Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Leukaemia Survivor Arrested Three Times within a Year
2010-11-23Ms. Sun Guiling recovered from leukaemia since practising Falun Gong. From November 2009 to October 2010, she was arrested three times for her belief in Falun Gong. On May 10th, 2010, officer Wang Wenxiang of the Dalianwan Police Station saw people reading Falun Gong printouts. Assuming that they got them from Ms. Sun, he went to her home and arrested her. He seized her Falun Gong books, materials, and her two mobile phones. They took her to the Fushun Brainwashing Centre in the afternoon without informing her family. Ms. Sun went on a hunger strike. At the same time, her family kept seeking her whereabouts and appealing for her release. They finally located her, and she was released on October 27th.
The Persecution of Three Female Practitioners in Xintian County, Hunan Province
2010-11-23Ms. Chen Juxiu, Ms. Lai Tumei, and Ms. Gu Jiuju were arrested on the morning of October 17th, 2010, as they distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in Tangshi Town, Guiyang County. They were taken to the Liufeng Police Station and then transferred to the Guiyang Detention Centre that same afternoon. Between October 17th and 30th, the Liufeng Police Station head led officers in interrogating the three practitioners in the detention centre. Ms. Chen was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour, and Ms. Lai and Ms. Gu were each given a one-year sentence.
70-Year-Old Woman Sentenced to Prison and Denied Visits from Her Attorney
2010-11-23On June 4th, 2010, police arrested Ms. Shi Jinhua, who is seventy years old, because she mailed several letters talking about Falun Gong. Her family asked an attorney to visit her and arrange her release. When the attorney went to make inquires about Ms. Shi's situation, he was told that she had been sentenced to four years in prison by the Minhang Court. Since July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong. Ms. Shi Jinhua used her personal experiences to explain the truth of Falun Gong. In the past 11 years, she has been arrested and detained fourteen times. She has been beaten and tortured. Her home has been ransacked many times, and her property confiscated.
Ms. Qi Yuzhen, 60, from Jilin City Died as a Result of Frequent and Continuous Persecution
2010-11-22Elderly practitioner Ms. Qi Yuzhen from Jilin City was subjected to gross abuse and mistreatment during the past eleven years of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Ms. Qi died as a result of the persecution on April 8th, 2010. Ms. Qi was arrested five times, and was held in more than a dozen facilities. Ms. Qi was subjected to nearly 600 days of severe abuse and torture during her detention, bringing her to the verge of death. She held seven hunger strikes in the labour camp. She was brutally force-fed, breaking all of her teeth in the process. She experienced near-death many times during the force-feeding.
Airplane Engineer Unable to Work and Support Family After ID Cards Confiscated
2010-11-22Liu Yongsheng, an airplane engineer from Chengdu Airplane Construction, was forced into homelessness in 2007 after his department engaged in massive arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. His apartment was searched, and all of his identification cards were confiscated. They are still being held at Jiangxijie Police Station in Chengdu. Because of all this, he has not been able to maintain employment, bringing considerable pressure to his family.
Ms. Feng Suxia Detained
2010-11-22More than a dozen officers from the Renqiu Police Department, the Chu'an Police Department, and the Chu'an Police Station climbed over a wall by using a ladder and broke into Ms. Feng Suxia's home at around 11:00 p.m. on August 25th, 2010. Wearing only underwear, Ms. Feng was taken to the Chu'an Police Department and then transferred to the Renqiu Detention Centre, where she is currently detained and on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
The Sufferings of Ms. Fan Jinrong and Ms. Yin Wenlan from Kaiyuan City
2010-11-22Ms. Fan Jinrong is a Falun Gong practitioner from Kaiyuan City, Liaoning Province. She was arrested in 2003 and was brutally tortured during her interrogation. She was sentenced to three years in Dabei Prison. Ms. Yin Wenlan was arrested in 2004 and was sentenced to nine years in Jianyucheng Women's Prison. They were both brutally tortured before being sent to prison. As part of the torture, the guards in Kaiyuan Detention Centre forced them to ingest various unknown drugs.
Practitioner Yang Lixia Persecuted for Eight Years--Her Husband Tortured to Death
2010-11-21Ms. Yang Lixia is a practitioner in A'cheng City, Heilongjiang Province. Because she practises Falun Gong, she has been repeatedly arrested, beaten, and sentenced to forced labour camps by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers. Since September 1999, she has been imprisoned for approximately eight years and has suffered numerous rounds of torture. Her husband Zhang Bingxiang was tortured to death due to his belief in Falun Gong.
Police from Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province, Brutally Torture Ms. Wan Zhengping
2010-11-21I was arrested on the morning of August 23rd, 2010, because I told people in Lingyan Township, Kaijian County, why Falun Gong practitioners were being persecuted. Police took me to Yongxing Police Station, where I was brutally tortured by director Hu Hao from the National Security Division and Chen Wei, deputy chief of the police station. Hu Hao yelled at and hit me when I refused to answer his questions. He grabbed my hair with his left hand and hit me in the face with his right. Afterwards, he kept punching me in the chest while swearing. He later tied me to an iron chair and held up an electric baton to try to scare me. Everyone there left then, because they didn't want to watch him assault me, an elderly woman, further.
Ms. Zhang Zhenmin Brutally Tortured While Imprisoned
2010-11-21Ms. Zhang Zhenmin, 47, lives in Lanzhou City, in Gansu Province. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started over eleven years ago, she has been imprisoned and brutally tortured numerous times. Ms. Zhang was sent to the Gansu Women's Prison in 2004, where she was subjected to daily forced labour. She was released on September 17th, 2010.
Human Resources Section Head Mr. Piao Guifeng Recounts the Torture Inflicted on Him
2010-11-21In 2004, police came to my workplace and deceived me into going to their police station. Two people on each shift took turns interrogating me all night about the source of my Falun Gong informational materials. They tied me up on a specially made bench. They next pressed a metal club against my abdomen and secured it to my chair. At the same time they twisted my arms backward through the horizontal bars on the chair's back and tied my hands to the chair. To make me suffer even more, they inserted several wooden planks through the space between my arms and the chair back, until no more would fit.
Senior Engineer Mr. Liu Guangdi Persecuted to Death
2010-11-20Mr. Liu Guangdi, in his sixties, from Sichuan Province, was arrested in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after someone reported him to the authorities while he was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. He was later sentenced to one year of forced labour where he suffered unspeakable torture, including being force-fed several unknown drugs. As a result, he passed away on September 25th, 2010.
Lawyer Denounces Secret Trial As a Violation of the Law
2010-11-20On October 28th, 2010, the Court of Duyan City in Guizhou Province secretly held a trial against Mr. Liang Rongqi, a Falun Gong practitioner, who was arrested on May 27th. Mr. Liang's mother and his relatives went to seek lawyers for help. Many lawyers were afraid to represent Falun Gong practitioners because of the severe pressure from the Communist authorities. On September 20th, they eventually hired a lawyer from Beijing who agreed to represent him. His lawyer stated in court that a hearing which is not open to the public is a violation of the law. Under pressure, the Court allowed two family members into the courtroom as observers.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Wei Liping in Hailin, Heilongjiang Province
2010-11-20During the past ten years of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Wei Liping has been repeatedly arrested and detained. She was sentenced to five years in Harbin Prison. During this time, she was repeatedly beaten and tortured, and was in critical condition several times. She went on a hunger strike to plead her innocence and request her release. She was force-fed with gruel mixed with a large amount of salt by guards, which caused her to cough profusely. She coughed up blood for several months afterwards.
Ms. Rong Xiuzhen Detained in Shijiazhuang Detention Centre for Over Two Years
2010-11-20On July 4th, 2008, the police from Jian'an Police Station in Shijiazhuang City, led by Xue Jianjun, came to Ms. Rong Xiuzhen's home. Her mother and sister were visiting and her daughter was home on summer break from school. They ransacked her home and confiscated a DVD burner, over 3,000 yuan and other personal belongings. Then they arrested Ms. Rong, her sister and her daughter and brought them to the police station. During the same evening, Ms. Rong was sent to the Shijiazhuang City First Detention Centre.