Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Details Regarding the Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr Bai Wanling from Xinjiang Province

    Ms Bai Wanling was a 39-year-old Dafa practitioner from Xinjiang Province. Both her parents, also Dafa practitioners were persecuted to death and Bai Wanling suffered terribly in a labour camp. After both of her parents were persecuted to death, the police kept harassing Bai Wanling's brother and sister-in-law every day. They deceived the couple into going to a brainwashing class and detained them there. In May 2004, Bai's family sent her to a hospital to be treated. However she passed away on May 31 2004.
  • Anqiu Policemen Pulled Out a Handful of My Hair (Photo)

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner in Anqiu, Shandong Province. I went to distribute truth-clarification materials on Sept. 4, 2004. A vehicle came on the same road. I got off my bike to make room for the vehicle to pass. It ended up being a police car. Two or three policemen jumped out of the car, stopped me, pulled out a handful of my hair and kicked me until I fell down on the ground.
  • Graphic Sketches: Torture Methods Used Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    Three boards: The victim's limbs are cuffed to the four corners of the bed. Only three narrow wood slats are placed on the bed frame, and a boxing head cover is tightly attached to the victim's head. A long period of this torture makes the victim experience extreme pain all over his body. His head usually feels dizzy and his eyes blur.
  • Jilin City's First and Third Detention Centers Exhibit Total Disregard for Human Rights and Try to Conceal their Crimes

    The First and Third Detention Centres of Jilin City are located on Yueshan Road. Since July the 20th 1999, the two centres have detained and severely persecuted hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners. With the permission of Director of the Third Detention Centre Zhufeng Sun and Commissar Wang Wenkui, at least three Falun Gong practitioners have been murdered in the centre. Wang Lixin, Fu Shengchun and Li Chuanping have all died as a direct result of the persecution they were subjected to in the detention centre.
  • Beijing: City of Terror

    I thought the high pressure persecution policies throughout the Chinese system would be a little "restricted" when it came to a world renowned city like Beijing, because the Party wants to present a good image to the international society, and attract foreign investments. However, I was wrong. One by one "not so horrifying" stories revealed the city was covered with lies and violent terrors.
  • Hanging Torture Leaves Many Practitioners With Crippled Hands at Huhhot Women's Forced Labour Camp

    The authorities at Huhhot Women's Forced Labour Camp have adopted many inhumane measures to torment determined Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Zhou Caixia was tortured to death at the Huhhot Women's Labour Camp. Her hands were crippled as a result of this hanging torture before she died. In addition, she was force-fed with lime (calcium carbonate), which burned the lining of her stomach. She was finally driven to madness from pain.
  • The Death of Elderly Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Hai in Shandong Province

    Mr. Li Hai was a 69 year old Dafa practitioner who lived in Shandong Province. When his son, a determined Falun Dafa practitioner, was detained, Li Hai lost his means of support. The authorities constantly harassed and extorted money from him, forcing him to sell his only cow and his peanuts and other crops. Li Hai suffered terribly under the long-term persecution, threats, terror and extortion. He passed away on December 23, 2002.
  • Details of the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Jiang Yong: An Open Letter to the Responsible Authorities

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Yong, 46 years old, was from Changchun City. He had a strong body and was in perfect health. On July 4, you [Tiebei Detention Centre authorities] sent the death notice to his family, claiming the cause of death to be "acute disease" and fabricated a so-called "explanation of death" document. With a single phoney document, you attempted to deny the fact that you murdered him. Why is there a black and blue bloody scar on his neck? Why is his whole body black and blue?
  • Complaint Filed in the Torture Death of Mr. Liu Yufeng from Wendeng City

    On July 22, 2000, around 9:00 p.m., the fourth day of 65 year old Mr. Liu's unlawful detention, the Wendeng City Police Department notified Mr. Liu's family to come and get him. His family found Mr. Liu at death's door and they noticed wounds all over his body. He could not move and was disfigured. It was heartrending to see him suffering like this! They carried him to a taxi and took him home. On July 23, the following day, Mr. Liu died.
  • Re-constructions of the Tortures that Hubei Dafa Practitioner Liao Yuanhua Received in Fanjiatai Prison (Photos)

    Liao Yuanhua, 47, was the former Discipline Committee Secretary of the Wuxue City Forestry Bureau. He began practising Falun Gong in 1998 and was an honest and excellent government employee. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, Mr. Liao persisted in telling the facts about Falun Dafa with a compassionate heart. Liao Yuanhua wasn't afraid of threats or violence. Because he appealed to the government on behalf of Falun Gong, Mr. Liao was dismissed from the Party. He was illegally detained in a detention centre for one year. Then on June 1, 2001 he was sent to the Fanjiatai Prison in Hubei Province where he was subjected to nearly 30 different types of horrific torture..
  • Liaoning Province Authorities Claim Mr Cui Zhilin Commits Suicide Yet Forensic Exam Shows Evidence of Brutal Beating

    Mr. Cui Zhilin was a 43-year-old resident of North Fuxin City. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison yet still kept on practising Dafa. On August 5, 2004, his family was suddenly informed that he had jumped out of a building. When his family arrived, Cui was found lying in the reposing room, but the prison authorities could not show any evidence that Cui had committed suicide by jumping out of a building. At the strong insistence of his family, forensic doctors were called in to check the body. That was when his family first found that Mr. Cui's body was full of injuries caused by beating, and he had been reduced to only skin and bones.
  • Descriptions of Torture Techniques Used in Reformation Camp in Shenyang City (Photos)

    Torture Technique IV: Bent-Up: The body is bent forward with the head hanging downward, the legs spread apart, and the arms are pulled up from behind. Falun Dafa practitioner Zhong Hengsheng, who has since died as a result of the persecution, was subjected to this torture. He was forced to stay in this position for the whole morning. The brigade leader asked the regular prisoners to watch Mr. Zhong. If he moved from this position, the convicts would beat him with bed planks.
  • Two Brothers from Huludao City Tortured and Sent to Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioners Zhao Liang and Zhao Ming are from Liaoning Province. After their arrest, both were severely tortured in Huludao Detention Centre. One criminal even tortured Zhao Liang by brutally crushing his testicles stating menacingly, ""I am on death row! It doesn't matter if I take one more life." . On July 2, 2004, the two brothers were sentenced to three years of forced labour.
  • Jiang Zemin Needs to Explain the Incongruities of the "Tiananmen Self-immolation" at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Ruling Party Committee

    When approaching him that his whole body appeared charred and I could also see that some new skin had just grown in some places. His two hands were limp and hung, in an immobile position close to his body. I asked anxiously, "What's happened?" He said, "Some gasoline set on fire burning me." I asked him, "Why aren't you covered with bandages? You saw that those people who were burned in the Tiananmen self-immolation incident were wrapped with bandages." He smiled and did not answer.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Guan Wenjiang Is Tortured to Death in Shenyang City Prison

    Mr. Guan Wenjiang was a Falun Gong practitioner in his thirties from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The Dengta City Court unjustly sentenced Mr. Guan to thirteen years in prison for refusing to give up his belief in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. Whilst Guan Wenjiang was detained in a Detention Centre, he was subjected to torture that resulted in his ears being disfigured. Torture continued until he died in prison on August 5, 2004.