Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Practitioner Mr. Chen Yuanzeng in Liaoning Province Suffered From Severe Persecution

    On December 8th, 2006, Mr. Chen was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the truth about Falun Dafa. Someone informed the police. The police took him to the Zhuanghe Detention Centre. The liver cirrhosis ascites recurred that he had had before practising Dafa. He became so weak that he could not walk. Mr. Chen was suffering from severe symptoms, experiencing severe pain in the liver and stomach. He asked the police for medical attention, but the prison doctor was unsympathetic because the overseas media publicised his participation in the persecution. This doctor had once force-fed practitioners with hot pepper powder. The doctor said, "I don't treat Falun Gong practitioners."
  • Update on the Plight of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhao Yongcai from Shulan City, Jilin Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Yongcai from Shulan City, Jilin Province is still being detained in the Nanshan Detention Centre, and his prison term has been extended by nine months. We have learned that Zhao Yongcai has launched a hunger strike to protest this persecution and that his life is in danger. When he was arrested in May 2006 police punched and kicked him. They also wrapped several layers of plastic bags around Mr. Zhao Yongcai's head, causing him to lose consciousness and almost suffocating him. They poured mustard oil into his nose, causing severe headaches, damage to his lungs and swelling of his nose. Mr. Zhao Yongcai's wife has now fallen ill as a result of everything that has happened.
  • The Persecution of Mr. Li Shangshi, Former Manager of the Liaoning Panjin Forest Products Company, Reveals the Injustice of the Legal Process under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    59-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Shangshi was a college-educated manager at the Panjin Forest Products Company in Liaoning Province. Mr. Li was arrested on two occasions for practising Falun Gong. The first time, he was sentenced to prison for three years. At the court the lawyer assigned by the court to defend Mr Li said, "The government has made the practice of Falun Gong illegal, so you must be guilty." On April 20th, 2004, Mr. Li was again sentenced, this time to fourteen years in prison.
  • Wang Bo and Her Parents Sentenced to Four and Five Years in Prison

    25-year-old practitioner Ms. Wang Bo was falsely charged with "using a cult organisation to disrupt the administration of law" and was sentenced to five years in prison by the Chinese Communist government in early February 2007. Her father Wang Xinzhong and mother Liu Shuqin were equally charged, and each was sentenced to four years in prison.
  • Practitioners Ms. Chen Peizhu and Ms. Huang Cailan from Guangxi Autonomous Region Sentenced in October 2006

    On June 4th, 2006, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Peizhu and Ms. Huang Cailan at their homes. An court hearing was held secretly in October. Family members were not informed of the hearing until an insider told them about it less than one day before. The Prosecutor's Office at the Longlin County Procuratorate brought fabricated charges against them in the absence of a defence lawyer or witnesses. Ms. Chen Peizhu wanted to share her experiences of practising Falun Gong with the court, but the Chief Justice rejected her request.
  • Bloody Scene on Tiananmen Square

    On February 9th, 2007, two fellow practitioners and I walked around Tiananmen Square. We saw a man sitting still on the ground, but I didn't see clearly what he was doing. Out of nowhere police suddenly came towards that man. Soon they pressed him to the ground and showered him with kicks. A police car drove in and the police dragged him to the car.
  • The Backyard at Harbin City Police Hospital, Heilongjiang Province

    Few people know that the Harbin City Police Hospital has a backyard. In October 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Zhong from Daqin City was murdered there. A second practitioner, a farmer, was also murdered there not long ago, although the story is only now becoming known. On August 10th, 2006 Mr. Zhang Zhong was visiting a friend when police arrested him and took him to the Nangang District Police Division Detention Centre. Mr. Zhang was brutally tortured. After about ten days, he was transferred to the Harbin City Police Hospital where the torture continued. Only about ten days later, on October 16th, the police hospital suddenly told Daqing Prison to notify Mr. Zhang's family of his death.
  • "Pouring Into an Ice Pipe" -- A Torture at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    Wanjia Forced Labour Camp staff brutally persecute imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners. In the winter, they open the window and strip off practitioners' clothing, and force them to sit on iron chairs with both hands handcuffed behind the back. The practitioners are forced to step on the ice-cold cement ground barefoot while water was poured on them. After the water freezes, their feet are frozen in the ice. The perpetrators call this punishment "Pouring Into an Ice Pipe." Sometimes, practitioners were handcuffed behind the back to the top of a two-metre-high bunk bed. Their feet were off the ground and the weight of the whole body fell on the wrists. At the very least, they went numb in both hands and fell unconscious; some were crippled in both arms from this torture. An elderly practitioner was hung up like this for three days straight, and eventually died.
  • Practitioner Ms. Liu Junlu's Arm Is Disabled Due to Torture in the Women's Prison of Liaoning Province

    Ms. Liu Junlu was sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment after she was arrested for attending a Falun Dafa conference. She was hung up by her legs and exposed to the cold air through an open window. She was forced to wear shackles and the inmates trod on the shackle cuffs. One of Ms. Lu Junlu's arms was disabled due to the torture, and she could not move it.
  • Shanghai Normal University Authorities Persecute Mr. Guo Shenghuan and His Family

    Mr. Guo Shenghuan, a teacher in the College of Digital Information, Shanghai Normal University, was arrested at work on the morning of January 25th, 2007. After the arrest, Assistant Dean Gu Guoxiang told the people who knew about the incident, "If anybody asks, you just say that Guo Shenghuan never came to work." Mr. Guo is being unlawfully detained in the Xuhui District Detention Centre. That same day, Mr. Guo Shenhuan's wife, also a practitioner, Zhang Yuxia was arrested while working in the Shanghai Hongqiao International School and was dismissed from the school. At that time, she was still nursing her baby.
  • Tears at a Time for Family Reunions - On Behalf of Helpless Falun Gong Orphans (Photos)

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shao Hui from Huadian died as a result of persecution in Jilin City in August 2002. Even now, his son Shao Linyao doesn't know that his father was murdered. Shao Linyao had a joyless childhood as he lived through the police repeatedly arresting his parents. He endured loneliness, helplessness, fear and worry from a young age.
  • First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 7)

    One day at 1 a.m., the guards locked all the metal gates in the hallway. Two guards and five or six drug addict inmates brutally beat practitioner Ms. Lang Dongyue. These inhuman people also assaulted Ms. Lang sexually and used high-heel shoes to step on her over and over again with as much force as possible.One morning, despite it being very cold outside, Jiao ordered all practitioners to go outside and knit there. When we returned after four hours, everything in the Class Three room was scattered around. There was a great mess. We also saw five criminals surrounding practitioner Tao and brutally beating her. The heating pipe was broken, too. Ms. Tao's chest and stomach were injured and she had pain when breathing. Her private parts were also injured.
  • Practitioner Mr. Chang Yongfu, 44, From Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution in a Labour Camp and Abuse in Mental Hospitals and from 610 Office

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Chang Yongfu was taken home by his family around 5:00 a.m. on January 18th, 2007. He had been at the Puning Mental Hospital in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. He passed away later as a result of brutal tortures he suffered at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City and at two mental hospitals. He bled from both ears and the corners of his eyes. His nasal cavities contained congealed blood. Blood was found inside his mouth.
  • Practitioners Who Are Government Officials Persecuted in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

    Because she persisted in Dafa practice, 610 Office agents Ms. Li Guoe to a brainwashing centre, where they savagely abused her both physically and mentally. They subjected her to sleep deprivation, flooded her with propaganda, encouraged her family to pressure her, and force-fed her through her nose. They used a hard, thick tube taken from a gas tank and inserted it through her nose into her stomach. They purposely pulled the tube back and forth to increase her pain. Li Guoe's teeth became loose after the feedings, and she could not eat or drink normally. She eventually broke free, but was still closely monitored and does not have any personal freedom.
  • First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 6)

    There are about 130 people in each team in the camp, 90 per cent of whom are practitioners. There must be at least 1,000 practitioners in the camp, but they are never given the task of cooking. Only drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, pornography vendors, and thieves can work in the kitchen. [Chinese buns are supposed to be fluffy and slightly sweet], but practitioners are constantly served with sticky buns, sour buns, salty buns, or rock-hard buns. Boiled vegetables taste like swill and constantly contain worms, bugs, flies, weed stems, and a residue of dirt on the bottom. Later the menu improved slightly and streaky pork or boiled pork skin was added to the menu twice a week but in meagre rations. In fact, many practitioners often don't get any pork at all. Occasionally fried eggs were added to the menu but meagrely rationed as well.