Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lecturer from Communication University of China Tortured in Forced Labour Camp
2010-12-27On July 17th, 2008, I was transferred to the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp after nine months of detention at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. They extended my term for another three months for “hiding Falun Gong articles.” I was brutally beaten, verbally abused, and locked in solitary confinement. I was forced to sit on a small stool in front of a surveillance camera all day. I was not allowed to take a shower for six months. After four months of solitary confinement, I wrote letters to the director of the labour camp, demanding an end to the solitary confinement. My requests went unanswered. Drug addicts broke into my room while I was writing a letter and hit me in the face and head. They also kicked my legs. The beating lasted for about 50 minutes.
Nearly 20 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Tangshan
2010-12-27On November 24th, 12 or more Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in and around Tangshan. From November 17th to November 24th, nearly 20 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in the same area. on November 17th, Ms. Zhang Haiyan's house was ransacked by the Yutian County Domestic Security Division. They took a computer and personal items and arrested her, her husband, Mr. Huang Kejun, and their child, who is not a practitioner. They released the child, alone, in the middle of the night. Mr. Huang and Ms. Zhang were transferred to the Yutian Detention Centre on November 19th. Han Xiuying was arrested for going to Falun Gong websites and the house ransacked by the Fengrun District Police Department. While Mr. Li Shaohui from Xinqu was talking to people about Falun Gong, he was arrested by police.
Ms. Chi Fengchun Tortured in Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-12-26In July, 2008, Ms. Chi Fengchun, a Falun Gong practitioner, informed police officers about the true nature of Falun Gong after they broke into her house. She was arrested, beaten, and taken to Jinan No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year sentence. Camp officials torture practitioners by not allowing them to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet. They force them to stand up for 24 hours at a time and order them to write a guarantee statement to renounce practising Falun Gong within nine days. Guards took turns beating Ms. Chi, pulling her hair, and punching her in the face until she couldn't see because her eyes were swollen shut. They kicked her till her legs turned black.
Jiangsu Province Falun Gong Practitioner Xu Ming Imprisoned for the Second Time
2010-12-26On May 26th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Xu Ming was arrested by the Changzhou City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) while on his way to work. He was taken to prison, where he endured several brainwashing sessions conducted by the officers there. He was later sent to Xilin Detention Centre in Changzhou, where he has been held ever since. Xu Ming's captors attempted to force a confession by torturing him. His family hired a local lawyer to defend him. The 610 Office found out about this, and started harassing the lawyer. They flatly told the lawyer that he was not allowed to defend Falun Gong practitioners.
Domestic Security Brigade Officer in Hebei Province Forges Evidence to Frame Ms. Liu Shunxian
2010-12-26On August 16th, 2010, police officers broke into Ms. Liu Shunxian's house in Wazi Village. They arrested Ms. Liu and confiscated her computer, printer, MP3 player and Falun Gong books. Ms. Liu was held at the Quyang County Detention Centre. The next day, the officers took Ms. Liu to the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. The labour camp refused to take her because of her physical condition. In October 2009, the Procuratorate returned the case to the police because of insufficient evidence. The head of the Lingshan Town Police Station followed orders from his superiors and had a false witness testify against Ms. Liu. Chen Jianwen, head of the Domestic Security Brigade, then forged evidence and took the case to the Procuratorate again.
The Persecution of a Retired Official and His Family in Jingmen City, Hubei Province
2010-12-26Li Jiliang is in his 80s. Because he practises Falun Gong, his pension has been revoked for the past seven or eight years. During these years, the elderly couple has depended on the wife's pension to survive. Mr. Li's grandson, 31, is simple and honest. He was an assistant of Tian Changbing, Director of the Jingmen Police Department and the party secretary of the Jingmen Politics and Law Committee. Tian Changbing's pictures were posted on websites run by Falun Gong practitioners. Tian suspected that his pictures were passed to Mr. Li by his grandson, and then Mr. Li passed the pictures to Falun Gong websites. As a result, three month ago, Mr. Li's grandson was transferred to a lower unit with his post reserved for two years.
An Account of the Persecution Suffered by Ms. Tan Shaowei from Guangzhou (Part 1)
2010-12-25I was arrested and taken to the Hongshan Addiction Treatment Centre in July 2002. After arriving at the brainwashing centre, several employees threatened me, saying, “If you still keep your faith, we want you to know what you're going to suffer. We'll get a psychiatrist to certify that you're ill and you'll be taken to a mental hospital, where you'll get electric shocks. Your husband will be ordered to divorce you. We'll say that you committed suicide if we throw you out the window. We'll hang you up from the ceiling.”
Ms. Sun Fudi Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured Since July 20th, 1999
2010-12-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Fudi, 57, was arrested by village Communist Party officials and police in June 2009. The officers searched her home and took away valuables. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour and taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City. In the labour camp, Ms. Sun refused to be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. They forced her to squat down and bend over for extended hours. She was also handcuffed and hit in the face. The guards also used an MP3 player to blast slanderous propaganda into her ears with ear buds. In March 2010, Ms. Sun suffered from ascites resulting from a bladder expansion due to torture she endured in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. She was released and returned home on April 20th, 2010.
Relentless Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Weinan Prison, Shanxi Province
2010-12-25The Chinese Communist Party provides prison guards with incentives for their participation in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In order to get the bonus, the guards persuade criminal inmates to persecute practitioners in exchange for reward points. As a result, these inmates are encouraged to torture Falun Gong practitioners without any sense of humanity or conscience. The methods used to torture Falun Gong practitioners are very brutal. They cuff practitioner's hands behind the back tightly, with one arm over the shoulder and the other pulled up from below. They also use two inmates to hold a practitioner's legs, while a third one stomps the practitioner's body.
Additional Information on the Arrest of Ms. Geng Caixia from Luan County, Hebei Province
2010-12-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Geng Caixia was reported to the police when she went to the Xiaomazhuang area to tell people the facts about Falun Gong on July 7th, 2010. Police arrested her and took her to the police station for interrogation. Police demanded information about her son and her mother. Ms. Geng didn’t tell them anything. Then one officer slapped her face three times and grabbed her hair, trying to lift her. Two other officers also got involved. One used his legs to immobilise Ms. Geng’s head while the other one used rope and wrapped it around her head, binding it so tightly that she had difficulty breathing.
Hunan Practitioner Ms. Peng Donglian Dies at Li County Detention Centre
2010-12-24Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Peng Donglian, 58, at her home without a warrant on November 9th and took her to Li County Detention Centre. She died at the Li County Detention Centre just eleven days after her arrest. Her family rushed to the detention centre and saw her body. There were blue and purple scars on the soles of her feet. Her body was warm when they touched her. Police told them that she died due to a heart attack. However, she did not have any history of heart disease and she was in good health when she was arrested. According to an insider, Ms. Peng was tortured during her detention. Autopsy results showed that her heart was ruptured, and lots of blood filled her abdominal cavity.
Practitioner Liu Yuanbo in Critical Condition at Huaihua City Brainwashing Centre, Hunan Province
2010-12-24On November 3rd, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yuanbo was arrested and put in Huaihua Brainwashing Centre. There they told Mr. Liu to write and sign a guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Gong. Mr. Liu went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. After ten days, Mr. Liu's weight dropped from 67kg (150 pounds) to 40kg (88 pounds). He is now in critical condition. After more than ten days, Mr. Liu's family went to the brainwashing centre and asked for Mr. Liu to be released, but were denied.
Daughter Sentenced to Forced Labour, Mother Beaten
2010-12-24Ms. Cai Guijiao, mother of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Min, was beaten by the police from the Domestic Security Division of the Yueyang City Junshan Police Department when she appealed for her daughter's innocence. Her face and legs were covered with bruises. Ms. Chen was arrested by police on October 11th. Ms. Chen was then sentenced to three years of forced labour. Ms. Chen's family received some documents stating her “illegal” activities but they were all false information.
Mr. Li Wolong Arrested for Exposing the Crimes Against Him in Jinshi Prison
2010-12-24Mr. Li Wolong was released from Jinshi Prison on July 4th, 2010, after being detained there for three years. On August 26th, he was arrested again for exposing the crimes committed against him to the international community. The Procurator of Pingjiang County held a trial on November 30th to try to send him back to prison. From May 2009 to June 2010, Mr. Li was tortured in many ways. He was slapped in the face, kicked, shocked with electric batons, force-fed human excrement, and had cold water thrown over him during the winter. He was punched and beaten for not wearing the prison uniform or following orders. He was also punished for practising the Falun Gong exercises. Inmates once punched him continually for a long period of time to cause internal injuries.
National Model Worker Ms. Zhu Ying from Xinxiang City, Henan Province Persecuted to Death
2010-12-23Ms. Zhu Ying was a Falun Gong practitioner in Xinxiang City, Henan Province. She was also a former member of the National People's Congress and a national model worker. On September 27th, police officer Wei Guanglei deceived her out of her home, arrested her, and took her to a detention centre. Ms. Zhu Ying was then persecuted to death at 4 a.m. on November 30th. To cover up the evidence of how she was killed her body was cremated in Xinxiang City Crematorium on December 2nd.