Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Persecution Ms. Zong Xiuxia Suffered before She Died
2008-03-17On the morning of February 22nd, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zong Xiuxia, a resident of Weifang City, Shandong Province, was reported while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong near the Jialejia Supermarket in Kuiwen District. At around 11:00 a.m., Ms. Zong Xiuxia was taken to Guangwen Police Station and interrogated. That night, her family was notified to come down to the police station to identify and claim her body. It was noted that her time of the death was around 3:00 p.m. Her family was asked to acquiesce to their claim that Ms. Zong committed suicide.
Detained Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province to Protest Persecution; Several Are in Critical Condition
2008-03-17On February 25th, 2008, twelve practitioners were arrested in Chaoyang City. Among them was Mr. Chen Baofeng, who was tortured to death on the eighth day of his detention. To protest the persecution, the remaining practitioners have been on hunger strike, and many of their lives are now in danger. Ms. Jing Fei and Ms. Li Yingxuan suffer from swelling in all parts of their bodies and are in critical condition.
Ms. Hu Aiqin Has Been Sentenced to Eight Years in Xinjiang
2008-03-17Ms. Hu Aiqin, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hami City in Xinjiang had been held in custody by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for a year. Around the end of 2007, she was sentenced to another eight years. After this sentence, the CCP finally allowed family members to visit her by appointment. When her mother went to visit her, an elderly lady with white hair came out. She thought to herself, "I never knew they locked elderly ladies in here." At a closer glance, she realized that the elderly lady was her daughter. In one year's time, her daughter's black hair had turned white. Ms. Hu's mother became stricken with grief.
Ms. Zou Jiqin Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-03-16Ms. Zou Jiqin, 45, was detained by police several times for refusing to renounce Falun Gong. In 2002, she went on a hunger strike to protest the detention, only to be tortured by being force-fed while tied on the floor with her four limbs stretched apart. She almost died from this treatment. Five times she was tortured with the "Big Back Cuff," an excruciating torture. She was also subjected to many other tortures, including being forced to sit on a wire spool (a very rough surface), not allowed to use the toilet, subjected to long-term sleep deprivation, forced to do hard labour, and subjected to freezing temperatures. Ms. Zou was in extremely poor health when she was finally released. On February 29th, 2008, Ms. Zou died at the age of 46.
Chen Zihui Tortured at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2008-03-16In 2002 Mr. Chen was sent to the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp and taken to division five, which is the most notoriously cruel division in the labour camp. The division leader Zhao Shuang is outrageous and vengeful. Under his leadership, guards tortured practitioners in just about every way imaginable. In order to "transform" [brainwash] practitioners, they forced them to squat from 5 am to midnight. Besides that, they also tortured practitioners with the "big hang up", electric shocks, pricking them with darts, allowing mice to bite them, pinching and rubbing their private parts, and push-break. The "push-break" is a where they push someone to the ground. A guard rides on top of the practitioner's body, with feet or knees against the practitioner's lower back, while at the same time pulling the practitioner's arms up and back. Some practitioners' arms were broken from this torture.
Kuang Shitai's Story: Still Persecuted After His Wife Dies and Daughter Forced into Homelessness
2008-03-16In February 2008, while Mr. Kuang Shitai, a Falun Gong practitioner was home alone, several officers from the local police station suddenly came and surrounded his home. They ordered him to turn in his daughter, Ms. Kuang Wenying. Over the past several years, Ms. Kuang Wenying has been detained and sent to forced labour camps. For the past few years, to avoid being arrested and persecuted again, she has led a vagrant life. She did not dare to go home to visit her father at all. His wife, Ms. Guo Sulan, suffered poor health due to persecution. She could not go home either and had to remain homeless. After one year of painful suffering, she passed away in November 2003.
Beijing Police Ransack the Jinkui Decorative Painting Company
2008-03-16The Beijing Public Security Bureau has persecuted over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners since January 2008. They have searched practitioners' homes, persecuted their family members, and ransacked companies and factories run by practitioners. Manager Chen of Jinkui Decorative Painting Company is an extremely sincere and kind person, and he has hired many practitioners. After practitioners were arrested, their family members went to Dongcheng Detention Centre many times requesting to visit, but they were turned away without being given a reason.
Multiple Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Liaoning Province Appear Linked to Olympic Games Preparation
2008-03-15At 6 a.m. on February 25th, 2008, fifteen Falun Gong practitioners from Suizhong County, Liaoning Province were arrested at nearly the same time by the local police. The arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in Huludao, Jinzhou, Chaoyang and other cities in Liaoning Province also happened near the same time. they were all detained in detention centres. Some detained Falun Gong practitioners are going on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Families Broken Apart by the Persecution in China Ask, "When Will Our Loved Ones Come Home?"
2008-03-15Ms. Wang Qi, a 30-year-old health care professional, was arrested by the District Public Security Bureau while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was detained in Hexi Detention Centre and later was sent to the forced labour camp in Huhhaote City for two years. She has a five-year-old son who had never been without his mother before. Now, in the absence of his mother, imagine how he feels! His mother also misses him very much.
Police Cruelly Interrogate Ms. Huang Zhiping in Guangan City, Sichuan Province
2008-03-15Ms. Huang Zhiping, 39 years old, was sent to a forced labour camp three times for practising Falun Gong. In 2004 she was cruelly tortured and interrogated by policemen from Chengnan Sub-bureau in Guangan City. In order to force her to renounce her belief policeman Wang Hongwei handcuffed Ms. Huang until the cuffs cut into her flesh and hit the left side of her face with strong blows. He continued the torture, hitting Ms. Huang's lower jaw with very strong blows. Her tongue and teeth were bleeding. Wearing his heavy leather shoes, he stomped on Ms. Huang's toes with all his strength.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Dehui City, Jilin Province Arrested to "Prepare" for the Olympic Games
2008-03-15On March 6th, 2008, police officers from Dehui City Police Department, together with people from the Changchun City Police Department, arrested two practitioners in Dehui City. The police went to the Chalukou Town No. Eight Middle School. These persecutors arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Chen Xuedong and Geng Jisheng, both of whom are teachers at the school. From there, the police went to Chen Xuedong's house and ransacked it. They confiscated a computer, a printer, a colour inkjet printer and some other personal belongings. They also beat Chen in his own home. According to a source, Chen Xuedong was sent to Changchun City for further persecution.
The Persecution of Ms. Zhu Lanying in Baoding City, Hebei Province
2008-03-14On February 19th, 2008, Ms. Zhu Lanying and another two practitioners were reported when distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. They are now detained in the Baoding City Detention Centre. Ms. Zhu was previously detained in Baoding City Detention Centre in 2001 her legs, hips, and back turned blue from cyanosis, a condition caused by lack of oxygen in the blood, due to persecution she suffered. Her elderly mother was grief-stricken by the persecution of her daughter and worried about her so much that she passed away in May 2001.
Police in Mengying County, Shandong Province, Sentence Elderly Practitioners Ms. Wang Fafeng and Ms. Wang Zaifeng to Forced Labour
2008-03-14Ms. Wang Fafeng and Ms. Wang Zaifeng, two elderly practitioners in Mengying County, Shandong Province, were arrested when they were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. The local police took them to Shandong Province No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp for an 18 month sentence. The police also broke into Ms. Wang's home, ransacked it and confiscated a bundle of leaflets exposing the persecution, Falun Gong books, a TV and DVD player. They also smashed her portable stereo and stole 200 yuan in cash. The policemen punched and kicked her husband and stuffed him in the boot of the car.
My Persecution Experiences at the Hands of Domestic Security Team Officers from the Yueyangluo District Police Department
2008-03-14On November 2nd, 2007, a security person from the First Middle School in Yueyang City reported me as I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution around the school. Officers from the Yueyanglou Police Station arrested me and then took me to the police department. They interrogated me for six hours, then sent me to the Yueyang City First Detention Centre. Once there, they searched me, and confiscated my personal belongings, which had a value of 1,600 yuan. While I was being interrogated seven police officers ransacked my home. They confiscated my Falun Gong books and CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, and other items. They told me that this was the "evidence" against me. While I was in the First Detention Centre, the guards instigated inmates to beat me because I didn't cooperate with their "education and reform" policy. They bound me spread-eagle to a wooden board for three nights and two days.
Li Chuanyu from Juancheng County, Shandong Province Arrested Two Years Ago, Whereabouts Unknown
2008-03-14Mr. Li Chuanyu, a 40-year-old, Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested by police from the Public Security Bureau of Juancheng County in the summer of 2006. His whereabouts are currently unknown. Mr. Li Chuanyu lived in a poverty-stricken county. He is disabled, his wife suffers from mental illness, and his daughter is ill. Nevertheless, the county police repeatedly broke into his home and extorted thousands of yuan from his family every time he was released from police custody.