Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Chen Yanxiu Taken to Forced Labour Camp Again
2010-12-16Ms. Chen Yanxiu has been tortured repeatedly at forced labour camps because she practises Falun Gong. She and her husband were arrested on October 8th for the third time and sentenced to forced labour and prison again, because they spoke of Falun Gong to their cab driver and his wife, tried to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, and gave them Falun Gong materials. Their family members were not notified of their whereabouts.
After Being Detained in Forced Labour Camps Three Times, Ms. Chen Xiumei Sues Her Persecutors
2010-12-15My name is Chen Xiumei. I am from Baoding, Hebei Province. Between January 15th, 2009 and January 23rd, 2010, I was detained in the First Division of Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp. During this period, Liu Ziwei, Chief of the First Division, tortured me. He ordered guards to pull my hair, and beat and verbally abuse me, which left permanent scars on my body. My right arm was partially disabled. They also spread rumours, saying that I had psychosis. I request the procuratorial departments to open a case, conduct an investigation, and pursue any criminal conduct of the accused persons according to the law.
67-Year-Old Ms. Yue Chunpu of Tangshan City Dies After Repeated Persecution
2010-12-15Ms. Yue Chunpu was a 67-year-old Falun Gong practitioner in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. She died on December 1st after suffering arrest, imprisonment, brainwashing, and torture on many occasions. On July 8th, 2008, police arrested her, ransacked her home and took her to the Tangshan City First Detention Centre where she was held for more than eight months. To protest her arrest, she refused to work as a forced labourer. The guards punished her. She was sentenced to three years in prison in April 2009, and was held in Hebei Province Women's Prison. Because of her deteriorating health condition, she was released on bail for medical treatment.
Torture Suffered by Ms. Tian Hongzhi from Funing County, Hebei Province
2010-12-15Ms. Tian Hongzhi was severely mistreated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for her belief in Falun Gong. She was arrested and imprisoned three times, held at the local detention centre twice and detained at a brainwashing centre once. She was beaten by police, forced to stand outside in freezing weather, shocked with electric batons, forced to kneel in the snow, denied toilet use, force-fed, kicked and drenched in icy water. Because of this torture, she is now in extremely poor health.
The Persecution of a Woman in Her 60's and the Hardship it Causes Her Elderly Mother
2010-12-15There is an elderly lady in her 80s in Hunan Province. She is a Falun Gong practitioner and Ms. Xiang Huaixiang's mother-in-law. Despite her age and pain in her leg, she travelled between the local police department and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and tried to get them to release her daughter-in-law. After starting to practise Falun Gong, Ms. Xiang followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She looked after her mother-in-law very conscientiously, and they got along very well. She used to work at the local bank, but she was discharged from her job because of her belief in Falun Gong. Her daughter, Chen Lijuan, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was persecuted to death in 2004.
A Young Lady Suffers Mental Collapse from Police Brutality
2010-12-14Age 19 should be the beginning of a promising life. Yet, at this age the life of Ms. Wang Yingxia, a quiet and kind girl, took a drastic turn. That year, she lost all the happiness that she so much deserved and the hopes she had for the journey of life ahead of her. Ms. Wang is now 27 years old. No one can remember how many times she has been to the Xiangyang Police Department or how many times she was beaten. People know all too well why she has to frequently go to the police department since she has kept telling others, "My father and uncle were tortured to the extreme by them, and my grandmother passed away because of this. If I don't go to hold them responsible, who else will?"
Dr. Zhang Guangcai Subjected to Forced Labour for a Third Time--No Court Dares to Accept His Petition
2010-12-14Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Zhang Guangcai, a dentist in Shahe City, Hebei Province, was recently subjected to forced labour for the third time. His attorney filed an administrative petition but no court dared to accept the case. In December 2004, police officers arrested Dr. Zhang in his office. They took him directly to Xingtai Brainwashing Centre. Officer Song Jiaxi handcuffed his hands behind his back and then shocked him with electric batons during an interrogation. Song told him, "If you are beaten to death, it will be counted as suicide."
Ms. Xiang Huaixiang, in Her 60's, from Hunan Province Secretly Put On Trial
2010-12-14On November 19th, 2010, Ms. Xiang, in her 60s, was arrested on July 19th, 2010 at her home while conducting a Falun Gong group study with 11 elderly female practitioners. Police also ransacked Ms. Xiang's home and confiscated many of her personal belongings, her car, and over 15,000 yuan. She was secretly put on trial at Beihu District Court in Chenzhou City. While in court, Ms. Xiang kept telling people that Falun Gong and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good, and refused to sign the court paperwork.
Dalian Practitioner Wang Yukun, 56, Arrested
2010-12-14Mr. Wang Yukun, 56, is a Falun Gong practitioner in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. On November 23rd, as Mr. Wang spoke to people about Falun Gong at a construction site he was reported to the authorities. He was arrested by police, and is currently being detained at the Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Centre.
Ms. Gui Qionghua: "Practising Falun Gong Eliminated My Cancer, But I Was Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for Speaking the Truth"
2010-12-13Ms. Gui Qionghua, 40, is a farmer in Yunnan Province. For six years she had uterine cancer. After a practitioner told her about Falun Gong in 2004, she began to practise and her health recovered within six days. She then started to distribute informational materials explaining what Falun Gong is and how practitioners are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but the police arrested her and subjected her to various forms of abuse.
Ms. Huang Xiujuan Disabled as a Result of Persecution in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
2010-12-13Ms. Huang Xiujuan was taken to the Wenzhou Justice Bureau Brainwashing Centre on August 15th, 2010. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) refused to release her even though her blood pressure rose. Ms. Huang was disabled as a result of the relentless persecution. She can no longer look after herself. Ms. Huang was detained in a brainwashing centre and prison several years ago, and were mentally and physically abused.
Two Sisters, Ms. Wang Yinghua and Ms. Wang Yingxia from Jiamusi Detained, Family Traumatised
2010-12-13Two sisters from Jiamusi City, Ms. Wang Yinghua and Ms. Wang Yingxia, were detained numerous times since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong in 1999. Their family was also severely affected. Their parents are unable to take care of themselves and the home was left unattended. Ms. Wang Yingxia distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong on December 14th, 2007 and was arrested. When Ms. Wang's sister, Ms. Wang Yinghua, went to Fuyuan County Detention Centre to see her she could barely recognise her. Her face was so severely swollen that she could not see. A guard in the detention centre said that she had been sentenced to three years of imprisonment without going through legal procedures.
The Ongoing Persecution of Ms. Zhang Ke and Mr. Zheng Xiaoqi
2010-12-13On November 22nd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Ke was visiting Mr. Zheng Xiaoqi, who is also a practitioner, when five policemen came and ransacked Mr. Zheng's home. The police searched Ms. Zhang's bag but found nothing. They ordered two practitioners to go with them to search Ms. Zhang's home. Mr. Zheng managed to escape and Ms. Zhang was held in Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre. In the past ten years, Ms. Zhang Ke and Mr. Zheng Xiaoqi have been arrested several times. Ms. Zhang has been sentenced before.
Ms. Peng Donglian Died in the 610 Office Detention Centre; Hunan Province Is Responsible
2010-12-12On November 9th, 2010, there was a large scale arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in Li county, Changde, Hunan Province. Eleven days after this incident, Ms. Peng Donglian died. She was 58 years old. She was arrested by the Domestic Group of Li County Police Department. She passed away in Li County Detention Centre. Officials claimed that Ms. Peng died of a heart attack. However, Ms. Peng never had a history of heart problems, and she was in good health prior to the arrest.
Fifteen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested and Harassed in Tangshan Area
2010-12-12Fifteen Falun Gong practitioners were reportedly abducted by authorities in Tangshan City on November 24th. Eight were detained in the Tangshan City Detention Centre by midnight. Others were taken to the Tangshan City First Detention Centre. 65-year old Ms. Li Lihua was arrested by police. They were hiding on the staircase. Wang Bin (who has repeatedly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners) shouted that someone had reported Li to the authorities and they need to ransack the place. They tried to take her away, but she resisted. Police carried her to the police car.