, and was arrested and beaten severely by police.
Tan Fengjiang, Liu Zhuanjiang, and Other Practitioners Tortured in Jiamusi Prison
2010-12-17On August 7th, 2007, a guard asked Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tan Fengjiang what he did the night before. Mr. Tan answered that he practised the Falun Gong exercises. The guards then ordered him to promise that he would not do them again, but Mr. Tan refused. Han Jibo punched him in the face and kicked him. Prisoner Wang Guoqing also joined in the attack and viciously struck the left side of Mr. Tan head from behind, causing a 2 to 3 centimetre split in his ear. As Mr. Tan fell down, blood poured onto his clothes and the floor. As a result of this torture, most of Mr. Tan's earlobe got detached and he still has difficulty hearing to this day.
A Childhood Full Of Tears - the Story of Xinxin and Her Family
2010-12-16Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, 11-year-old Xinxin's life has been full of tears. In 2000, when she was 1 she was arrested with her Falun Gong parents. Over the years her father, Liu Yongwang, has suffered unspeakable brutality by the Communist regime. In 2005, Liu Yongwang was sentenced to eight years in prison with the excuse of suspecting that he was involved in broadcasting Falun Gong programmes on cable television, without any evidence.
Ms. Jin Xiuwen and Mr. Liu Xigong from Beijing Sentenced
2010-12-16Ms. Jin Xiuwen and Mr. Liu Xigong, both in their 60's, were sentenced to four and a half years on July 13th, 2010, by the Haidian District Court. When they appealed to the higher court, the initial decision was upheld. Ms. Jin and Mr. Liu have been repeatedly persecuted because they refuse to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Jin has been dismissed by her employer, and Mr. Liu has had his pension suspended. Ms. Jin and Mr. Liu were arrested on December 19th, 2009, and their home was ransacked.
Mr. Qin Yueming's Family Persecuted by Jinshantun District 610 Office
2010-12-16Practitioner Ms. Wang Baoyu was arrested in Harbin City on November 16th. Her husband, Mr. Qin Yueming, was tortured on a tiger bench in Yichun Forced Labour Camp. His legs and ribs were broken in several places and he couldn't walk. He was later sentenced to ten years in prison, and is being detained at the Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City.