Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Song Guixiang and Three Others in Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province Facing Sentencing and Forced Labour
2011-05-09Officers from the Jiaozhou 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the police department in Shandong Province intend to sentence Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Song Guixiang, Ms. Li Yuzhen, Ms. Song Guilan, and Mr. Song Yongzhan on April 23rd. Ms. Song Guixiang and Ms. Song Guilan are both sixty-seven years old. They were outstanding teachers in Qingdao and dedicated their lives to education. They developed heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. After they started practising Falun Gong, all their diseases disappeared. They both regained new lives. All the practitioners were arrested because they used peaceful methods to expose the persecution of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Nanfang Abused with Many Torture Methods—Part 1
2011-05-08Mr. Wang Nanfang is being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for believing in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As a result, gruesome scars cover his body. In 2008 he was arrested and taken to Qingyuan Township Police Station. Police tied his four limbs and head tightly to an iron chair. While Mr. Wang was in pain, Hou Shaowei and Sun Yeming tried to get information about other practitioners from him. He didn't cooperate with them. Then they shocked him with electric batons. They also tortured Mr. Wang by force-feeding him alcohol, making him inhale cigarette smoke, and poking his ribs with a toothbrush.
Three Practitioners from Guangshan County, Henan Province Sentenced to Imprisonment
2011-05-08Early in 2011, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Zezhi to four years of imprisonment, without a trial. Practitioner Ms. Li Fang'e, 74 years old, was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment, with a conditional probation period of 5 years prior to the sentence being carried out. Practitioner Mr. He Yuanlang was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment. On March 9th Ms. Liu was sent to the Women's Prison of Henan Province in Xinxiang City, and Mr. He was sent to the Xinmi Prison in Zhengzhou City.
Prison Refuses to Issue Compensation--Widow of Mr. Wang Gang Seeks Review of Provincial Authority
2011-05-08Falun Gong practitioner Wang Gang of Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, was persecuted to death while in prison. His wife, Ren Guifang, presented a "Claim for State Compensation (Criminal Compensation) Application" to Jidong Prison in Tangshan and Baoding Prison in Hebei on December 15th, 2010, requesting compensation for her husband’s death. Two months later, neither of the prisons had processed the application. The assaults, abuse, and other harmful acts he was subjected to while in custody injured Wang Gang and resulted in his leg being amputated. After surgery, Mr. Wang did not receive adequate medical treatment at either of the two prisons for a long time.
Ms. Zhao Lianmin Brutally Beaten to Point of Mental Disorder Before Her Death
2011-05-08Ms. Zhao Lianmin died as a result of being persecuted for her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Zhao is the fourth Falun Gong practitioner to be persecuted to death in Laishui Township, Hebei Province. In 2003, Ms. Zhao was held in the Laishui County Detention Centre, where she was violently tortured. The guards took her to the courtyard and severely beat her, and her constant screams could be heard from inside the walls. Ms. Zhao developed a mental disorder from the abuse. When she was taken home, her eyes were dull and her body was deformed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened her family and ordered them not to help her to do the exercises or study Falun Gong teachings.
Imprisoned for More than Seven of the Last Ten Years, Ms. Zheng Baohua Dies at Age 32
2011-05-07Ms. Zheng Baohua was a Falun Gong practitioner from Renqiu City, Hebei Province. From 2000 to 2009, she was imprisoned four times and the length of her imprisonment totalled more than seven years. In 2008 Ms. Zheng was arrested for telling others about Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in the Tangshan Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp, where she was abused. The guards beat her, poured cold water over her, shocked her using electric batons, deprived her of sleep and toilet use, and subjected her to brutal forced-feeding when she went on hunger strike to protest the torture Ms. Zheng was released in November 2009, because she had late-stage tuberculosis. She died on April 18th, at the age of 32.
Mr. Zhang Peng Given Extended Term after Suffering Ten Years of Torture and Abuse at Wuling Prison in Hunan Province
2011-05-07Mr. Zhang Peng was arrested in Changsha City, Hunan Province in February 2001. The court sentenced him to 10 years in prison. In Wuling Prison in November 2005, because he refused to wear a prison uniform, the guards tortured Mr. Zhang by handcuffing him with his arms behind his back. They pulled one of his arms over the shoulder and his other arm from behind the back, and handcuffed the wrists together to form a straight line. Mr. Zhang's body was forced to bend over as if he was carrying a heavy object on his back. He was handcuffed this way for four to five hours. When the handcuffs were removed, he could not straighten his back. He was 28 years old at the time. The Wuling Prison has extended his term by 18 months, so Mr. Zhang is still being detained there.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuxue Experience Aphasia After Being Given Unknown Drugs
2011-05-07Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wu Qing, Ms. Shao Chunying, Ms. Chen Xuezhen, Mr. Ju Jianxun, and Mr. Tao Jinlong were transferred from Hubei Brainwashing Centre to Wuxue Detention Centre in mid-January 2011. Some of them were given unknown drugs, which resulted in dementia and aphasia (loss of speech). Wuxue Police Station directed the detention centre to not allow the practitioners’ families to visit, in order to prevent people from finding out how the Falun Gong practitioners were mistreated at the centre.
Deyang Prison Officials Deny Older Practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin Family Visits Three Times
2011-05-0763-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin was sentenced to five years in prison in October 2008. He has been held in Ward No.6 at Deyang Prison. He developed symptoms of serious illness as a result of the physical abuse and mistreatment, but the prison officials won't allow him to be released on medical parole and denied his family's visits three times.
Tianjin Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Jingxiang in a Life-threatening Condition after Four Detentions
2011-05-06Dongli District police agents arrested Ms. Wang Jingxiang four times between 2000 and 2010 and ransacked her home. She was detained and tortured in the Banqiao Women’s Labour Camp for a total of six years. During these periods of detention, she was beaten, force-fed, and given nerve-damaging as well as aphrodisiac drugs through her food. As a result, she has acquired various illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, gastric haemorrhage, and cerebral infarction. She has been in critical condition several times.
Persecution of Mr. Qi Shuangyuan in Jiamusi Prison
2011-05-06On the evening of September 4th, 2008, practitioner Qi Shuangyuan was arrested by police when he was chatting with his family members and neighbours outside. He was sentenced to a six-year prison term on November 21st. He was put into Jiamusi Prison on January 20th, 2009. In March 2010, he started having convulsions and fell unconscious eight times.
Ms. Gao Yinglian Persecuted in Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanxi Province
2011-05-06In 2005, police arrested Ms. Gao Yinglian and sent her to a detention centre. Ten months later, she was taken to Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp. During a physical examination Ms. Gao was found to have several illnesses. Camp officials not only refused to release her, they used a number of means to physically abuse and torture her. She was forced to perform hard labour during the day, stand in strenuous positions for long periods of time, and watch TV programmes that slandered Falun Gong. She was forbidden to sleep at times or was only allowed minimal sleep at night. When Ms. Gao refused to write a guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Gong, the guards left her outside, exposing her to the burning sun, and made her run for long periods of time. She lost consciousness twice.
Why Would Anyone Want to “Reform” Such a Great Student?
2011-05-06Student Falun Gong practitioner Yi Song was arrested by police and the security section of Changzhou University on March 22nd. Every day, at least four police officers monitor him around the clock. Moreover, the leaders, teachers, and students of Changzhou University have been told to talk to Yi Song to try to persuade him to give up practising Falun Gong. Yi Song's mother pleaded with the head of the local 610 Office, Ji Liming, to allow her to see her son. She said, “You are also a father, so you can understand how I long to see my son. If I can have just one glimpse of him, my mind will be at ease. Please!” Ji Liming said, “No way! I am a representative of the Chinese Communist Party. I am not talking to you as a father. Forget it!”
Falun Gong Practitioners Injected with Unknown Drugs at the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2011-05-05When guards in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp attempted to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their faith, they openly threatened practitioners by shouting: “Not going along with being "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] will result in you being tortured until you have mental disorders.” Practitioner Ms. Zhao Dewen, 52, was arrested by local police at her home in early 2001, and sentenced to one year of forced labour. She suffered severe persecution at the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp. She was brutally tortured by the guards after being force-fed sex hormones, resulting in severe bleeding. She died at the labour camp on June 3rd, 2003.
Ms. Zeng Xianmei Persecuted for 11 Years
2011-05-05Ms. Zeng Xianmei was arrested by police on March 22nd. She has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials for her belief in Falun Gong for over 11 years. Her current whereabouts are unknown. On April 14th, Ms. Zeng's husband, younger brother and two younger sisters travelled to Wuhan Public Security Bureau to demand her release. Officials confirmed that Ms. Zeng was being detained in a brainwashing centre in Wuhan but refused to disclose which centre. They told the family that Ms. Zeng was detained to be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong].