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Turkey: Practitioners Meet in Ankara to Study the Principles of Falun Dafa
2007-01-14From December 15th to December 25th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners met in Ankara to study the principles of Falun Dafa and practise the Falun Gong exercises together. It was the ninth meeting of its kind and was attended by many people. Over one hundred and sixty copies of Zhuan Falun (the main text of Falun Dafa) in Turkish have been sold since December 2006
Russia: Practitioners Hold Activities in St. Petersburg to Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2007-01-13During the 2007 New Year break, Falun Gong practitioners in Russia and some practitioners from Ukraine, Czech Republic and Sweden held three days of activities in St Petersburg. They studied the principles of Falun Gong together, shared their cultivation experiences and organised activities to let people know the truth about Falun Gong.
Czech Republic: Peaceful Protest at the Chinese Embassy in Prague
2007-01-12On New Year‘s Eve, a group of Falun Gong practitioners peacefully protested at the Chinese Embassy in Prague, in the Czech Republic. They reminded themselves and others of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China, where thousands of practitioners are tortured to death or have their organs removed while still alive in Chinese prisons and labour camps.
Minghui School Established in Germany
2007-01-11A Minghui Elementary School was established and held from December 27th to 29th, 2006, in the city of Wetzlar. Students went to the school every day, where they studied the main text of Falun Dafa, Zhuan Falun, practised the Falun Gong exercises, learned how to paint the Falun emblem, practised a fairy dance and sang songs together.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in New Year’s Day Parade in London
2007-01-10This year was the 21st New Year’s Day Parade in London and Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the festivities. Along the way of the parade, practitioners gave the spectators a New Year’s gift, an exquisite folded paper lotus flower. Introductory information about Falun Gong was printed on bookmarks attached to every flower.
German Falun Gong Information Centre: Wife of Leipzig Resident Tortured in China
2007-01-09Leipzig (FDI) Zhang Zhentong, a thirty three year old information technology student from Leipzig, fears for the life of his wife Wang Xiaoyan. She has been suffering torture and abuse in a Chinese labour camp since July 2006, only because she practices Falun Gong. Chinese police confiscated her passport to prevent her and her daughter from immigrating to Germany. A letter smuggled out of the labour camp tells of her agony.
Hungary: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong During the New Year Festivities
2007-01-09Practitioners from Hungary and Slovakia decided to spend the first of January, 2007, in Budapest’s Blaha Lujza Square, conducting an activity to expose the persecution of Falun Gong. They erected ifnormation boards with information about Falun Gong, the persecution and the Kilgour-Matas report on China’s harvesting of Falun Gong practitioner’s organs. Although the weather was rainy, many people came to read the information boards and happily took a flyer.
A letter From a German Lady to the Chinese Ambassador Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-01-09"We, as members of the Berlin Women’s Study Hall, have the objective to develop and form a cross-cultural and interdenominational dialogue with others. Given that, we listened to a speech about Falun Gong. This was provided to us because of its interconnection with Confucianism and Buddhism, and today’s political conflict between Falun Gong and the Chinese regime. The speech evoked in me horror and a deep set disgust about your inhuman and degrading actions against Chinese citizens."
France: The 'Divine Land Marching Band' Performs in Paris
2007-01-08On the last day of 2006 and the first day of 2007, the European Divine Land Marching Band, consisting of one hundred and sixty Falun Gong practitioners, performed in Paris. In four parades, the band's performance helped to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and was met with a warm welcome wherever it went.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution on Human Rights Day in Duonietsk
2007-01-07On December 10th, 2006, International Human Rights Day, Ukrainian practitioners held activities to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. They talked with the local people about Falun Gong and the CCP human rights abuses, and also collected petition signatures for two Chinese practitioners in Ukraine who were seeking asylum.
Hungary: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong During the Christmas Holidays
2007-01-06Between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, Hungarian Falun Dafa practitioners held activities in Budapest’s Blaha Lujza Square to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners took turns in demonstrating the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, which contrasted well with the scenes of persecution depcited on the information boards.
Czech Republic: Independent Canadian Investigator Presents His Report About Organ Harvesting in Parliament
2007-01-05“They take both of your kidneys, heart and skin, corneas and liver and then they throw your body in the incinerator.² Those are words of David Kilgour, the former member of the Canadian government, who with his colleague David Matas compiled report on illegal organ seizures from prisoners of conscience in China, namely from the practitioners of Falun Gong meditation discipline. On November 16th, David Kilgour reported his findings in the Czech Parliament.
The Standard Austria: Lawsuit against the Olympic chairman in China
2007-01-05A lawsuit was filed against the chairman of the 2008 Olympic Committee in Beijing at the Vienna state prosecutor’s office. The Austrian Falun Gong Association accuses him and three other top officials of “... crimes against humanity”.
2006 German Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference Held in Wetzlar
2007-01-04The 2006 German Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference was held in the city of Wetzlar. Six Chinese and western practitioners shared their experiences. The conference helped practitioners to find out their cultivation shortcomings and to be clearer about the significance and urgency of being diligent in their cultivation.
France: The European 'Divine Land Marching Band' Makes Its Debut in Paris
2007-01-04On December 31st, 2006, the French Falun Gong Association held two grand parades. Through the performances of the Divine Land Marching Band and traditional-style Chinese dancers and drummers, Falun Gong practitioners not only showed local residents the magnificence of Falun Gong, but they also brought a happy surprise to them during the festival.