Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Xu Jingbo from Jilin Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Jingbo was a 42-year-old wife and mother. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents arrested Ms. Xu between 2000 and 2001. They forced her to write a guarantee statement promising not to practise Falun Gong. They abused her physically, mentally and persecuted her financially. Xu Jingbo left home and lived in exile to avoid further persecution. Later on, she developed symptoms of severe illness. On February 17th, 2006, Xu Jingbo left the world. She left with love for her family and unfulfilled wishes after several years of anguish. She is survived by her father, her husband and her child.
  • Persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office Sent He Xiuling to the Mortuary While She Was Still Alive

    In 2003, while my wife He Xiuling was producing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in Wendeng City, policemen from the Yantai City 610 Office arrested her. She was imprisoned at the Zhifu District Detention Centre for a long time, where she suffered brutal torture. At 7:30 a.m. on March 11th, 2004, persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office, the Zhifu District Detention Centre, and Liuhuangding Hospital sent He Xiuling to the mortuary, even though she was still breathing. Her lower body was completely naked and frozen. After they were informed of her death, her family members arrived at the mortuary around 11 o'clock, and discovered tears flowing from her eyes.
  • A Prison Monitor's Repentance

    The prison policy says that a criminal who has been locked up for three years or more is qualified to monitor Falun Gong practitioners and be involved in their reform. Some 610 Office agents told us in a meeting that if we wanted to get our sentences reduced, and if we don't want to do the heavy labour, then we should try all kinds of methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners, both physically and mentally. We should try our best to crush their wills. If we beat them to death, it will be counted as death from natural causes or suicide, especially for those solid practitioners. We should not have fear, for we have the support from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and we should just go ahead and do it.
  • Tortures I Suffered at the Changchun Women's Forced Labour Camp

    'Police sent me to division one. Guard Zhang Xiaohui, who was just transferred from division two, urged two 'collaborators' , to watch me constantly and never leave my side. They forced me to listen to them reading Wang Zhigang's anti-Dafa book. On the fifth day, when they saw I still would not give up Dafa, with encouragement from the guards, "collaborator" Jia Shimin dragged me to a toilet. About eight people pulled down my trousers and hit my hip with mop handles. I almost lost consciousness, felt nauseated and vomited. I could no longer keep my head straight and lost my ability to think rationally. They brought a notebook and pen and forced me to write something to renounce Falun Dafa against my will.'
  • 15-Year-Old Liu Jie Dies Due to Persecution

    A young 15-year-old girl named Liu Jie was diagnosed with lupus erythematosus. Her family had to spend almost 60,000 yuan to have Liu Jie hospitalised a total of three times. Just when mother and daughter were most desperate, a friend introduced her to Falun Dafa. After only ten days, her symptoms completely disappeared and her health returned to normal. On November 22nd, 2005, several Dafa practitioners were detained. Liu Jie's mother became very scared. Fearing that her daughter would be implicated and persecuted as well, Liu Jie's mother would not allow her to study Falun Gong anymore. This resulted in a reoccurrence of Liu Jie's symptoms, and on December 30th, 2005, the young girl passed away suddenly in a hospital corridor.
  • Practitioner Gao Delong from Liaoning Province Passed Away Due to Persecution (Photo)

    Mr. Gao Delong, 67 years old, recovered from heart disease since practising Falun Dafa. After July 20th, 1999, local governmental officials forced him to write repentance statement to give up practising and attend brainwashing sessions. He was often called to attend such "meetings." The police forced him to give up his Falun Dafa books. Local officials and police often went to his home to harass him and put heavy pressure on him. His old illnesses recurred and he passed away on January 8th, 2006.
  • 47-Year-Old Ms. Di Shuzhen from Liaoning Province Passed Away After Four Years of Suffering Resulting from Savage Police Beatings

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Di Shuzhen was severely injured and lost consciousness after Jinjia Town Police Department thugs cruelly beat her on the evening of February 3rd, 2002. They struck her with metal bars and wooden sticks. She later lost her eyesight and could not take care of herself. She passed away on February 19th, 2006.
  • Practitioner Ms. Li Yancai from Henan Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    41-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yancai was arrested for the third time in 2003. The County Police Department's Public Security Division, sentenced her to two years of forced labour. While she was held at the forced labour camp, Ms. Li was forced to work for over 10 hours a day. She was tortured until her breasts developed large lumps, both of her legs swelled up, and she was no longer able to take care of herself, at which point she was finally released for medical treatment. After she returned home, agents repeatedly came to her home to harass and threaten her. As a result, her symptoms worsened and on November 22nd, 2005 Ms. Li Yancai passed away.
  • Mr. Shou Libin Suffers a Nervous Breakdown in the Henan Province Third Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shou Libin was handcuffed to a thick tree trunk and was left there to freeze all afternoon until past dinnertime. On the same day guards brutally beat Mr. Shou, trying to force him to say that he tried to escape. In the next several days, Mr. Shou lost his personal freedom, and was even cuffed to the bed while he slept. He also suffered from frostbite. When Mr. Shou was seen again on January 27th, 2005, he was suffering from a nervous breakdown and could not take care of himself. He was sent to a mental hospital. They shocked him there with electric batons, hoping that his condition would be cured. The Warden Head spread the fabricated rumour that Mr. Shou's family had a history of mental illness.
  • Petition Letter from the Mother of Yang Xiaojie, Who Died as a Result of Torture (Photos)

    "I am the mother of Yang Xiaojie. At 11:15 a.m. on January 26th, 2006, my beloved son Yang Xiaojie passed away. His face, seen by his family, was kind. He didn't want to leave his parents, both in their 70s, his dear wife, and especially his 16-year-old daughter, the apple of his eye. I was with my son when he died. I screamed until my throat was dry and all the strength had left my body. I held my son's hand and shouted continuously, "Xiaojie, come back! You can't leave. You are a tough boy. Mum can't live without you! you tried not to describe the tortures you suffered at the prison because you didn't want me to worry about you."
  • Two Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Have Disappeared

    Over the past few years, many Falun Gong practitioners have died in hospital because of the persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Many others died shortly after they were released to go home. Some have become paralysed. Others were severely injured and/or disabled. Two Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Li Jingyi and Ms. Liu Guifang, were tortured until they were close to death. It was written on the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp blackboard that they were taken to hospital, but no one heard from them or saw them again.
  • 68-Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Suying from Huainan City Secretly Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

    To avoid continued persecution, three years ago 68-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Suying from Huainan City was compelled to escape from home and wander around. Then she was again arrested and secretly sentenced to five years in prison. She is now incarcerated in the Suzhou Women's Prison in Anhui Province.
  • Nine Practitioners in Jilin and Sichuan Provinces Died As a Result of Persecution

    58-year-old Mr. Liu Benhong was arrested by police. They tortured him for three days and nights in a township brainwashing centre. In the daytime they forced him to do filthy work and refused to let him sleep at night. They beat him at will. They disqualified his children from joining the army or applying to any university. Mr. Liu was later held at the police department for six months. They once handcuffed him to a railing for seven days and nights. They deprived him of food and water. Later, one police officer gave him half a glass of water to which unknown drugs had been added. After Mr. Liu drank it he had a severe headache and stomachache, lost consciousness, and later talked nonsense. He passed away on December 16th, 2005.
  • Zhongba Forced Labour Camp Officials in Guizhou Province Torture Falun Gong Practitioners.

    At the "newcomer team" of Zhouba Women's Forced Labour Camp, Falun Gong practitioners were also exposed to forced brainwashing, punishment by being forced to stand for several days and nights, sleep deprivation, forced feeding, forced injections, being forced to write "the three statements," being subjected to solitary confinement, being hung up and beaten, being tied up, electric baton shocks, having their fingers pierced with needles, wearing instruments of torture, and other methods.
  • Belated News: Mr. Li Xianming Tortured to Death on the Same Day He Was Arrested

    On the evening of April 6th, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Xianming from Sichuan Province was arrested in front of the county government hostel. National Security Bureau agents staged the arrest and pushed him into a small, unmarked car. They took him to the county detention centre, where they savagely tortured him. The guards injected him later with a poisonous substance. He died the day of his arrest, on the evening of April 6th, 2005.