Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
66-Year-Old Ms. Xiao Shufen Persecuted to Death at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2006-06-16Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiao Shufen, 66 years old, had been detained and persecuted at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison for several years. In 2002, Ms. Xiao because she explained the true situation of Falun Dafa to people was tortured around the clock for seven days. The police tied her on a tiger bench and forcibly fed her lots of a large quantity of black mustard oil. They put a plastic bag over her head until she was half dead. On June 8th, 2006, the prison staff notified Ms. Xiao's family that she had passed away.
Liaoning Practitioner Arrested - Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Threatened and Harassed by Police
2006-06-16Ms. Lin Haiqing, 38, lived in Chaoyang City. In March 2006, policemen arrested her while she was explaining the true situation of Falun Gong. Her home was ransacked, and the police confiscated a Falun Gong book and one thousand yuan. On May 20th, Lin Haiqing was arrested, police extorted 50 thousand yuan from her family, yet she was not released. Lin Haiqing's 16-year-old daughter, was threatened by police because she refused to pay a 500 yuan fee, for transporting her mother to Shenyang City and has not been to school for several weeks.
Exposing the Persecution Crimes in Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2006-06-16Practitioners are forced to perform slave labour. Those who refuse are berated on the spot, forced to stand for extremely long periods of time, and not allowed to use the toilet, drink water, or take a shower. Moreover, their terms in the labour camp are extended. Practitioner Ms. Hu Xiaoxian was released only after her term had been extended by more than four months. Guards impatiently wanted me to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Dafa, which they had already composed in advance. When I paid no attention to them, they started to beat me, claiming that it was a demonstration of their authority. They also forced me to watch many brainwashing videotapes.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Due to Persecution in Liaoning, Gansu, and Jilin Provinces
2006-06-16Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Fan Weiwei, 73, was arrested and detained in the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City. Eventually she developed colon cancer. In December 2005, her cancer reached the late stage, and spread to all her organs. She was as thin as a skeleton, and died six days after being bailed out on medical parole on December 12th, 2005.
Ms. Jin Yingshi on Hunger Strike, Her Condition is Critical
2006-06-15Around May 14th, 2006, State Security Agents from Helong City Police Department in Jilin Province arrested Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jin Yingshi and ransacked her home, taking away her Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. In order to protest the persecution, Ms. Jin Yingshi went on a hunger strike for seven days, and doctors have now found liver and severe brain problems.
The Persecution of Tangshan News Broadcaster Wang Jianhui
2006-06-15Falun Gong practitioner Wang Jianhui has suffered many periods of unjust detention because he told people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution. Police officers at a brainwashing centre warned him saying, "If you don't say that you will stop practising, I will give you a few injections, causing you to develop mental problems, and I will say that it is the result of your practising Falun Gong. If that doesn't work, I will send you to a place where nobody, not even you, will know where you are!"
Ms. Liu Liping from Daqing City Is Tortured at Hegang First Detention Centre
2006-06-15Ms. Liu Liping is a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province. On September 7th, 2005, she was arrested by police. They unlawfully detained and tortured her for more than eight months at the Hegang First Detention Centre. The policemen whipped Ms. Liu's feet with bamboo sticks. Her feet were severely swollen. The policemen interrogated her constantly for five days and nights, not letting her sleep. She lost consciousness many times, beaten from head to toe violently. Chief Yang and police officer Zhang Shengjun of the Xiangyang Police Station, spent 2,500 yuan of Ms. Liu's money for their own entertainment.
Mr. Wang Guibing's Experience of Being Arrested in Hebei Province
2006-06-15Mr. Wang Guibing is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Zhangjiakou City. On the night of May 8th, 2006, five security guards from Ximalin Village, and police broke into Mr. Wang Guibing's house and arrested him. He was sent to Kongjiazhuang Detention Centre and was detained there for three nights. During this period, the guards did not allow Mr. Wang to eat or drink. The policemen confiscated all Falun Dafa materials and some personal belongings.
A Mother-in-law Rudely Mistreated by Qianxi County Public Security Bureau When Demanding Her Daughter-in-law's Return
2006-06-14On the evening of May 13th, 2006, some Dafa practitioners were reported to the police when they were handing out Falun Gong materials. The next day Chuai Cuijun's mother-in-law went to the public security bureau to look for her daughter-in-law. Six to seven policemen dragged the old lady, snapping off two buttons from her clothes. The policeman named Wang Wei used his shoulder to push the old lady's chest. Another policeman shoved her, and as a result, the old lady was nearly rammed into the wall. Several policemen yelled and uttered threats, saying they would detain her if she did not go.
I Suffered Four Years of Persecution in Tiebei Prison in Changchun City
2006-06-14After fellow practitioners and I were sentenced in 2001 after appealing for justice for Falun Dafa on Tiananmen Square, I suffered all sorts of physical and mental persecution in Tiebei Prison, such as being locked up in a small cell that was like a steam box, being hung up in the air by hand cuffs, and continuously forced to undergo brainwashing. We also underwent suspicious and very detailed physical check-ups, but were not aware of the real purpose for this.
Force Feeding in Jinchang Detention Centre
2006-06-14On January 2nd, 2001, the Jinchang City Police Department arrested dozens of Falun Gong practitioners. Most of them were women. Each person was taken to the office individually and held down on the ground. With both hands and both legs tightly pulled in four directions and someone seated on her stomach holding her head and nose, the practitioner could not move even a little bit and had difficulty breathing. Then a dilator was placed in the practitioner's mouth, through which they forced a mixture of powdered milk and white flour. Twenty to thirty minutes later, the practitioner was almost suffocated, and the white mixture covered her face, neck, hair, and clothing, which quickly froze due to the low temperature.
I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging
2006-06-14I am a 64-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. I live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," so I have been arrested, detained and tortured on numerous occasions ever since the Jiang Zemin regime began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. These torture methods include being "dragged by five horses" in five different directions, electrocution, tiger bench and being hung by the handcuffed wrists for long periods of time
With Nowhere to Turn, 80-year-old Grandmother Proclaims Grandson's Innocence at a Train Station
2006-06-13Mr. Wang Jianguo, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jilin City, died as a result of persecution after a 40-day incarceration in a Jilin city detention centre. On Monday, May 15th, 2006, Mr. Wang's grandmother went to the Jilin City train station and held his picture and a poster with a large character for "Injustice." She tearfully told passersby and passengers about this injustice.
Four Practitioners Unjustly Tried at the Luzhou City Court; Liang Jinhui, Sick and Disabled, Sentenced to 2.5 Years
2006-06-13On May 10th, 2006, four Falun Gong practitioners, who had been detained for ten months, were sentenced at the court of Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province. Liang Jinhui was sentenced to two and a half years, Jiang Jiyun was sentenced to three and a half years, Hu Jingbin was sentenced to two years, with a three-year suspended sentence, and He Shifang was sentenced for a year and a half, with a two-year suspended sentence. The four practitioners were turned in for distributing the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and calling on people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Older Practitioner, Ms. Yu Rongmei, Beaten and Detained for Persisting in Falun Dafa
2006-06-13On December 30th, 1999, Ms. Yu Rongmei, 59 years old, and several other practitioners were arrested and held at the Daqinjia town government. At that time, 38 practitioners were held there, seven of them were in their late 60s. After dinner on January 3rd, 2000, police agent Wang Jinli and a hired thug dragged the practitioners out individually and brutally beat them. Ms. Yu Rongmei was the last one to be dragged out. Eight perpetrators repeatedly hit her back and buttocks with metal rods and wooden sticks until she was covered with cuts and bruises. She could hardly move.