Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Banner with Words "Falun Dafa Is Great" Appears at the Yudu Mountain Attraction Point in Beijing
2004-10-22In July of 2004, at the Yudu Mountain attraction point in Beijing, a banner with words, "Falun Dafa is great!" appeared could be seen shining in the sunshine. In China it is common practise for Falun Gong practitioners to hang banners relating to Falun Gong as a way of appealing to the people of China to help them realise that the persecution initiated by the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin is wrong.
Practitioner Dies After Going Through Unbearable Suffering from Persecution
2004-10-21Mr. Niu Xigong, a conscientious citizen and a person who used to suffer from severe illnesses and who had benefitted greatly from practising Falun Gong, could not bear the pressure any longer after many instances of persecution. The long-time physical torture and mental torment had pushed Mr. Niu's endurance to the limit, and in the evening of August 28, 2004 he passed away, leaving behind his loved ones.
Additional Information about Peng Guangjun's Murder at the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2004-10-21Mr. Peng Guangjun lived in Huairou County, Beijing. On January 15, 2004, he was transferred to the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp from the Beijing Forced Labour Camp Distribution Centre, which is part of the Department of Forced Labour Education in Beijing. On January 22, 2004, when the labour camp was holding the flag-raising ceremony in front of all prisoners, Peng Guangjun loudly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" He suffered violent beating, electric shocking, and sleep deprivation, and was tortured to death within less than four days.
Chinese Practitioners Reenact Torture Methods Used in Jiamusi Forced Labour Institute, Heilongjiang Province (Photos)
2004-10-21Torture method: Sitting on stool, hands shackled to a heating pipe: In this torture, the victim is ordered to sit on a small stool with both hands handcuffed to heating pipe behind him or her. The warden will order the practitioner to sit for seven days continuously, without sleep. After such a long time of keeping same position, the victims' arms will become swollen, and the back will be injured and in extreme pain. After being deprived of sleep for as long as seven days, victims have a high probability of becoming mentally disoriented.
"610 Office" Chief Poisons Young Students with Lies
2004-10-21Recently, Lu Guocheng, "610 Office" director, personally arranged for and forced the children of some company employees, who are in primary and secondary school, to fill out a "Falun Gong's situation investigation chart" and also compelled them to take a stand against Falun Gong. This is how Lu Guocheng implants lies and hatred into innocent children. [Note: Big enterprises in China often have their own primary and secondary schools for the employees' children.]
Sichuan Province Practitioner Mr Guan Xuehe Dies of Torture
2004-10-20Mr. Guan Xuehe was a 50 year old ironsmith from Sichuan Province. At the end of March 2003, he was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Before he was taken to the labour camp, he was brutally beaten by police at the detention centre. The beating was so brutal that he could not even stand up. Under the tremendous physical and mental persecution, he developed lung cancer around July 2004. The labour camp sent him home, fearing that he might die in the camp. Yet he died in hospital on October 4, 2004.
Practitioner Ms. Chen Lijun from Zhengzhou City Is Tortured to Death
2004-10-2040-year-old practitioner Ms. Chen Lijun from Henan Province, was detained twice at Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City. During her detention at the forced labour camp Ms. Chen suffered from all kinds of torture, including "Tying the Ropes". The prison guards and criminals punched her chest, abdomen and private parts. They stuffed human excrement, feminine napkins and dirty rags into her mouth. Ms. Chen died on September 29, 2004.
Mr. Tan Guoyi from Heilongjiang Province Dies As a Result of the Persecution of His Family
2004-10-20Mr. Tan Guoyi, a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, suffered constant harassment and persecution by the police. He missed his son, who was also a practitioner and who had been sentenced to nine years in prison. Mr. Tan's fourth daughter was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labour camp. Tan had many worries. Mr. Tan has two young grandsons who needed to be taken care of, and his wife was ill. His health condition got worse and eventually caused his death on July 3, 2004, at the age of 67.
Dialogue in a College Dormitory: "Why Haven't We Ever Considered These Questions?"
2004-10-20I am a college student in Shandong Province, China, but I have had the most extraordinary experiences over the past five years because my mother is a determined Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa) practitioner. Jiang Zemin started his senseless persecution against Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, and after five years I continue to be touched by the efforts of practitioners in China. They have been unfailingly peaceful in the face of the ruthless torture and persecution, and they persevere in practicing Falun Gong and in telling people the truth about Falun Gong.
Twenty-Six Additional Cases of Practitioners Who Died as a Result of Torture in China are Verified in September
2004-10-19According to information reported on Minghui Net [the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net], another twenty-six cases of innocent Falun Gong practitioners dying as a result of torture in China were verified in September 2004. These death cases were verified through civilian channels and increased the total number of Falun Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death or died as a result of torture in China to 1,060.
More Information About Ms. Tang Yiwen (Photo)
2004-10-19"In 1998 I met Yiwen in Guangzhou when I went back to China for a visit. We had a wonderful talk. Over a year later, Jiang's regime started the suppression of Falun Gong in China. I could not help worrying about Yiwen then: She had only started to practise a little over a year ago. Could she withstand this ordeal? Later, I learned that the police had detained and brutally tortured her, to the point where her legs were disabled, and the only reason for this abuse was that she upheld her belief in Falun Dafa and would not tell a lie against her conscience."
The Appeal Office Openly Abuses a Practitioner's Family Who Went Appeal
2004-10-19On September 21, 2004 practitioner Ms. Ma Ling, 47, was arrested and detained by the national security squad of the Wuhua Police Station, who fabricated the charge of "being involved in an evil cult" against her. On September 25, 2004, Ma Ling's daughter and brother went to the appeal office at the Kunming City Police Department to discuss Ma Ling's arrest. they were kept waiting for a long time. Before they were seen to some of the officers began trying to physically move them out of the way, while they were closing the gate of the appeal office.
Persistant Persecution Leads to Death of Practitioner Ms. Dong Yanping from Hebei Province
2004-10-18Ms. Dong Yangping, 56 years old. After July 20, 1999, when the practice was banned, she refused to give up Falun Gong practice. Consequently, police searched her home several times. In 2001 the police arrested her husband, daughter and her and took them to the police station. She was beaten and locked in a metal cage, doing her immense spiritual and bodily harm. During the daytime she was absentminded, and at night she could not sleep. In April 2004, her work unit stopped paying her salary, so her financial resources were cut off. On September 28, 2004 she died tragically.
Details About the Death of 55 Year Old Henan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Liu Gai
2004-10-18Fifty-five year old Ms. Liu Gai was a resident of Henan Province. Since she was a firm believer in Falun Dafa, police arrested her and her daughter-in-law. Ms. Liu's daughter-in-law went to use the toilet, and when she came out, she found Ms. Liu unconscious, and her complexion was very pale. Police rushed her to the hospital but she died soon after. Upon seeing their mother's condition, the two sons were shocked. She had bruises all over her body, her clothes were torn apart, and stab wounds covered her arms.
Practitioner Ms Liang Qizhen from Liaoning Province Abducted and Taken to Masanjia - Father Passes Away in Anguish
2004-10-18Ms Liang Qizhen, 48, was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp due to explaining the facts about Falun Gong. On the ninth day after she was arrested, Liang Qizhen's father could not endure the blow caused by the news of his daughter's imprisonment, and he passed away in despair. Liang Qizhen's sister is heartbroken. Her elder sister is unlawfully imprisoned, her father is dead, her young nephew still needs nurturing, and her elderly mother needs to be looked after.