Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Yuan Rong and Mr. Chen Kaiming Persecuted in Wangling Prison, Hunan Province
2009-01-30Guards in the Sixth Ward of Wangling Prison in You County, Hunan Province, used torture in attempts to "transform" imprisoned practitioners. On September 27th, 2008, Mr. Yuan Rong, to protest how he was being abused, refused to squat (forced squatting for extended periods is a common torture). Zhou Weihe, political instructor from the Sixth Ward, fiercely kicked Mr. Yuan in the legs and the abdomen while others watched. Afterward, Zhou ordered four guards to hold Mr. Yuan down on the ground and handcuff him to a tree. An hour later they released him and then handcuffed him in an office.
Ms. Li Xiuying from Changchun City and Mr. Zuo Chungang from Henan Province Disappeared Years Ago
2009-01-30Mr. Zuo Chungang is a Falun Gong practitioner, about 40 years old. He was a resident of Zuoqiao Village, Jishui Town, Dancheng County, Henan Province. In 2004, he accepted a job in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. Police from Dalian City arrested him, according to fellow villagers. No one knows his whereabouts. His wife divorced him while he was missing. His family is extremely worried about him.
Physical Education Teacher Mr. Jin Youfeng Dies after Five Years of Imprisonment
2009-01-29Mr. Jin Youfeng was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment and locked away in the Mudanjiang City Prison. His wife, Ms. Jiang, was imprisoned in the Harbin City Women's Prison. In 2004, Mr. Jin was tortured in the training ward of the prison He was locked in a Small Cell, forced to wear shackles and a "Hand-Stick" Cuff, and was force-fed. The guards inserted thick force-feeding tubes roughly, intentionally causing pain, and they force-fed large amounts of raw cornmeal and hot chilli pepper powder that would overflow and cause the practitioners to choke. On June 6th, 2008, when he was dying, he was released. He died on January 21st, 2009, in the Mudanjiang City Contagious Diseases Hospital.
The Brutal Persecution of Mr. Li Wenbo in Yunnan Province Second Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-29Mr. Li Wenbo, 43, was detained in February 2005 for promoting Falun Gong and exposing the persecution. He was sentenced to three years of forced labour and taken to the Yunnan Province Second Forced Labour Camp on February 6th, 2005. He suffered severely from the abuse inflicted upon him by the guards and inmates. As a result, he lost his eyesight, six of his front teeth were knocked out, and his left leg had at nine-inch-long scar.
Mr. Lai Xiaoyun Given Four-year Prison Sentence in Heshan City, Guangdong Province
2009-01-29Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, practitioner Mr. Lai Xiaoyun and his family have had to endure constant torment by CCP agents. In May 2001, Mr. Lai was sentenced to one and a half years because he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. After he was released from the forced labour camp, the police went to his home and harassed him. On June 30th, 2008, Mr. Lai Xiaoyun was arrested and in December the Heshan City Court sentenced him to four years in prison.
Mr. Yu Shanqi Injected with Psychiatric Drugs in Hunan Province
2009-01-29Mr. Yu Shaoqi, 32, is a practitioner in Hunan Province. Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members forced his family to inject him with psychiatric drugs. In November 2005, he was imprisoned in a forced labour camp. In December 2006, CCP officials forced Mr. Yu's employer to take him to the Huaihua City Mental Hospital. While there, he suffered three months of psychiatric persecution and developed symptoms of dementia, foot trembling, blurred vision, and mouth-watering.
Father and Son Die as Result of Persecution in Liaoning Province
2009-01-28After July 20th, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong began, Mr. Xiao Yubin and his son, Mr. Xiao Peng were brutally persecuted for refusing to give up their faith. On October 29th, 1999, Xiao Peng was sentenced to three years at the Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp. He was tortured there and suffered injuries all over his body. He was taken to the Jinzhou City Mental Hospital, where he was injected with nerve-damaging drugs. As a result, he suffered a mental breakdown, became emaciated, had difficulty walking, and was unable to take care of himself. He died on June 9th, 2002, at the age of 30. The relentless persecution put Xiao Yubin under tremendous stress. He died on December 26th, 2008, at the age of 61.
Mr. Dai Congli Blind and Paralysed Due to Torture in Macheng City, Hubei Province
2009-01-28Mr. Dai Congli, from Hubei Province, was sentenced to forced labour in August 2008, and served the term in the Ninth Ward of the Shayang Farm. He has lost his eyesight and become paralysed due to the brutal mistreatment. His term ended, but the town officials won't allow his family to pick him up, using the excuse that his family member is also practitioner. He is still being held.
Retired Practitioners Jailed in Qinghai Women's Prison
2009-01-28On December 26th, 2008, police secretly transferred Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhang Xiuhua and Ms. Zhao Zonghua, from Xining City Detention Centre to Qinghai Women's Prison. Not long before this, these two women were brought to court for a secret trial. None of their family members or relatives was notified. Ms. Zhang and Ms. Zhao appealed to a higher court. The higher court not only kept the case a secret but also issued a prison sentence. The court did not notify the women's families of the trial date, which is not in keeping with the legal process. Ms. Zhang Xiulan and Ms. Zhao Zonghua were both sentenced to five years in prison. Qinghai Women's Prison's other name is the Leather and Feather Quilt and Clothing Factory.
Police Chief Breaks into a Family's Home and Arrests a Female Farmer
2009-01-28On July 26th, 2007, a group of policemen broke in to Ms. Zheng Baozhen's home, ransacked it and arrested Ms. Zheng leaving her daughters terrified and all alone that night. The jail's inhumane living conditions caused Ms. Zheng to become ill and pass out. Ms. Zheng, being dangerously ill from the persecution, did not eat anything for a few days in protest. On the fifth day, the police violently force-fed her, adding unknown drugs into the mixture, which caused her to pass out several times. Because she was so ill the police released her. Ms. Zheng was unable to take care of herself.
Ms. Li Yinju Dies in China's Liaoning Province
2009-01-27In July 2006, Ms. Li Yinju, 56, was arrested on the street while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling elementary school students the facts about Falun Gong. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour in the Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp in Henan Province. The guards tried to force her to give up her faith, conducted long-term brainwashing sessions by not allowing her to sleep, beating her, and locking her in a small cell. She died at home in the early morning on December 18th, 2008.
Woman in China's Countryside Persecuted Repeatedly Since Learning Falun Gong in a Detention Centre Several Years Ago
2009-01-27Because Ms. Xin Xiaoping follows the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was arrested and detained by the county 610 Office in December 2005. Her home was searched. Since June 2006, she was forced to be homeless in order to avoid arrest. On October 15th, 2008, Ms. Xin was followed by police and arrested and sent to the Linli County Detention Centre. She has now been detained for more than three months.
72-year-old Practitioner Ms. Wang Lianzhi Is Imprisoned
2009-01-27Ms. Wang Lianzhi, a 72-year-old practitioner from Kunming City, Yunnan Province, was arrested in April 2008. At the end of November, the prison administration suddenly informed Ms. Wang's son that she had developed mental illness, but denied her son any visitation. Ms. Wang's son was shocked because not ten days earlier his mother's mental health was normal. How could this have happened? He asked who had made the diagnosis. They told him it was the city mental hospital. The son then asked to read the diagnosis. Because the whole thing was so suspicious. Ms. Wang's situation is still unclear and her family very worried about her.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Zongquan from Tangshan City Put on Trial
2009-01-27On July 10th, 2008, 48-year-old Mr. Zhang Zongquan's home was raided by more than 10 policemen and was arrested and taken to the Fengrun Detention Centre. When he was held in the detention centre, Mr. Zhang's family members sought advice from two lawyers. The lawyer was not allowed to see Mr. Zhang until December 8th. On December 10th, Mr. Zhang was brought to the court. Mr. Zhang defended himself without a lawyer. The trial lasted only thirty minutes and ended without a conclusion. The family members were filled with indignation at the end of the trial.
The Persecution of Ms. Wang Jie and Ms. Cai Shaojie in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
2009-01-26In October 2002, Ms. Wang Jie and Ms. Cai Shaojie were arrested in Tieling City in Liaoning Province. While being detained at the police station, Ms. Wang Jie was tortured to the point of near-death, then taken to a local hospital for emergency treatment. After police officers interrogated Ms. Cai, they hung her up by her arms and beat her with electric batons. Afterwards, she was unable to use her left hand for several months and found it difficult to take care of herself. Ms. Cai was sentenced in 2003 to seven years of imprisonment. The two women were brutally tortured in the Liaoning Province Prison and came close to losing their life on at least one occasion.