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Germany: Exposing the Torture and Persecution at an Information Day in Erlangen
2004-11-11At the end of October 2004, Germany welcomed another Falun Dafa Information Day. Practitioners from Erlangen and neighboring cities demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and held an anti-torture exhibition, where they re-enacted how China’s prison guards torture people who believe in living by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Swedish Newspaper highlights the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners and Human Rights Abuses in China
2004-11-11Örebro in Sweden and Yantai in Shandong, China are sister cities. The article stated that Member of Swedish Parliament Mr. Sten Tolgfor demanded that the local government of Örebro County clarify how the human rights issues are being handled during their meetings with representatives from their sister city, Yantai. Mr. Tolgfor stressed that it is inexcusable to just honour the economic prospects of China and neglect the human rights abuses.
EFGIC: Falun Gong Death Cases Climb in September and October
2004-11-10'During September and October, sources in China reported 68 cases of people who died as a result of the persecution of Falun Gong. At the time of writing the deaths of 1,101 Falun Gong practitioners have been reported at an average of 17 cases per month. 42 cases were recorded in October, representing one of the highest monthly totals since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999.'
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Gong in England’s Biggest Town
2004-11-10When being informed that over 1000 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death in China, passers-by signed the petition without hesitation. During the petition-signing, practitioners met two local residents to whom we had introduced the truth of Falun Gong. Eager to learn the exercises, they had already attempted to contact local Falun Gong practitioners to find out about the local practice site. During today’s activities, they met us again and were informed of the location of the local practice site.
German Newspaper Rheinpfalz Reports on the Release of an Imprisoned Chinese Practitioner who Returned to Germany
2004-11-10'She was held for three months in an interim holding prison in North Beijing. She shared a cell with twenty other women. She was allowed a wooden bench for sleeping, but had to share it with three women. For food she was given highly salted Chinese cabbage full of maggots. During that period Xiong Wei was held in an apartment for two weeks with so-called re-education personnel who talked to her day and night, forbid her to sleep, beat her up and threatened to break each of her fingers, one at a time, if she would not sign a document renouncing Falun Gong.'
United Kingdom: Candlelit Vigil to Call for the Chief Persecutors to be brought to Justice
2004-11-09On 6th of November 2044, Dafa practitioners from London and other areas held a candlelit vigil to appeal to bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkong and Liu Jing to justice. These are the four main criminals responsible for the five years of persecution against Falun Gong in China.
German Newspaper Boulevard Baden: After Two Years of Detention in China, Wei Xiong, joins the Struggle for Human Rights
2004-11-09On September 29th she finally regained her freedom, after the efforts of the German government and a number of human rights organisations. She is presently traveling throughout Germany to thank everyone for all the efforts on her behalf, for regaining her freedom and at the same time to tell everyone about the Chinese labour camps and the persecution of Falun Gong adherents in China.
United Kingdom: Seven Days of Successful Activities during Cambridge Falun Dafa Week
2004-11-08During the Falun Dafa week, practitioners gave out more than fifteen thousand leaflets explaining Falun Gong in detail and exposing the persecution. Over a thousand petition signatures were collected calling for the instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin, to be brought to justice. Many others found out about Falun Gong from reading the posters or talking with practitioners.
Austrian Newspaper Reports on Jiang’s Persecution Being Exported to Europe
2004-11-08"The Austrian Government, outraged with the Chinese officials’ action, expedited the request by the thirty two year old economist. Wang experienced, as an admitted Falun Gong adherent, political persecution. Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, is a meditation practice banned by the Chinese regime."
France: People of All Ages Support Falun Gong during the Haute Savoie Autumn Fair
2004-11-07Members of the public were immediately drawn by the photos of the methods of torture used by the Jiang Regime to attempt to force Falun Gong practitioners in China to betray their beliefs. Many came to look for a long time, listened attentively to the practitioners’ explanations and were truly very touched. They asked what they could do to help as they signed the petition.
Russia: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to Young People in Community Activities
2004-11-07Dafa practitioners from Pyatigorsk city were invited to take part in a community activity where the participants were mainly young people. Practitioners took this opportunity to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and tell people about the campaign of genocide that is being waged against people who practise Falun Gong in China.
Hamburg’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Regional Chairman Dirk Fisher Declares Support for Falun Gong Practitioners’ Human Rights
2004-11-06"China’s human rights record has been and is still of great concern to us, as it has shown no improvement. Please be assured that the CDU Task Force for the Protection of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid (on the federal level), within the scope of its mandate, has given great attention to religious freedom and freedom of belief worldwide for many years...During all our activities, be they parliamentary initiatives, media releases and discussions, we have continuously raised the repression of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime."
Germany: Successful Falun Dafa Information Day was held in Düsseldorf
2004-11-06When practitioners were demonstrating the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, a reporter from one of the local news papers appeared, he was passing by chance with his camera and attracted by the exercise demonstrations. He thus approached the information desk and took shots of the demonstration and information desk for over ten minutes before he left.
Finland: Promoting Falun Gong at the Train Station in Helsinki
2004-11-06At lunchtime on the 30th of October 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners again visited the train station in Helsinki city in Finland. It is over two years since we first started our Saturday Dafa activities there in 2002. The people who see us and receive Dafa materials are countless and they are not just from Helsinki but from different cities in Finland and different countries.
Germany: Successful Anti-Torture Exhibition held near the Famous Church of Ulm
2004-11-05When the exhibition started, the crimes of the Jiang regime were exposed to local residents and tourists as practitioners re-enacted the vicious methods of torture used to attempt to force people to give up their belief in Falun Gong in China. After hearing the truth, people signed a petition to call for Jiang Zemin to be brought to justice in a court of law.