Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lecturer From Beijing's Central Institute of Nationalities, Presses Charges against Chinese Authorities
2003-12-01As clearly stipulated by code 41 of the Constitution and code 254 of the criminal law, no person or organisation has the right to penalise, indict, or file a complaint against any citizen that file appeals. Yet, the involved administration authorities unreasonably withheld my complaint and as a legal plaintiff, and I was personally subjected to persecution by them as well. They used vicious means to harm my body and nervous system, and they tried to hound me to death or to the point that I suffered mental collapse. To quote their words, a person like me must "either be killed or made mentally disordered." It was not me who is the criminal, but these people of the concerned administration authority.
Sentenced to 19-Year Prison Term, Shandong Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luu Guiling's Life Hangs by a Thread
2003-11-30The police transferred Ms. Luu the following day, September 21, to the Jinan provincial female prison where she was subjected to all kinds of torture, including forced brainwashing. At this time, Ms. Luu Guiling had been on a two-month hunger strike. The prison staff tortured her daily through cruel force-feeding. They poured unidentified drugs into the liquid food, which further damaged her health. Ms. Luu was a perfectly healthy person. What is her physical condition now? Ms. Luu's body is now only skin and bones, her muscles are atrophied and her lips are cracked. She has lost her strength and ability to move or speak! Her life is in danger! Even though her circumstances have turned worse, the prison guards frequently harass her family at home. They know no shame and extort money from them, causing them much distress.
Torture Instead of Healing Leads to a Fifty Percent Death Rate for Practitioners at the Public Security Hospital in Jilin Province
2003-11-30When I heard that Liu Chengjun was admitted to the Public Security Hospital located in Jilin Province, I became very anxious. I remembered my own persecution experiences, having spent just four days in that hospital. I personally saw how the aim of the so-called "hospital" was basically not to cure or help Falun Dafa practitioners but instead was exactly the opposite. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was taken a step further there. I thoroughly came to understand the essence of the evil authorities in their attempt to create a news blockade, the intensity of their aggravated persecution, and their fabrication of lies.
Dafa Practitioner Cruelly Force-Fed for 50 Days in Hewan Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-30During this period, he was still forced to get up at 6 am and climb up and down the stairways continuously without rest until about 10-11pm each day. Police in the camp didn't treat him as a human being and didn't care whether he would survive their abuse. After being force-fed for 50 days, his family was finally allowed to see him. He was in such bad shape physically that they could hardly recognize him. His mother and wife both wept uncontrollably; it was unbearable for them to face him directly.
Brutal Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Harbin City Women's Prison
2003-11-30Hou Guiqin stomped on her chest and made her breathless for a long period of time. Later, she was forced to squat in a corner until late in the evening. The next day, when the head of Division Two came to fetch her, she refused to go and was dragged forcibly to the stairs. Other practitioners were trying to protect her from being taken away and demanded that the perpetrator be punished. Zheng Jie said ferociously, "In a moment, you will know the consequences!" A few minutes later, two male police officers came in. One of them was Gao Feng, the head of the prison's political division. They immediately began to beat the practitioners violently. A special group of 20 inmates who had been organized just to persecute Falun Gong practitioners also came in.
Holding Fast to His Belief in the Goodness of Falun Dafa, Mr. Zhang Shengshan Savagely Tortured to Death
2003-11-29Zhang Shengshan from Mo County, Inner Mongolia was tortured barbarically by the police and inmates at the Mo County Detention Centre because of his strong belief in the goodness of Falun Dafa. Shengshan died from torture on February 14, 2003. He was only 21-years-old. Zhang Shengshan himself was not a Falun Gong practitioner, but from his sisters who practise Falun Gong, Shengshan knew that Falun Gong guides people towards goodness.
Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp Attempts to Force Practitioner to Renounce Dafa in Vain
2003-11-29In the labour camp, the "transformation rate" has a quota to be maintained at a 90% level. To achieve this, 7 or 8 policemen, instructed by their supervisor, tortured her to an extreme. However, their efforts to force her to renounce her belief were all in vain. Then, they took out pre-written "Agreement to Transform" statements for her to sign. She refused, of course. The group of policemen forced her down onto the ground, some grabbed her arms, while some pressed and held her legs. Two of them held her hand and forced her fingerprint onto the agreement.
Dafa Practitioner Becomes Mentally Disabled Due to the Relentless Torture
2003-11-29While in detention, because Han Zhe was very determined in his belief, he was subjected to various forms of torture. Every day he was forced to sit straight on the floor for over 10 hours. Any small movement would invite brutal beatings. At night, he was not allowed to sleep...Currently Han Zhe has been diagnosed as having a mental disorder, which was clearly a result of the torture he was subjected to at the hands of the authorities.
Crimes Committed by Wang Shuchun from the Taian City "610 Office"
2003-11-29For the purpose of greed and personal gain, Wang Shuchun incited his subordinates to exert all their efforts to persecute Falun Gong. Many kind policemen and heads of different organisations were forced to participate in this crackdown of innocent Falun Gong practitioners; out of ignorance, misunderstanding, and because of Wang's insistence, these people committed horrible crimes. Wang Shuchun also ordered various organisations and street administration offices to run a propaganda campaign to defame Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Tongling Tortured to Death in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre
2003-11-28Her family asked, "How could someone die after just a few days in your place?" The police made excuses saying, "We did not want to detain her. It was Zhang Guojun from the "610 Office" of the Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau who told us 'You have to keep Liu Tongling.'" When the police tried to keep the family from seeing her body and preparing it for a funeral, the family asked for written documentation stating who it was that forbid them to see the body and the police had to relent. Upon seeing her body, the family found her face was distorted, with bruises around her eyes. Her nose was broken from the brutal force-feeding and her mouth was decaying. There were dark bruises all over her body, deep marks on her swollen wrists, and obvious marks from electric shocks near her heart.
Practitioner Ms. Long Ying Suffers at Hands of Police in Baimalong Labour Camp
2003-11-28The Jiang Zemin regime has been bloodily persecuting those who believe in "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." As human beings, practitioners also have limits to how much their human bodies can sustain. As a result, it is no surprise that some practitioners have suffered severe mental trauma and mental collapse, or hurt themselves after being subjected to constant terror and torture in the forced labour camps. These incidences in turn expose the degree of the brutality and inhumanity of the persecution.
Secret Documents Released from Jilin Province Demand a 95% "Conversion Rate" by 2005
2003-11-28Around November 10, 2003, Jilin Province organized a guarantor system for the practitioners in each department. The "610 Office" forced each department to provide a guarantor for each practitioner. These guarantors are usually the Party leaders in the department, so that they will feel the pressure to reform these practitioners. The "610 Office" taught the guarantors how to persecute practitioners, in order to begin another round of persecution.
Cruel Torture at Jilin Jail Shows no Regard for Human Life
2003-11-28Currently Jilin Jail is still very vicious in persecuting Dafa practitioners. One can hardly imagine how vicious the persecution is without these personal experiences. Jilin Jail mandate even instructs each police team that Falun Dafa practitioners should not be allowed to die in regular jail cells. All of them should be sent to the "small" or "strictly monitored" cells. In these cells, all deaths will be counted as a "suicide" or a "natural death."
Senseless Violence Against Falun Dafa Practitioners in Hunan Province
2003-11-27After arresting Dafa practitioners, they tell their families, "Pay to get them out, otherwise, we will send them to the forced labour camp or to prison!" Oftentimes, about five or six Dafa practitioners are abducted at once, and their families are forced to pay for their release. The authorities never give the reason for these extortions or issue any receipts. Many Falun Dafa practitioners' families have had to suffer a great deal in order to scrape together or borrow the money, and they have travelled very long distances to pay the extortion fees to release their family members.
Secret Order in Jilin Prison: Count Deaths From Force-Feeding as "Suicide" or "Death From Natural Causes"
2003-11-27The authorities of Jilin Prison have just issued a secret order to isolate the Falun Gong practitioners who have gone on hunger strikes into small cells for close surveillance and force-feeding. Deaths that occur due to force-feeding will be counted as suicides or deaths from natural causes. There are currently seven practitioners who are being tortured by barbaric force-feeding.