Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Information about the Death of Practitioner Mr. Pan Qichu from Jiangxi Province
2006-02-27At the end of May, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Wang Meixiang and Mr. Pan Qichu from Yichun City in Jiangxi Province were arrested while they were distributing materials exposing the persecution. They were detained in Yichun City Detention Centre and Mr. Pan was tortured to death on June 2nd, 2003. According to witnesses, Mr. Pan was tortured by being hung up in the detention centre and was later sent to the hospital when he was dying. After he died, an autopsy was performed and excrement was found in his stomach.
Three Dafa Practitioners Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-02-27Ms. Liu Runzhi, age fifty-seven, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa in November 1999, shortly after the persecution began. Over the last six years she has been held in a brainwashing class, the Female Correction Centre and harassed numerous times by the police. She was forced to leave her home and became homeless for over a year. Police arrested her from another practitioner's home where she stayed temporarily in 2005. She was sent to another brainwashing class. She was extremely weak and became ill after being brutally tortured. The authorities released her for fear of bearing responsibility for her death. Ms. Liu Runzhi passed away on January 11th 2006.
Gangbei Prison in Tianjin Has Persecuted Dafa Practitioners Long-Term
2006-02-27Many Falun Gong practitioners have been detained in Gangbei Prison, including an engineer named Zhou Xiangyang. He was from the Third Investigation and Design Institute of the Railroad Department. He was sentenced for nine years. They have to work long hours, with a heavily overloaded work schedule every day. There are many different kinds of labour, including making flower arrangements, sewing and mending footballs, picking out nails etc.
Exposing the Savage Treatment of Practitioners in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin
2006-02-26Zhao Shuang, head of the No. 5 Division at this forced labour camp, used extremely cruel methods to persecute practitioners. Besides using high-voltage electric batons, tying practitioners to a metal chair, handcuffing them to a bed, hanging them up, beating and slapping them, he used other methods. This thug also pinched, pushed, and poked practitioners' bodies, pinched practitioners' private parts, and used a plastic bag to cover practitioners' heads.
Methods Used by Jilin Prison to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners (Drawings)
2006-02-26As soon as a Falun Gong practitioner is detained in Jilin prison, he is sent to a zone in which there are around ten persons. Then he is sent to a sub-zone. At the sub-zone, the "educational instructor" assigns some prisoners to monitor this practitioner and "transform" him. Three to four prisoners work in shifts around the clock. Except when it is time to have meals, use the toilet, wash or sleep, the only thing the practitioner can do is "sit on a board." Sometimes, one is forced to do so until after 10:00 p.m. or even until midnight. Meanwhile, those prisoners who are responsible for watching him can beat and curse him at will.
Imprisoned for Not Swearing
2006-02-26Mr. Z, a non-practitioner, was thrown into jail because he did not want to swear - isn't that hard to believe? However, this really happened under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal regime. A Falun Dafa practitioner had given Mr Z some information explaining the facts of Falun Dafa and the police caught him with them. The police questioned him repetitively, "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner or not?" Mr. Z said he was not. The police said, "If you are not a practitioner, swear at Li Hongzhi a hundred times, and we will let you go home. If you refuse to swear, you will be sentenced to one year in a forced labour camp." Mr. Z responded, "I never had problems with him, why should I swear at him?
Ms. Liu Aimin and Ms. Zhang Jianqing from Hubei Province Suffered Persecution Prior to Their Deaths
2006-02-26After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Fifty-year-old Ms. Liu Aimin gave numerous personal testimonies to support Falun Dafa and was arrested, detained, and fined many times. She was sent to forced labour camp twice, brutally beaten up seven times, and suffered tremendous physical and spiritual torture. Her workplace turned against her, and her husband divorced her after she was released from the labour camp. In 2003, she was forced to become homeless to avoid persecution. She lived on a minimum of food and in barely adequate shelter. Enduring great physical and mental pressure, she was diagnosed with leukaemia and died on June 3rd, 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ding Yanhong Dies from Persecution
2006-02-2537-year-old Ms. Ding Yanhong was a Falun Dafa practitioner. Police detained her and took her to forced labour camps many times because of her belief. When detained in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, they force-fed her for 7 months. After she was released, she was sickly and never recovered. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members living in her community often went to her home to harass and threaten her. As a result, Ms. Ding's physical and mental health was seriously harmed. She became increasingly weaker until she passed away on February 13th, 2006.
Elderly Mr. Zheng Dinguo Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-02-25Mr. Zheng Dingguo, 64 years old, was very healthy when he was first arrested, but died only two and a half months later on February 19th, 2006 after being detained in a detention centre . His toes were very dark with the bones exposed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official said he died of a stroke, but he never had such a medical history, and why would a stroke cause his toes to turn black?
The Persecution and Death of Older Practitioner Ms. Zhao Tingyun from Henan Province
2006-02-25On January 6th, 2006, police broke into a practitioner's home and arrested three practitioners. Ms. Zhao Tingyun was arrested outside the house. The practitioners were locked up in a detention centre and started a hunger strike in protest. Zhao Tingyun was force-fed twice a day on January 10th and then on January 13th. After the brutal force-feeding, Zhao Tingyun started to vomit blood. Around one o'clock on the morning of January 15th, the inmates where Ms. Zhao was locked up shouted, "She is dead!" Zhao's family requested to see her body, but they were denied by the police without any reason.
Practitioners Ms. Zhang Guizhen and Ms. Ju Shumin Died as a Result of Persecution in Hebei Province
2006-02-25Ms. Zhang Guizhen died on February 2nd, 2006, from long-lasting harassment. Local officials came to her house at night and deceived Ms. Zhang's daughter, saying that they would not come for her mother anymore. Ms. Zhang Guizhen had to become destitute and homeless to avoid arrest. Unfortunately, she got a serious illness as a result of the long-lasting harassment and persecution and passed away.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Mingduo Tortured to Death
2006-02-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Mingduo, 44, was sentenced to a three-year prison term in 2001, where he was beaten severely and forced to do heavy labour. Upon being released in late 2003, his employer fired him, and his wife was also dismissed from her job. He was arrested again in 2005 and went on a hunger strike to protest the injustice. Because Wang Mingduo's life was in danger, the forced labour camp released him. He was very weak, his legs and feet were swollen, his abdomen was bloated, and he had incontinence. Wang Mingduo died on February 17th, 2006.
Daughter of Detained Dafa Practitioner Mr. Shi Zhimin from Hebei Province Requests Police to Release Her Father
2006-02-24The Langfang City "610 Office" agents arrested many Dafa practitioners on February 5th, 2006. The next day, practitioner Shi Zhimin's daughter went to the National Security Division. She saw her father handcuffed to a metal chair and unable to move. Shi Zhimin's daughter asked the police, "Why did you arrest my father?" Officer Gao Chenggang said, "Your father was in a mob riot in Xianghe County. She said, "My father is old and weak. How could he have been in a mob riot?" The police became aggressive and threatening to her. They ordered her to leave without seeing her father.
Lawyer Yang Zaixin Dismissed for Defending Falun Gong Practitioner
2006-02-24Lawyer Yang Zaixin was dismissed on January 26th, 2006, from the Zhongchi Law Firm in Guangxi Province for defending Falun Gong practitioner Nong Youyue of Pinggou County, Guangxi Province. On January 26th, Mr. Yang received notice from the Zhongchi Law Firm, stating that he was no longer a licensed lawyer with the firm, as he had not renewed his contract. Therefore, beginning February 1st, 2006, he could no longer use the title of Zhongchi Law Firm lawyer.
Man or Beast? Revealing the Root of Forced Labour Camp Brainwashing
2006-02-24The police's mentality is split. On the one hand, they have to employ their animal nature to brainwash the practitioners. Yet, on the other, they disguise the evil with a false front of human nature to lead practitioners astray. To sing the Same Song, they present their human nature for others to see. They force themselves to believe that beating up and yelling at people every day is a form of kindness done for the tortured person's own good. They think that by implementing the "law" (though in fact the persecution of Falun Gong is entirely illegal) they can avoid personal responsibility. In reality, however, they are very clear who is in contempt of the law. They cling to the communist heaven-on-earth illusion despite its inherent evil nature.