Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Yuren Exposes Atrocities at Liaoyang's Huazi Prison
2011-02-10Practitioner Mr. Zhou Yuren was arrested in May 2003, for exposing the death by torture of his younger sister Zhou Yuling. Mr. Zhou was sentenced to six years imprisonment, where he experienced and witnessed the persecution of practitioners in Liaoyang's Huazi Prison. Mr. Zhou exposed the atrocities after he was released from prison. 59 Falun Gong practitioners were being held at the Huazi Prison when he was there, and six died due to torture.
Han Weixin Persecuted for Seven Years
2011-02-10Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Han Weixin suffered persecution at the hands of the police several times. In 2002, Han Weixin and other practitioners showed people a DVD exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. They were stopped by the police. Five of the six practitioners were arrested and beaten. One of them was beaten so severely that his head was punctured from being beaten with a stick. Mr. Han was taken to the Xushui County Police Station, where officers interrogated and tortured him. They tied him to a bench, beat him with batons and shocked him with electric batons. They targeted his back and ankles, and used so much force that one of the batons actually broke on impact. That night, they also instigated criminal detainees to deprive Mr. Han of sleep. In October 2002. Mr. Han was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment for exposing the persecution and sent to the Baoding No.1 Prison.
An Overview of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Brainwashing Operations in 2010
2011-02-09According to incomplete statistics compiled by the Minghui website [Chinese version of the Falun Gong website Clearwisdom.net], over the past ten years the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has apportioned an enormous amount of money to local governments around the country to set up brainwashing facilities to “reform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners. Tens of thousands of practitioners are still held in brainwashing centres. The year 2010 alone saw 2,038 practitioners arrested in 28 provinces, direct-controlled municipalities and autonomous regions. More than half of those arrested were sent to brainwashing centres.
Older Ms. Du Yanrong’s Spine Fractured Due to Persecution in Gansu Women’s Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-09Practitioner Ms. Du Yanrong, 58, was arrested by police when she was telling people the facts about Falun Gong and distributing Falun Gong informational materials in June 2010. Ms. Du was sentenced to one year of forced labour and taken to Gansu Women’s Forced Labour Camp. In October, after exhaustive efforts, Ms. Du’s family members were allowed to visit her in the forced labour camp. They found that she had become thin and totally out of shape. Her hair was grey, she could not stand well, she trembled constantly, and was mentally confused. On January 18th, 2011, the forced labour camp authorities called her family members and asked them to come see her. When they arrived, Ms. Du was in bed with a fractured spine.
Ms. Liu Sulan from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Arrested and Facing Sentencing
2011-02-09On September 29th, 2010, Ms. Liu Sulan and Ms. Wang Min told a taxi driver about the goodness of Falun Gong and about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of it. They were reported and arrested by police and taken to Shenyang Detention Centre. Previously, Ms. Wang was sentenced to five years in prison in early 2002 and put into Dabei Prison in Shenyang. She was forced to do manual labour making clothes at the prison. She had to work for more than twelve hours each day, and sometimes until the next morning. When she refused to recite the prison regulations, the guards surrounded her with several inmates who recited the prison regulations to her. One time, she was caught reading a Falun Gong article. The guards shocked her with electric batons for a whole morning.
A Mother in her Eighties Travelled Hundreds of Miles to See Her Son in Detention, But Was Denied Visitation
2011-02-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Jingzhou was arrested on December 14th, 2010, and held in a detention centre. When his mother, Ms. Zhou Zulan, who is in her 80s, heard that her son had been arrested, she and several other relatives left their home on January 20th, to find him. They travelled on many buses, enduring bitter cold and snow, to get to the police station to enquire about her son. The police were very abusive towards them. Ms. Zhou and her relatives then travelled another 20 miles to the Dongxihu District Correctional Centre, the front office guard refused them entry, claiming he was off duty.
Ms. Gao Jie from Liaoning Province in Critical Condition Due to Persecution
2011-02-08Ms. Gao Jie, a 42-year-old doctor from Dadianzi Town, Tieling County, Liaoning Province, is unconscious and in critical condition as a result of suffering long-term persecution for her belief in Falun Gong. She is undergoing emergency treatment in the Tieling City Hospital. Ms. Gao was reported to the police as she explained the facts about Falun Gong on November 13th, 2007. Officers from the Tieling City Domestic Security Division arrested her at the clinic where she worked. The police ransacked her residence and confiscated a computer and Falun Gong books and materials. Her husband, Mr. Dong Qinyu, also a practitioner, was arrested as well, and the couple was held in a detention centre.
Mr. Man Shouzheng Became Ill and Died after Suffering Torture in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-08Mr. Man Shouzheng, 63, from Weifang City, Shandong Province, was sentenced to one year in a forced labour camp for practising Falun Gong. When he was released in March 2010, he could no longer talk because he had developed late-stage tongue cancer. He previously weighed 176 pounds, but after being severely persecuted in the labour camp he weighed less than 110 pounds. After nine months of torture and pain, Mr. Man passed away on December 3rd, 2010.
Nationally-Acclaimed Engineer Framed and Detained in a Brainwashing Centre
2011-02-08Mr. Yang Jianzhong and his wife, Ms. Bai Qunfang, are practitioners in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. They have been persecuted again and again by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime for practising Falun Gong. Ms. Bai was forcibly taken to a Xinjin brainwashing centre on September 15th, 2010. Mr. Yang was arrested and detained in Xinjin Brainwashing Centre for 49 days. Mr. Yang was released on November 30th. For over a month after he was released, he was drowsy all day and suffered serious memory loss.
Ms. He Zhiwei Severely Persecuted in Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre
2011-02-08Ms. He Zhiwei was arrested by agents from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) on the morning of April 9th, 2009. She was initially held at the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre and the Zhanjiang Brainwashing Centre but was transferred to the Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre in October 2009. She was tortured in both the Zhanjiang and Guangzhou brainwashing centres in authorities' attempts to force her to renounce Falun Gong. Ms. He was released on December 23rd, 2010.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-07Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp began imprisoning and torturing Falun Gong practitioners in September 1999. The camp guards use several torture techniques on practitioners, including brainwashing, physical punishment, sleep deprivation, hanging up by handcuffs, force-feeding, and electric shock. The guards force practitioners to do slave labour from 5:00 a.m. to midnight. Some practitioners have been tortured until they lost their sanity; some died. In the summer of 2001, guard Zhang Siqin ordered inmate Zhang Lijuan to force-feed Ms. Qing Kejing from Baotou. The camp prisoners heard Ms. Qin scream every day at 1:00 p.m. She died in early 2003.
Ms. Li Xiaoxia Sentenced to Forced Labour Twice, Her Family Torn Apart
2011-02-07Ms. Li Xiaoxia has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because she refuses to renounce her practice of Falun Gong. In October 2000, she was sentenced to three years of forced labour. In September 2006, she was again sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. In her own words: "In the camp, I was forced to perform laborious work and tortured mentally and physically. I was cursed at, mocked, not allowed to use the toilet, and forced to sit on a chair for a long time. After three years, I was released."
Mr. Wang Xiaojian in Yichang City Faces Prosecution
2011-02-07Mr. Wang Xiaojian was arrested on November 12th, 2010 by officers from the Xiling District Domestic Security Division and the Yaowan Police Station in Yichang City, Hubei Province. The Xiling District Procuratorate is working on prosecuting him. According to sources within the Yichang City Police Department, many staff members in the city's police system, procuratorate, and court system are reluctant to engage in the persecution of Falun Gong. Those who work in this system and have become aware of the facts surrounding Falun Gong are afraid that they will be held responsible in the future for these illegal acts.
Five Jiaonan Practitioners Recently Arrested
2011-02-07Ms. Liu Huimin and four other practitioners from Jiaonan, Shandong Province were arrested by the local police on January 15th-16th, 2011. The police claimed that they would sentence the practitioners. On the afternoon of January 16th, Ms. Liu Meiqin, who is Ms. Liu Huimin's sister, went to Dacun Town to ask for her release. Ms. Liu Meiqin was then also arrested. Wang Zongli has been released from detention. On January 17th, the police went to ransack the homes of the practitioners. The five practitioners have been sent to the Dashan Detention Centre in Qingdao City, Shandong Province.
Ms. Zhang Yuhua Tortured in Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-06Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuhua was arrested in April 2009 and she was sentenced to one and a half years in Jiangsu Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was tortured in many ways and had her term extended because she refused to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. Within three months at the camp Ms. Zhang's health had deteriorated. Whenever she refused to cooperate with the guards, they ordered four inmates to drag her outside. They gave her little food and made her stand for long periods of time. She was released a few months ago.