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Sweden: "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" Shine in Children's Hearts (2)
2005-04-05Nordic Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Stockholm during the Easter holidays to study the teachings of Falun Gong and share cultivation experiences. Little practitioners also got together to play, sing, make all kinds of Falun emblems or lotus flowers and recite Master Li’s poems. Every one of them had glowing healthy faces. Their innocence and sincerity deeply moved everybody.
Sweden: A Song about Human Rights in China was Enjoyed by Big Audiences at my College
2005-04-04I am studying music at a college in the south east of Sweden. On the 2nd of March, the students were scheduled to show the school, along with their friends and relatives, what they have been doing in the classes by holding a Pop Night. I performed one of my own songs called "We Want Freedom for the People", which is about human rights in China.
Falun Gong Practitioners were invited to the European Parliament on International Women’s Day
2005-04-03On March 7th 2005, Xiong Wei and Chen Yin, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and France who personally experienced persecution in China’s labour camps, were invited to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg. They met with German MP Mr Gahler, who offered his heartfelt support, and they spoke in a press conference in the EU Council Chamber.
Austria: The 2005 Austrian Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference was held Successfully in Hallelin
2005-04-03On Saturday March the 5th 2005, Austria’s third national Falun Gong experience sharing conference was held in Hallelin, near Salzburg. Everyone in the room was touched by the warm and heartfelt environment. Thirteen practitioners talked about their understanding of the Fa and their experiences in activities to raise awareness about the persecution.
Slovak Republic: Introducing the Book Zhuan Falun to Slovak Readers
2005-04-02The book Zhuan Falun was introduced to the Slovak people in Bratislava’s Panta Rhei bookstore. Zhuan Falun is the main text of Falun Dafa and is the book that guides the 100 million Falun Gong practitioners through their cultivation practice. The book was launched this month and is now on sale in all good bookshops throughout the Slovak Republic.
Official Founding Statement of the Swiss “Friends of Falun Gong” Association
2005-04-02"The Swiss Friends of Falun Gong Association was founded 2030 days after the beginning of the persecution against Falun Gong officially began in China. Swiss Friends of Falun Gong was founded to expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners through a number of different activities. FoFG also will expose the truth of the persecution to the general public and will work towards the end of the persecution perpetrated by China. Switzerland’s Friends of Falun Gong intends to give moral support to the Falun Gong practitioners in China. At the same time, this association will participate in the worldwide efforts that call upon the Chinese authorities to end the genocide..."
Radio France Internationale: Renowned Canadian Lawyer Appeals to Rescue Chinese Lawyer Guo Guoting
2005-04-02Lawyer Ansley, with the agreement of lawyer Guo Guoting, made a point that on the one hand China is violating lawyers’ rights, publicly scorning the legal system, while on the other hand it is hoping to obtain the recognition of the Association of Canadian Lawyers and the Canadian Government. He hopes that Canadian lawyers will work together to rescue Guo Guoting.
Sweden: Appealing for an End to the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy
2005-04-01Practitioners sat peacefully on the ground that was covered with ice and snow. They didn't come to the Chinese Embassy to pursue personal interests, but to help more people, including the embassy staff members, understand the persecution that the Chinese Communist regime has conducted against Falun Gong.
Ukraine: Police Support the Anti-Torture Exhibition outside the Embassy
2005-04-01Practitioners in Ukraine held an anti-torture exhibition at the Chinese Embassy, hoping that more people would get to know about the cruel persecution against the spiritual practice in China. Two of the most common tortures used by the Chinese Communist Party in attempts to force practitioners to give up their beliefs were re-enacted.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibitions Attract Attention in Downtown Geneva
2005-03-31During the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, practitioners are holding weekly anti-torture exhibitions to expose the persecution against Falun Gong in China. After learning about the persecution, people signed their names to call for an end to these human rights atrocities that have been committed by the Chinese Communist Party.
Germany: Practitioners were Invited to Introduce Falun Gong on World Citizens Day
2005-03-31On March 20th 2005, Germany’s first “World Citizens Day” was held in the city of Magdeburg. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the five sets of exercises at the event. With the soothing and pleasant exercise music playing in the background and the graceful exercise movements being demonstrated on the stage, a practitioner introduced Falun Gong to the audience. The practitioner talked about Falun Gong’s sudden rise to popularity, with 100 million practitioners around the world by 1998 after being introduced to the public in 1992. He also talked about the principles behind the practice before going on to outline the campaign of genocide that has been waged against Falun Gong in China for the past six years.
Switzerland: "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition Moves Visitors in Geneva
2005-03-30The 61st session of the UN Commission on Human Rights is currently convening in Geneva. At the same time, the "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition sponsored by the Swiss Falun Dafa Association was unveiled on March 21st 2005, in the Grutli Art Centre, Geneva. The exhibition will be held for a month and conclude on April 22.
Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition Awakens People's Hearts
2005-03-30In the background of this scene hung a banner, which contained photos of torture victims and a line reading “SOS! Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners: Deadly Torture in China.” An information stand was set up by German practitioners who hoped that they could bring people's attention to the suppression and brutal persecution happening in China.
Sweden: “Truth-Compassion-Tolerance” Shines in Children’s Hearts (1)
2005-03-30Falun Dafa practitioners from Nordic countries gathered in Stockholm on March 25 to spend the Easter weekend together. After dinner one evening, the children surprised the adults by staging a performance. They sang songs and recited some poetry. Their pureness and sincerity won a long round of applause.
France: Promoting Falun Gong in the City of St. Louis
2005-03-29St. Louis, located in France’s Alsace province, is a small city on the Swiss border. Several weeks ago, in order to help more people learn about Falun Gong and the serious human rights violations against practitioners in China, we decided to introduce Falun Gong to the people of St. Louis. Many people had already heard about the practice and were interested in finding out more.