Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Practitioner Wang Zhiwu Being Persecuted in the Handan Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-19Mr. Wang Zhiwu is an older Falun Gong practitioner from Handan City, Hebei Province. He has been incarcerated in the Handan Forced Labour Camp since 2005. Mr. Wang was tortured and guards tried to force him to give up his practice. He was handcuffed and forced to stand for days without sleep until his legs were swollen. He was beaten regularly with an electric baton by officers. His skin was burned with cigarettes, and he lost three of his front teeth during the various tortures. Later he was bombarded with brainwashing propaganda and not allowed to sleep. He became completely disoriented and signed a document, promising not to practise Falun Gong. This is how Handan Forced Labour Camp "transforms" practitioners.
Calling for the Urgent Rescue of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xu Lihong in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2009-04-18On March 6th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu was arrested at her newspaper stall at around 10 a.m. One witness reported that four police officers and two police cars were involved in the arrest. Many materials stored in the stall were taken away. Her current whereabouts are unknown. The reason for Ms. Xu's arrest is unclear, and so far her family has been unable to reach her. We hope that those with knowledge of her whereabouts will help bring this information to light and protect her life.
Parents Jailed for their Belief, Children Calling for Help
2009-04-18On July 18th, 2008, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Daoyou from his home. He was later brought to trial on December 23rd. On March 19th, 2009, three police officers broke into Mr. Guo's home and arrested his wife Ms. Wang Yonghua, and she was taken to the police station. Mr. Guo's two young children no longer have any financial support. They are now trying to survive and continue their education without the help of their parents. The boy and girl went to the police station and asked that their mother be released, with no success.
Licheng District Court Judge in Jinan City Attempts to Intimidate Falun Gong Practitioner's Lawyers
2009-04-18The Licheng District Court held a session to hear the case of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuying on February 24th, 2009. At the court session, two lawyers boldly defended Ms. Zhang Yuying. The judge suddenly announced a recess for half an hour. They did not announce the verdict of the court and hastily ended the session. On March 18th, the two lawyers went to the court to ask for the verdict about Zhang Yuying's case. They had to wait until the end of the day and then the vice presiding judge questioned one lawyer in an intimidating manner.
The Arrest of a Falun Gong Practitioner's Son
2009-04-18On March 30th, 2009, a stranger approached the home of Ms. Liu Honghua, a Falun Gong practitioner, and her son, Zhang Xinming, (not a practitioner) into opening the door. Simultaneously, several plain clothes policemen followed behind. They knocked Liu Honghua's son to the ground. They put him in handcuffs. Two of the plain clothes policemen went back upstairs to search the home and completely ransack it. Zhang Xinming was taken to a "training class". Three people took turns watching him for three hour cycles, keeping him awake the whole night.
Ms. Liu Guangfeng Dies as a Result of Persecution in the Guangshui City Detention Centre
2009-04-17Ms. Liu Guangfeng, 52, was sentenced to two years of forced labour in 2004 and brutally tortured. Ms. Liu's abdomen, private areas and thighs were black and blue all over due to the physical abuse. In spite of that, she was still forced to work in the workshop for more than ten hours each day. On February 8th, 2009, Ms. Liu was taken to the Guangshui City First Detention Centre and detained there. On April 2nd, 2009, the authorities of the detention centre suddenly notified her family to pick her up. Her family members found that she could not speak, walk, or eat, and the skin from her neck to her feet and her fingers was all black and blue. She was critically ill when she arrived at home. On April 4th, 2009, she passed away.
Practitioners Cruelly Tortured at Sanshui Forced Labour Camp Prior to Olympic Games
2009-04-17I was detained in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, in Guangdong Province, without due process. I personally experienced the unprecedented persecution and witnessed the brutal torture of practitioners. I was often deprived of sleep at night and always during the day. I had to wait until 11:00 p.m. to sleep. I was forced to sit on a small plastic stool and was closely watched by inmates during the day. The guards harassed, hit, and cursed at me, and I was forced to squat for long periods of time.
The Crimes of the Huaiyang County Police
2009-04-17In October 2000, the outstanding teacher Song Zhenling and his wife Wang Guijin went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong but were arrested. When the police interrogated Ms. Wang, they forced her to kneel on the floor the entire time and beat, kicked, and slapped her and pulled her hair, yanking out sections of her hair. Her face was swollen from the abuse. The police also tied both of the practitioners' hands behind their backs, then beat and interrogated them until their faces were numb. The next day the police tied up Mr. Song and Ms. Wang's lower bodies. The police head used his leather shoes to slap Mr. Song in the face and after 48 hours of interrogation, he took all the cash that the couple had with them, but did not give them anything to eat.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zeng Qing Recounts Her Persecution Experiences
2009-04-17"I was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for one year. It felt like I was living in hell for a thousand years. They forced us to listen to material framing and slandering Falun Gong. If we didn't listen carefully, we were punished. Falun Gong practitioners were put in the same cell with twenty or so drug addicts, and the guards told them to watch us. If they found out that we did Falun Gong exercises, they severely beat us. It was a routine and we were deprived of sleep, beaten and cursed. When Falun Gong practitioners were screaming in pain, doctors gave them an injection with some kind of anaesthetic drug. They left nothing untried to force us to give up practising Falun Gong. Some suffered mental collapse."
98-Year-Old Woman Seeks Her Granddaughter Liang Yuzhen's Release
2009-04-16Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liang Yuzhen from Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province went to the countryside to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in February 2009. Police arrested her and took her back to her home that night. They ransacked the house for evidence to persecute her. Ms. Liang's 98-year-old grandmother held her tight and pleaded with the police that she needed her granddaughter to take care of her. The police pried her hands open and forcibly took Ms. Liang away and sent her to Heshan Detention Centre.
Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Xia Hongmin from Laishui County in Hebei Province
2009-04-16On March 5th, 2009, police officers arrested practitioner Mr. Xia Hongmin from Laishui County in Hebei Province. The following day, he was taken to Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Xia is being forced to go through re-education (brainwashing) through forced labour. During a previous detention in a brainwashing centre the guards shouted, "If the Party doesn't want you to practise, you don't practise, otherwise we'd have to beat you." They used clubs and sticks to beat practitioners, and while beating them they kept asking whether they would continue with the practice.
Ms. Liu Xiufang and Her Family Arrested and Beaten in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province
2009-04-16Since February 2009, in order to catch Falun Gong practitioners who had utilized a small loudspeaker exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, the Heilongjiang Public Security Bureau has ordered the police and special agents from the National Security Department in Jiamusi City to persecute local practitioners and their families on a large scale. As a result, about twenty local practitioners have been arrested and their houses ransacked. On February 13th, 2009, just as practitioner Ms. Liu Xiufang was leaving her home to go shopping, a plain clothes police officer came up to her and pushed her back into the house, pinning her against the wall. Later, he also arrested Ms. Liu's husband and took him to the Jiamusi City Police Station.
False Charges Filed Against Three Falun Gong Practitioners at the Heping District Court in Shenyang City
2009-04-16On March 23rd, 2009, the Heping District Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province held a hearing against three Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Gao Shubin, Ms. Gu Chunying and her husband Mr. Guo Jian. The security at the court was very tight. Due to involvement from the local 610 Office, the court only allowed the presence of one family member for each practitioner during the hearing. Many Falun Gong practitioners and their supporters came to the court. Some plain clothes agents closely monitored them outside the courtroom and videotaped everything.
Harbin Court Sentences Practitioners Mr. Wang Kun and Ms. Zhu Yumei to Eight-Year Prison Terms
2009-04-15On March 25th, 2009, family members of practitioners Ms. Zhu Yumei and Mr. Wang Kun heard from an acquaintance that Ms. Zhu Yumei and Mr. Wang Kun had been sentenced to eight-year prison terms. The two families went to Acheng Court, demanding to see the court documents. The sentencing document was dated March 19th, which meant that the two practitioners had been sentenced a week prior. The court officer Han Yang, who was in charge of the cases, had deceived the two families. He claimed that he couldn't handle the cases, and that they had been forwarded to the Harbin Intermediate Court. In actuality, the Acheng area 610 Office handled the cases in secrecy in an effort to accelerate the persecution of Ms. Zhu and Mr. Kun.
Chinese Communist Party City Director in Qingdao City Encourages Crimes by Issuing Decree to Persecute Practitioners
2009-04-15Although the Chinese Communist Party has no lawful basis for their persecution of Falun Gong, the party director in Qingdao City issued guidelines to all subordinate cities, districts, groups, local offices, and the party directory of Qingdao Armed Police Region, to request them to strengthen their persecution of Falun Gong, thus encouraging people at all levels of government to participate in the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crimes. The guideline document claimed that it is part of the unified action of central, provincial, and city party directories.