Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Practitioner Mr. Xia Tongmu from Hebei Province Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2011-02-06Mr. Xia Tongmu, 62-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Jizhou City, Hebei Province. He was arrested in September 2009 and brutally tortured. In March 2010 he was sentenced to five years in prison. His lawyer solidly defended against the false charges made against him during the trial. However, he was still sentenced to prison. Mr. Xia is currently detained in Jindong Prison, Tangshan City. Mr. Xia's wife, who is over 60 years old, and his daughter are very worried about his safety. His wife has been deeply depressed since the ordeal began.
Mr. Mou Zongyan and Ms. Wang Yun from Rizhao City, Shandong Province Sentenced to Prison
2011-02-06Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Mou Zongyan and Ms. Wang Yun were arrested one year ago. At the same time more than ten practitioners were arrested because they practise Falun Gong. They have been detained in the Rizhao Detention Centre. Without notifying their families, the Donggang District Court of Rizhao sentenced them to four years in prison. The two practitioners have appealed the sentence.
The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Cui Yanling of Helong City, Jilin Province
2011-02-06Bajiazi is a small town in Helong City in Jilin Province. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in this place has consistently been very cruel. At present, there are still eight practitioners who are detained in prisons, forced labour camps and detention centres. In 2011, the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the Legal Committee issued an online warrant for the arrest of practitioners, including Ms. Cui Yanling.
Elderly Woman Sentenced to Eight-Year Prison Term for Handing Out Falun Gong Pamphlets
2011-02-05Ms. Shi Yazhen, 67, was secretly sentenced to an eight-year prison term for handing out pamphlets about Falun Gong. Her relatives asked, “Why are the authorities afraid of an old woman? What are they afraid of?” More than seven months elapsed from the day Ms. Shi was arrested until she was transferred to the prison. Ms. Shi's family received no legal documents or notices whatsoever during that time. The whole thing was "black case work." The Hadawan Police Station called Ms. Shi's family in January 2011, and said that Ms. Shi had been sentenced to eight years of prison and transferred to the Changchun Heizuizi Women's Prison. Ms. Shi's husband, in his 70s, was shocked by the news.
Elderly Associate Professor at Yanbian University, Ms. Xu Xianzi, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2011-02-05Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Xianzi, 70, suffered long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In February 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and sent back to the Yanji City Detention Centre. The police subsequently often went to her home to harass her family, ransack her home, and keep surveillance on her. They sent her to a brainwashing centre and forced labour camp to persecute her. Even after her retirement, in order to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] her, the leaders at Yanbian University often went to her home to harass her. Under such long-term persecution, Xu Xianzi had great difficulty in managing her daily life. She became depressed, fell ill, and died on October 4th, 2007.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2011-02-05Liaoning Province Women's Prison is notorious for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners who are detained there, particularly in the Eighth Ward. There is no practitioner detained at this facility who can escape from being brutally tortured. At least one practitioner has died from torture there. The Eighth Ward is led by Zuo Xiaoyan, who is well known for her cruelty. She carries an electric baton and relentlessly shocks practitioners whenever she can. She often publicly slanders Falun Gong in meetings.
Elderly Ms. Liu Jimei from Huaiyang County, Henan Province Detained
2011-02-05On December 6th, 2010, practitioner Liu Jimei and her 95-year-old mother were reported to the police while they were putting up stickers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Liu Jimei was arrested by police. At the police station police forcefully slapped Liu Jimei. They asked Liu Jimei several times who gave her the Falun Gong materials. Liu Jimei said that she did not know who placed them outside her door. Liu Jimei returned home after being detained for 15 days.
Lawyer Mr. Wang Yonghang Savagely Abused in Shenyang No.1 Prison
2011-02-04Lawyer Mr. Wang Yonghang has been incarcerated in Prison Ward No. 18 at the Shenyang No.1 Prison since April 22nd, 2010. Prison guards Li Shiguang, Peng Li, Liu Chang and others instigated criminal inmates to viciously beat him on October 11th and 12th, 2010, and then placed him in solitary confinement. He was deprived of the right to meet with his family, make phone calls or buy daily necessities from the prison store. Mr. Wang's family overcame great difficulties, and eventually were able to visit him on November 19th and January 17th. They learned that Mr. Wang has been denied his basic rights.
Several Letters from Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Give Persecution Details
2011-02-04The Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang brainwashes Falun Gong practitioners with force and torture, and brutally forces practitioners to give up their belief. Some practitioners have been tortured to death or disabled, or have lost sensation in their limbs. The torture methods the labour camp uses include the “stretching bed” (practitioners' arms are handcuffed to two metal beds and then the beds are pushed apart), “splitting legs” (practitioners are forcibly pushed down to the floor with their arms fully apart and handcuffed to the rails of a metal bed, then their legs are pulled in opposite directions), and the “big hang-up” (practitioners are hung from heating radiators with their two arms pulled far apart or with one arm handcuffed to the radiator).
Little Quanwazi Cries Out for His Mum
2011-02-04Ms. Zhu Yifang has been arrested many times since the persecution of Falun Gong began. Police have persecuted Ms. Zhu as a key member of Falun Gong in Sichuan. Ms. Zhu has been the subject of systematic maltreatment. During detention in Guangyuan Detention Centre, she was tied to the four corners of a metal bed with her limbs spread out. On October 8th, 2006, officials from Wangcang County Court in Guangyuan sentenced her to seven years in Chengdu Women's Prison. When her son went to the prison to see his mother, the prison authorities denied him access. Desperate to see his mother, he shouted “Mum” outside the prison walls. Hearing her son's voice, Ms. Zhu rushed to the iron bars in the window and shouted, “I'm in here!” The inmates assigned to watch her rushed into her cell, threw her to the ground and gagged her.
Mengyin County 610 Office in Shandong Province Withholds Falun Gong Practitioners' Salaries and Pensions
2011-02-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Gong Weisen, 72, is a retiree of the Mengyin Land and Resources Bureau. In 2000, the Mengyin 610 Office staff [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] and policemen ransacked his home. They found a Falun Gong book and fined him 5,000 yuan. Shortly after, the 610 Office took away his pension from the Mengyin Pension Insurance Bureau starting in January 2001, leaving Mr. Gong with no money at all for the past ten years. The total amount taken away from Mr. Gong is 230,000 yuan. Mr. Gong has had to live on support from his children and relatives.
Please Help Rescue Two University Lecturers Arrested for Booking Tickets for Shen Yun's Performance in Hong Kong in 2010
2011-02-03Ms. Wang Hongmei and Ms. Chen Ping, both Falun Gong practitioners in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, have been in custody for more than one year. The police arrested them simply because they wanted to book tickets for the 2010 Hong Kong Shen Yun performance, a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show. The police monitored the two practitioners’ mobile phones and Internet use, and learned of their plans. On January 13th, 2010, agents from the Domestic Security Division of the Shunqing District Police Department broke into their homes and arrested them. The police took them to Huafeng Detention Centre in Nanchong City, where they have since been incarcerated.
Witnessing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Masanjia Labour Camp
2011-02-03Before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, several thousand Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in Beijing and taken into forced labour re-education in Masanjia Labour Camp. The extortion of practitioners was conducted openly. We were told, “If you want to get red flags (which can reduce the labour re-education term), you must spend money.” The guards claimed that labour re-education meant punishment, and that it was too time consuming to reason with practitioners, so they go straight to physical violence. They also beat practitioners for money. If practitioners do not pay the bribes to the group or cell head, he can find a reason to beat them.
Facts of the Persecution in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
2011-02-03Beginning on July 20th, 1999, in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, the Tieren Public Security Bureau has rigourously followed the Chinese Communist Party's policy of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. They have used a wide variety of tactics, such as forced labour, jail sentences, and even taking the lives of the practitioners. There are many Falun Gong practitioners in the area under the control of the Tieren Bureau. And virtually all of the practitioners have been menaced or arrested to varying degrees. For example, Mr. Liu Sheng, a disabled practitioner, was jailed. The police have extorted so much money from practitioners' families that it's impossible to keep track. It's hard to describe the hardship brought upon the area's practitioners and their families.
Twelve Practitioners from an Administrative Area in Liaoning Province Sentenced to Prison
2011-02-03Zhenxing District is a small administrative area in Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Agents from the district 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and officials from public security organisations, procuratorial organisations, and courts arrested 24 Falun Gong practitioners between 2009 and 2010. Half were sentenced to prison, and five practitioners were subjected to forced labour. Li Hua was sentenced to eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong.