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Sweden: Practitioners from Northern Europe Hold Group Fa Study and Practise the Exercises Together in Stockholm
2005-03-29Practitioners from Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia met in Stockholm and spent their Easter weekend studying the principles of Falun Gong, practising the exercises and sharing understandings. The great benefits that Falun Gong has brought to practitioners' minds and bodies have made the lies fabricated by Jiang's faction to justify its brutal suppression collapse upon themselves.
Spain: People from the Canary Islands Welcome Falun Gong
2005-03-28Every year on March the 8th, International Women's Day, various activities are held in the Canary Islands in southern Spain, including conferences, debates, yoga, and Tai Chi. On this year’s International Women’s Day, the activity organiser invited Falun Gong practitioners to participate and introduce Falun Gong to the public by demonstrating and teaching the five sets of exercises.
Ukraine: People from Slavic City Enjoy a Falun Gong Painting Exhibition
2005-03-28Ukrainian practitioners held a painting exhibition on March 22nd in Slavic City. They also put on a video screening of Master Li’s nine day lecture. Many visitors who attended the exhibition learned about the persecution that the 100 million Falun Gong practitioners in China have been suffering for the last six years.
MEP: “We should expose China’s persecution publicly in the European Parliament.”
2005-03-27Two Members of the European Parliament, Mr. Michel Galher from Germany and Mr. Alain Lipiez from France, also attended the conference. After Chen Ying and Xiong Wei completed their speeches, Mr. Galher commented, “It is so shocking! I fully believe what you said. It is really shameful that a country with major economical success like China should have turned itself into a mega concentration camp for prisoners of conscience. We ought to spread what is happening in China publicly in the European Parliament. We don’t want to humiliate China. Instead, it is China who is humiliating itself.”
Media Report: MEP Published an Article to Express her Objection to China Weapon Sales
2005-03-27The Epoch Times quoted a report made by the Central News Agency that Ms. Erika Mann, a Member of the European Parliament, published an article in the Wall Street Journal on March 17th, arguing that the European Union should not lift the arms embargo to China. In the article, she stressed that many legislators on both sides of the Atlantic firmly oppose the EU’s intention to lift the embargo.
Russia: Learning about Falun Gong and the Persecution through a Painting Exhibition in Stavropol
2005-03-26Practitioners from Stavropol put on a painting exhibition. Practitioners’ paintings, replicas of art works from the International “Truthfulness, Compassion, Benevolence” Painting Exhibition and pictures describing the persecution of Falun Gong in China were put on display. A dance performance and poetry recitals also accompanied the art works.
Article from a UK University’s Student Union Magazine
2005-03-26'Banned in China in 1999 after mass protests at the illegal detention and beating of practitioners, the spiritual movement Falun Dafa will soon be represented in Bristol as Friends of Falun Dafa joins the list of official Union societies...It is this spiritual aspect of Falun Dafa, along with its huge size and ability to mobilise widespread support, that alarmed the Communist authorities. With members of Falun Dafa exceeding Communist Party membership, the government began to denounce the practice and eventually banned it, persecuting all those who continue to be associated with it.'
Switzerland: Practitioners hold an Anti-torture Exhibition during a Parliamentary Meeting in Bern
2005-03-25During the United Nations Human Rights Convention, a meeting of the Swiss Parliament was held in the capital city of Bern. To let more people know about the campaign of genocide being waged against Falun Gong practitioners in China, Swiss practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in the city centre on 17th March. A similar exhibition was held in front of the United Nations building.
Dutch TV News reports on the Persecution Against Falun Dafa
2005-03-25The broadcast revealed that Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual movement. The movement counts 70 million practitioners in China alone, more than the Communist Party in that country. Therefore, Falun Gong is perceived as a threat by the people in power. The programme went on to state that according to Amnesty International, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned in China and more than 1,500 practitioners have already died in custody. The figures are, however, difficult to verify, because the persecution takes place in secret labour camps.
Holland: Tourists from Different Countries see Anti-torture Exhibition in Amsterdam
2005-03-24On the afternoon of the 20th of March 2005, Dutch Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition at Dam Square in Amsterdam, exposing the Chinese Communist Party and the Jiang Zemin regime’s inhumane persecution against Falun Gong. The weather on this day was excellent and there were lots of tourists.
UK MP Supports the Rescue of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-03-23Mr. Robinson said: “They are put in jail only for their belief, which is harmless to others. It is wrong to persecute them. This is actually not just an issue of Falun Gong practitioner’s rights. It’s about everybody’s rights. Everyone has the right to seek justice and impartiality. From this point on, I’m glad to be taking part in this. I feel that I must do something about this. Today, the signature collecting for this petition is completed. However, we will never stop calling on the public to condemn this brutal persecution.”
Sweden: Taking Part in Iranian New Year Celebrations
2005-03-23In order to promote Falun Gong and expose the persecution against the practice in Mainland China, practitioners in Gothenburg took part in celebration activities for the Iranian New Year on March 15th. Practitioners distributed brochures and beautiful paper lotus flowers. Owing to many people coming from the Iranian community, they also gave out brochures in Iranian.
Western Media Pay Attention to the Contract Renewal between NTDTV and the French Satellite Communication Company
2005-03-23Dynasty TV and the French satellite communication Company Eutelsat is now a point of concern for the western media. The Wall Street Journal Europe featured an editorial article with the title “New Tang Dynasty TV Station causes a commotion” on 16th March, criticising the French company for stopping the broadcast of NTDTV to Asian areas and pointing out that the Eutelsat Satellite Company, which has always boasted itself as upholding freedom of speech, is displaying double-standards
Eutelsat’s Termination of NTDTV's Transmission to China causes Public Outcry
2005-03-22New York-based New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) and Reporters Without Borders held a joint press conference in Brussels on the afternoon of the 15th of March, condemning the European satellite operator Eutelsat’s decision not to renew the contract under which independent, Chinese-language broadcaster NTDTV uses Eutelsat satellites to broadcast to Asia and China.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition held outside the United Nations Building during the UN Human Rights Commission
2005-03-22On the 14th of March, the annual United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) opened in Geneva. Dafa practitioners in Switzerland applied to hold an anti-torture exhibition in the afternoon of the 16th of March. They exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s atrocious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners to the people taking part in the UNHRC.