Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
China Education Ministry Deprives Practitioners and Their Children the Right to Attend Universities
2009-05-26The 2009 National College Entrance Exam will soon be administered in China, and each level of the Educational Ministry continues to introduce different policies regarding the exam. Among them, in the "Education Ministry Provision of 2009 College Admission," the third section about politics and morality assessment, Article 9, prescribes: "Whoever participates in a cult will fail the assessment (whoever fails the assessment cannot take the College Entrance Exam)." Provincial-level departments have published similar polices, such as, students must go through the political censorship process to apply for army schools, so Falun Gong practitioners and their children cannot pass. In today's China, every level of the educational system still wrongly defames Falun Gong as a cult.
Mr. Tao Yuan Detained, His Lawyer Beaten and Injured, His Mother Monitored and Harassed
2009-05-26Forty-two-year-old Mr. Tao Yuan and his mother Zhang Shengrong are both Falun Gong practitioners. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, they were both severely persecuted. After the persecution started, Tao Yuan was detained and sent to forced labour camps many times. In early 2007, he was arrested at home by police. In September 2007, Tao Yuan's parents received a "notice of imprisonment" from the Guangyuan Prison, and only then did they learn that Tao Yuan had been sentenced to four years of imprisonment by the Wuhou Court. Tao Yuan's mother has not been allowed to see her son since early 2007 when Tao Yuan was arrested. The mother decided to hire a lawyer to seek justice for her son. The lawyer was threatened by police.
Recalling the Persecution of Ms. Liu Guangfeng
2009-05-26I learned from an Internet report that Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Guangfeng was arrested when she was travelling by train. She was persecuted and killed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on April 4th, 2009. In Shayang Forced Labour Camp she and other firm Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to all kinds of torture. They were forced to watch videos defaming Falun Gong. The physical torture included standing and crouching for long periods of time, cruel beatings, shocking with electric batons, and having their faces slapped. Even though they were forced to do heavy labour, the practitioners were not allowed to sleep.
Changchun Court Forces Practitioner's Defence Lawyer to Break His Contract
2009-05-25In April, the Chinese Communist Party Court and Judiciary Department in the Nanguan District of Changchun City, Jilin Province, notified the family of 54-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Shuyu of her court date. A year ago she was arrested and has been detained ever since. At the same time, the authorities forced the lawyer that Ms. Gao's family had hired to break his contract with her family. The lawyer told the family that he was under severe pressure and was not allowed to defend those who practise Falun Gong.
Engineer from Chinese Academy of Science, Wang Ying, Transferred to Guangdong Woman's Prison
2009-05-25The 610 office in Guangzhou city arrested a group of practitioners on April 15th, 2008. Over a year later, most of them are still being detained. Wang Ying, an engineer from the Earth Chemistry Institute of the Chinese Academy of Science, is among them. She was sentenced to three years in prison. The 610 office in Guangzhou city ignores her appeals and recently transferred her to Guangdong Women's Prison.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhongyuan of Shulan City, Jilin Province, Recounts His Arrest and Labour Camp Experience
2009-05-25On March 25th, 2009, police arrested Mr. Wang Zhongyuan, ransacked his home, and jailed him in the Pingan Township Police Station. They later took him to the detention centre while they attempted to extort money from his family.Mr. Wang recalls: "At the detention centre, I began a hunger strike. They threatened to force-feed me if I didn't eat. Five people carried me into a car and took me to a hospital, where I was force-fed. One of the guards tortured me by pressing my legs against the metal bedposts. After two hours of brutal mistreatment, they carried me back to the detention centre." On April 4th, the police took Mr. Wang to the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp.
Incidents of Brutality against Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Prison
2009-05-25Jilin Prison is the second largest prison in Jilin Province. 2800 inmates are there serving long sentences. The prison uses various methods to persecute detained Falun Gong practitioners and inmates, especially the "Small Cells" in the "Intense Discipline Unit." This has led to the deaths and disability of over one hundred inmates over the past several years. In October 2008, guards subjected practitioner Mr. Liu Yuhe to the "Big Hang Up" for two days. Mr. Liu was severely injured. His hands are still numb. He was also forced to soil himself while being hung up. Later he was forced to "Stool Sit" for one month.
The Dark Side of Pistachio Nuts in China, Part II
2009-05-24On July 20th, 1999 at midnight, Falun Gong’s voluntary coordinators in various parts of China were arrested simultaneously. Huang remember that the coordinators in Tsinghua were monitored. Policemen stood outside their homes, keeping watch on them. Their phones were tapped, and even their Internet activities were spied on. In the next two days, Huang, along with many others, went to the State Council Appeal Office once again to petition. This time, no government official talked to them. It was the police who was waiting for them. They used violence to force the Falun Gong practitioners to get into trucks. They were taken to Shi Jing Shan Stadium and Feng Tai Stadium, where they were beaten.
Ms. Qi Shuyan Arrested Again for Raising Awareness about the Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2009-05-24Ms. Qi Shuyan, a 53 year old woman, who has been arrested and detained at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp several times since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999. In the camp the police forced practitioners to sit on little stools which were very uncomfortable and watch anti-Falun Gong propaganda shows on TV from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. If any practitioner closed their eyes, their detention time would be extended. On April 25th, 2009, Ms. Qi Shuyan went out and distributed Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. She was arrested by police and is now detained at the Detention Centre.
Why Must This Two-Year Old Suffer?
2009-05-24Yu Jialiang is the two-year-old daughter of Beijing Falun Gong practitioners Yu Ping and Zhao Yumin. Little Jialiang should be living a happy and peaceful life with her loving family, but in the past year, she has witnessed the unjust arrest of both her parents. Her father was sent to Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp and her mother to Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Now she suffers in a broken family without parents to care for her. According to incomplete statistics, from the end of 2007 to June 30th, 2008, more than 8037 Falun Gong practitioners were detained or arrested, especially in Beijing, including Jialiang’s parents.
Mr. Sun Yubin Detained for Seven Years and Now Arrested Again
2009-05-24Mr. Sun Yubin, 46, has been arrested and detained repeatedly since July 20th, 1999, spending a total of seven years in confinement. He has been subjected to torture and brainwashing many times and has developed a mental disorder. His son has had to drop out of school to help make ends meet. On March 26th, 2009, Mr. Sun was arrested again for promoting Falun Gong and has not been released. The authorities from the detention centre, the police patrol, and the state security division have refused to take responsibility for processing his release. Meanwhile, his entire family is suffering greatly due to his absence and the uncertainty of his condition.
The Dark Side of Pistachio Nuts in China, Part I
2009-05-23William Huang, a Falun Gong practitioner, is one of the people who spent their youth cutting open pistachio nut shells with pliers. During an interview he told me that he had to work at least sixteen hours a day. The work was done in Cell No. 27 of Zhuhai 2nd Detention Centre, which according to Huang was less than twenty square metres big and was home to over twenty people. The room was full of products and the raw materials that they are made out of. To attend to natural calls one had to climb through these materials to reach the latrine pit in a corner which was not separated from the rest of the room. The room was never cleaned and the air was turbid. Huang witnessed a prisoner dying, not because he was beaten, but because he couldn’t stand the environment.
Anhui Women's Forced Labour Camp Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-05-23Cheng Ming was fifty-six years old, was sent to the forced labour camp in September 2005. She was severely tortured because she refused to be "transformed." Team leader Lin Yun struck her face when she shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" Lin Yun also instigated inmates to hit her face in front of other inmates until her face got swollen and she was not able to eat. She was often tied up all night and unable to sleep. Guards often instigated inmates to beat her and seal her mouth with tape. She was detained for an extra period of time after her sentence had ended.
Mr. Dai Guoyu from Laixi City, Shandong Province Is Sentenced
2009-05-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Dai Guoyu was arrested and persecuted by the local 610 Office and police department on July 30th, 2008. Under the direction of 610 Office personnel Wang Jianzhi and Shen Tao, Mr. Dai was given a three-year sentence. Mr. Dai's daughter, Dai Jin, and his wife approached the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel and requested his release many times, but Shen Tao and others shifted the responsibility and cursed at them. The police even created false evidence to frame Mr. Dai.
The Crimes of Former Police Chief Pu Yufeng in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-05-23Pu Yufeng, the former chief of the Baiyigala Town Police Station in Guo County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, had been a policeman in Dashan Town, Guo County. In the past few years, he closely followed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong. When he worked in Dashan Town, he mistreated many practitioners. Before the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008, Pu and several other officers arrested Ms. Huang Yajun on June 21st, 2008. They cut the bolt on the gate to Ms. Huang home and broke in. Beating and kicking her violently, they ransacked her home and arrested her. Later she was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour.